ACIS LOAD REVIEW OUTPUT:                                              
FOR REVIEW BY CXC ACIS OPS PERSONNEL                                  
USING /data/acis/LoadReviews/2019/APR0119/oflsb/CR091_1309.backstop   
LOAD HISTORY FROM: /data/acis/LoadReviews/2019/MAR2519/ofls/ACIS-History.txt
-- CHANDRA LOAD START --                                              
(FP SI,HETG status,LETG status,current OBSID,RadMon status,current TLM FMT,Dither)
2019:091:13:56:30.882    7341849  SIMTRANS    92904  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:091:13:58:30.282    7342315  SIMFOCUS     -536                   
2019:091:13:59:30.882    7342551  MP_OBSID    22169                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 22169:                                     
Target Name: RMJ135424.7-010247.8	SI Mode: TE_006E6                   
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: CCT                            

Exposure Time: 10	Remaining Exposure time: 10                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                              
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNNNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:091:13:59:30.882    7342551  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:13:59:34.882    7342567  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:091:14:00:37.882    7342813  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:091:14:03:53.126    7343575  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:14:03:57.126    7343590  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:14:04:01.126    7343606  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:091:14:04:25.126    7343700  ACISPKT     WSPOW00F1E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4;  I0 I1 I2 I3                 
2019:091:14:05:28.126    7343946  ACISPKT     WT006E6034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x006e6034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:091:14:05:32.126    7343961  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 22169                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_006E6B is WT006E6034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:091:14:05:36.126    7343977  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:091:14:05:40.126    7343992  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:091:17:12:50.126    7387817  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 10.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:091:17:12:50.126    7387817  SIMTRANS    75624  (ACIS-S)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:091:17:14:49.526    7388283  SIMFOCUS     -418                   
2019:091:17:15:50.126    7388519  MP_OBSID    22170                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 22170:                                     
Target Name: B2.2 2104+24	SI Mode: TE_005C6                           
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: CCT                            

Exposure Time: 16	Remaining Exposure time: 16                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                              
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNN NNYYYN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:091:17:15:50.126    7388519  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:17:15:54.126    7388535  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:091:17:16:08.926    7388593  SIMFOCUS     -468                   
2019:091:17:16:57.126    7388781  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:091:17:31:33.423    7392200  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:17:31:37.423    7392216  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:17:31:41.423    7392232  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:091:17:32:05.423    7392325  ACISPKT     WSPOW1C00E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3;  S2 S3 S4                      
2019:091:17:33:08.423    7392571  ACISPKT     WT005C6024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x005c6024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    6    8   10   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:091:17:33:12.423    7392587  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 22170                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_005C6B is WT005C6024 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:091:17:33:16.423    7392602  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:091:17:33:20.423    7392618  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:091:22:27:26.423    7461480  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 16.50 ks.                              
 This is 103.13% of the requested time.                               
2019:091:22:27:26.423    7461480  SIMTRANS    89432  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF -8.73 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:091:22:29:20.823    7461927  SIMFOCUS     -536                   
2019:091:22:30:26.423    7462183  MP_OBSID    21833                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21833:                                     
Target Name: A1795	SI Mode: TE_006E6                                  
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: CAL                            

Exposure Time: 25	Remaining Exposure time: 25                         
Offset: Y: -2.98	Z: 0	Z-sim: -8.73

ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNNNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: Y	Lower: 0.36	Range: 13                                 
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:091:22:30:26.423    7462183  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:22:30:30.423    7462198  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:091:22:31:33.423    7462444  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:091:22:41:44.554    7464829  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:22:41:48.554    7464845  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:091:22:41:52.554    7464860  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:091:22:42:16.554    7464954  ACISPKT     WSPOW00F1E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4;  I0 I1 I2 I3                 
2019:091:22:43:19.554    7465200  ACISPKT     WT006E6034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x006e6034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:091:22:43:23.554    7465216  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 21833                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_006E6B is WT006E6034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:091:22:43:27.554    7465231  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:091:22:43:31.554    7465247  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:091:23:25:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:091:19:25:01.285  EDT
2019:092:00:55:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:092:20:55:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:092:06:13:25.413    7570589  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 25.76 ks.                              
 This is 103.06% of the requested time.                               
2019:092:06:13:25.413    7570589  SIMTRANS   -99616   (HRC-S)         
2019:092:06:16:25.413    7571291  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:06:16:25.413    7571291  MP_OBSID    48293                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 0.0 minutes after stop science.             
>>>ERROR: ObsID change occurs less than 3 minutes after a stop science command.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48293:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48293                                    
2019:092:06:16:29.413    7571307  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:092:06:17:32.413    7571553  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:092:06:19:21.813    7571979  COMMAND_SW  OORMPDS                 
==>The requested SI_MODE for the inbound CTI is TE_00C60              
2019:092:06:19:21.813    7571979  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:06:19:25.813    7571995  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:06:19:29.813    7572011  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:092:06:19:53.813    7572104  ACISPKT     WSPOW08F3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S3            
2019:092:06:20:56.813    7572350  ACISPKT     WBTX_QUIET              
2019:092:06:21:00.813    7572366  ACISPKT     WT00C60014              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00c60014                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    3    2    1    0         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3750                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:092:06:21:04.813    7572381  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 48293                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00C60B is WT00C60014 and is stored.
2019:092:06:21:08.813    7572397  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:092:06:21:12.813    7572413  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:092:06:21:35.813    7572502  ACISPKT     RBTXINGALL              
2019:092:07:26:08.934    7587617  MP_OBSID    48292                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 66.7 minutes after stop science.            
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48292:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48292                                    
2019:092:09:03:01.813    7610301  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of  8.32 ks.                              
2019:092:09:03:17.724    7610364  MP_OBSID    48291                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 0.3 minutes after stop science.             
>>>ERROR: ObsID change occurs less than 3 minutes after a stop science command.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48291:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48291                                    
2019:092:09:06:01.813    7611004  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:09:06:01.813    7611004  ORBPOINT    EEF1000                 
  ==> Entry leg pad time is 10.00 ks.                                 
AE-8 EVENTS TIME CHECK:                                               
 from backstop: EE1RADZ0 = 092:09:06:01                               
 from CRM file: EE1RADZ0 = 092:09:06:01                               
 ==> CRM Pad Time: 10 ks and Backstop Pad Time: 10.00 ks agree.       
2019:092:09:06:10.813    7611039  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:092:09:07:13.813    7611285  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:092:10:06:01.813    7625053  ACISPKT     WSPOW0002A              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 3 5; All vids down                  
2019:092:10:07:04.813    7625298  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:092:10:51:40.000    7635738  MP_OBSID    48290                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48290:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48290                                    
2019:092:11:10:01.542 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:092:07:10:01.542  EDT
2019:092:11:30:40.974    7644874  MP_OBSID    48289                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48289:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48289                                    
2019:092:11:55:41.000    7650728  MP_OBSID    48288                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48288:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48288                                    
2019:092:11:57:41.000    7651196 AODSDITH  AODSDITH                   
WARNING:   ==> DITHER DISABLED                                        
2019:092:12:14:41.000    7655176  MP_OBSID    48287                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48287:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48287                                    
2019:092:12:38:41.000    7660796  MP_OBSID    48286                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48286:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48286                                    
2019:092:12:47:24.034    7662747  ORBPOINT   EPERIGEE                 
>>>ERROR: Time delta between EE1RADZ0/EEF1000 and EPERIGEE is less than 4.0 hrs.
>>>ERROR: Time delta between the last WSVIDALLDN and the 2nd last AA00000000 is greater than 10.0 mins!
2019:092:12:57:41.000    7665245  MP_OBSID    48285                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48285:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48285                                    
2019:092:13:21:41.000    7670864  MP_OBSID    48284                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48284:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48284                                    
2019:092:13:40:41.000    7675313  MP_OBSID    48283                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48283:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48283                                    
2019:092:14:04:41.000    7680932  MP_OBSID    48282                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48282:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48282                                    
2019:092:14:23:41.000    7685381  MP_OBSID    48281                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48281:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48281                                    
2019:092:14:47:41.000    7691001  MP_OBSID    48280                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48280:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48280                                    
2019:092:15:06:41.000    7695449  MP_OBSID    48279                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48279:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48279                                    
2019:092:15:30:41.000    7701069  MP_OBSID    48278                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48278:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48278                                    
2019:092:15:33:47.478    7701797 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:092:16:17:49.065    7712105  MP_OBSID    48277                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48277:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48277                                    
2019:092:17:20:01.542 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:092:13:20:01.542  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION: 370.00 mins.                                     
2019:092:18:17:14.541    7740068  MP_OBSID    48276                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48276:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48276                                    
2019:092:19:06:01.813    7751492  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:19:06:01.813    7751492  ORBPOINT    XEF1000                 
==> The requested SI_MODE for the outbound CTI is TE_007AC            
2019:092:19:06:05.813    7751507  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:19:06:09.813    7751523  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:092:19:06:33.813    7751617  ACISPKT     WSPOW0CF3F              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps; std I array                      
2019:092:19:07:36.813    7751862  ACISPKT     WBTX_QUIET              
2019:092:19:07:40.813    7751878  ACISPKT     WT007AC024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x007ac024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =    3    7    0    1    2    6         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3750                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:092:19:07:44.813    7751894  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 48276                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_007ACB is WT007AC024 and is stored.
2019:092:19:07:48.813    7751909  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:092:19:07:52.813    7751925  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:092:19:08:15.813    7752015  ACISPKT     RBTXINGALL              
2019:092:20:40:48.813    7773685  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of  4.18 ks.                              
2019:092:20:43:47.813    7774383  COMMAND_SW  OORMPEN                 
  ==> Exit leg pad time is  5.87 ks.                                  
AE-8 EVENTS TIME CHECK:                                               
 from backstop: XE1RADZ0 = 092:19:06:01                               
 from CRM file: XE1RADZ0 = 092:19:06:01                               
 ==> CRM Pad Time: 5.867 ks and Backstop Pad Time:  5.87 ks agree.    
2019:092:20:43:48.813    7774387  SIMTRANS    75624  (ACIS-S)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:092:20:43:49.813    7774391  MP_OBSID    21839                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21839:                                     
Target Name: A1795	SI Mode: TE_0046E                                  
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: CAL                            

