Definitive List of Columns in tab-separated ASCII files for ACIS command procedures Col Title Description 1 Step # value like 1.0,1.1,1.2 indicating step in the procedure 2 Title 3 Time Predicted elasped time to execute step and verify if required, in minutes 4 CMD Description Text from IP&CL which will appear on SOT ACIS screens 5 CMD Mnemonic ACIS command mnemonics from IP&CL or Ford's SW command mnemonic memo 6 CMD EGSE Text on ACIS EGSE SW 7 Sequence Key Name of command sequence in the ODB 8 TLM Description Text from IP&CL which will appear on SOT ACIS screens 9 TLM Mnemonic ACIS telemetry mnemonics from IP&CL or SW telemetry structures 10 Expected Value Value of HW telemetry verifier 11 Units units of verifier 12 TLM EGSE Text on ACIS EGSE SW 13 Other Verifier Other HW or SW telemetry values which verify proper execution 14 Criticality 1: HW verifier must have right value to proceed 2: Expect HW verifier to have correct value but proceed regardless A: SW telemetry must have correct format to proceed B: Expect SW telemetry to have correct format but proceed regardless Blank: proceed without any verification 15 Description Additional text describing purpose or execution of step 16 Notes Footnotes for references or additional discussion 17 RT Con Real-time contact rewquired, either Y or blank for No 18 TLM Fmt TLM format required to execute step 19 Min Alt Required minimum altitude in thousands of km 20 SIM Pos Required SIM position, ACIS-I, ACIS-S, HRC-I, HRC-S The last row in the file will include a value for the total time computed by summing the entries in column \#3 above.