Load Review Requests
The following are requests made for updates to the ACIS Load Review software.
- Nance submitted:
Read the ASM bright source list and match any sources that we
might slew across.
- Sabina Bucher submitted:
Currently only FOT MP checks that the time that the Earth spends in the ACIS
radiator FOV is minimized during perigee passages. ACIS Ops should conduct an
independent check of this in their load review SW.
- Paul submitted:
I think we need to scrub the summary section to make it more relevant and
useful. I currently pay little attention to it. The 'Notes for ACIS Ops' have
probably outlived their usefullness and should be in the general documentation
of how to do the review and not in the review product itself.
- Paul submitted:
It would be useful to have the pitch angle for each observation and the
solid angle of the earth so that we could know ahead of time which observations
were likely to be cold and stable and those which are not likely to be cold
and stable.
- Joe DePasquale submitted
It would be great if the load review software would keep track of the actual electron belt entry and exit times (and perigee crossings) and write them to a data file.
Nancy Adams-Wolk
Last modified: Thu Apr 26 14:59:22 EDT 2007