Exposure Time: 15	Remaining Exposure time: 15                         
Offset: Y: -1	Z: 0	Z-sim: 0                                           
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNYY NYYYNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: Y	Lower: 0.24	Range: 13                                 
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:092:20:43:49.813    7774391  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:20:43:53.813    7774407  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:092:20:43:57.813    7774422  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:092:20:44:21.813    7774516  ACISPKT     WSPOW0EC3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I2 I3 S1 S2 S3            
2019:092:20:45:24.813    7774762  ACISPKT     WT0046E034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x0046e034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    5    6    3    2         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:092:20:45:28.813    7774778  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 21839                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_0046EB is WT0046E034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:092:20:45:32.813    7774793  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:092:20:45:36.813    7774809  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:092:20:49:26.213    7775704  SIMFOCUS     -418                   
2019:092:20:50:45.613    7776014  SIMFOCUS     -468                   
2019:093:01:18:06.813    7838614  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 15.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:093:01:18:06.813    7838614  SIMTRANS    92904  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:093:01:20:06.213    7839080  SIMFOCUS     -536                   
2019:093:01:21:06.813    7839316  MP_OBSID    21892                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21892:                                     
Target Name: CIZA J2242.8+5301	SI Mode: TE_00458                      
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             

Exposure Time: 32	Remaining Exposure time: 32                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim: 0                                            
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNYNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: Y	Lower: 0.36	Range: 13                                 
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:093:01:21:06.813    7839316  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:01:21:10.813    7839332  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:093:01:22:13.813    7839578  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:093:01:29:28.373    7841273  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:01:29:32.373    7841289  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:01:29:36.373    7841305  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:093:01:30:00.373    7841398  ACISPKT     WSPOW04F3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S2            
2019:093:01:31:03.373    7841644  ACISPKT     WT00458034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00458034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0    6         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:093:01:31:07.373    7841660  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 21892                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00458B is WT00458034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:093:01:31:11.373    7841675  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:093:01:31:15.373    7841691  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:093:02:55:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:92:22:55:01.285  EDT
2019:093:04:25:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:093:00:25:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:093:10:47:05.373    7971837  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 32.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:093:10:47:05.373    7971837  SIMTRANS   -99616   (HRC-S)         
2019:093:10:50:05.373    7972540  COMMAND_HW  CSELFMT1                
2019:093:10:50:05.373    7972540  MP_OBSID    21787                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21787:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21787.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:10:50:05.373    7972540  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:10:50:09.373    7972555  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:093:10:51:12.373    7972801  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:093:10:53:05.773    7973244  SIMFOCUS    -1061                   
2019:093:11:10:58.533    7977430  ACISPKT     WSVIDALLDN              
2019:093:11:11:16.533    7977500  ACISPKT     WSPOW0CC1E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4;  I2 I3 S2 S3                 
2019:093:11:12:19.533    7977746  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:093:11:12:23.533    7977762  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:093:11:12:46.533    7977852  ACISPKT     WT00D08014              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00d08014                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    6    2    3   10         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 3 # BEP_TE_MODE_EVHIST                
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 0                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 0                                     
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 65535                                 
   windowSlotIndex            = 4                                     
2019:093:11:12:50.533    7977867  ACISPKT     W200132014              
ACIS 2D WINDOW BLOCK LOADS:                                           
   windowSlotIndex            = 4                                     
   windowBlockId              = 0x00132014                            
     ccdId                    = 2                                     
     ccdRow                   = 801                                   
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 199                                   
     sampleCycle              = 1                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 2                                     
     ccdRow                   = 0                                     
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 1023                                  
     sampleCycle              = 0                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 3                                     
     ccdRow                   = 801                                   
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 199                                   
     sampleCycle              = 1                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 3                                     
     ccdRow                   = 0                                     
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 1023                                  
     sampleCycle              = 0                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 6                                     
     ccdRow                   = 801                                   
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 199                                   
     sampleCycle              = 1                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 6                                     
     ccdRow                   = 0                                     
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 1023                                  
     sampleCycle              = 0                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 7                                     
     ccdRow                   = 801                                   
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 199                                   
     sampleCycle              = 1                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
     ccdId                    = 7                                     
     ccdRow                   = 0                                     
     ccdColumn                = 0                                     
     width                    = 1023                                  
     height                   = 1023                                  
     sampleCycle              = 0                                     
     lowerEventAmplitude      = 0                                     
     eventAmplitudeRange      = 65535                                 
2019:093:11:12:54.533    7977883  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
2019:093:11:16:23.533    7978698 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:11:20:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:093:07:20:01.285  EDT
2019:093:11:51:13.533    7986854  MP_OBSID    21788                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 61.1 minutes after stop science.            
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21788 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21788:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21788.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:12:28:03.533    7995479  MP_OBSID    21789                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21789 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21789:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21789.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:12:50:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:093:08:50:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:093:13:04:53.533    8004103  MP_OBSID    21790                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21790 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21790:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21790.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:13:41:43.533    8012728  MP_OBSID    21791                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21791 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21791:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21791.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:14:18:33.533    8021352  MP_OBSID    21792                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21792 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21792:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21792.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:14:20:33.533    8021820 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:14:27:33.533    8023459 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:15:07:33.533    8032825 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:15:12:33.533    8033996  MP_OBSID    21793                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21793 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21793:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21793.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:15:21:33.533    8036103 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:16:01:33.533    8045469 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:16:06:33.533    8046640  MP_OBSID    21794                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21794 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21794:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21794.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:16:15:33.533    8048747 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:16:55:33.533    8058113 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:17:00:33.533    8059284  MP_OBSID    21795                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21795 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21795:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21795.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:17:09:33.533    8061391 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:17:49:33.533    8070757 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:17:54:33.533    8071928  MP_OBSID    21796                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21796 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21796:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21796.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:17:56:33.533    8072396 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:093:18:31:23.533    8080552  MP_OBSID    21797                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21797 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21797:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21797.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:19:08:13.533    8089176  MP_OBSID    21798                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21798 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21798:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21798.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:19:45:03.533    8097801  MP_OBSID    21799                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21799 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21799:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21799.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:20:21:53.533    8106425  MP_OBSID    21800                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21800 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21800:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21800.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:20:31:09.974    8107418  ORBPOINT    EAPOGEE                 
2019:093:20:58:43.533    8115050  MP_OBSID    21801                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21801 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21801:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21801.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:21:35:33.533    8123674  MP_OBSID    21802                   
>>>ERROR: The OBSID change to 21802 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21802:                                     
No ACIS info found for obsid 21802.                                   
This is an HRC-S observation.                                         
2019:093:22:09:23.533    8131596  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 36.85 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:093:22:12:23.533    8132298  COMMAND_HW  CSELFMT2                
2019:093:22:12:23.533    8132298  MP_OBSID    21889                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21889:                                     
Target Name: CIZA J2242.8+5301	SI Mode: TE_00458                      
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             
Exposure Time: 21	Remaining Exposure time: 21                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim: 0                                            
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNYNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: Y	Lower: 0.36	Range: 13                                 
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:093:22:12:23.533    8132298  SIMTRANS    92904  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:093:22:12:23.533    8132298  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:22:12:27.533    8132314  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:093:22:13:30.533    8132560  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:093:22:18:23.933    8133705  SIMFOCUS     -486                   
2019:093:22:19:52.333    8134050  SIMFOCUS     -536                   
2019:093:22:23:53.008    8134989  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:22:23:57.008    8135005  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:093:22:24:01.008    8135020  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:093:22:24:25.008    8135114  ACISPKT     WSPOW04F3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S2            
2019:093:22:25:28.008    8135360  ACISPKT     WT00458034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00458034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0    6         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:093:22:25:32.008    8135375  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 21889                           
>>>ERROR: Parameter block stored does not match SI_MODE:TE_00458 in OCAT.
          Stored parameter block is WT00458034. Requested is WT00459034
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:093:22:25:36.008    8135391  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:093:22:25:40.008    8135407  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:093:22:41:40.008    8139153 AOENDITH  AOENDITH                   
  ==> DITHER ENABLED                                                  
2019:094:00:25:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:094:20:25:01.285  EDT
2019:094:01:55:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:93:21:55:01.285  EDT  
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:094:04:38:10.008    8222626  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 21.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:094:04:38:10.008    8222626  SIMTRANS    75624  (ACIS-S)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:094:04:40:09.408    8223092  SIMFOCUS     -418                   
2019:094:04:41:10.008    8223328  MP_OBSID    21490                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21490:                                     
Target Name: MRC0421-225	SI Mode: TE_00CDC                            
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             

Exposure Time: 10	Remaining Exposure time: 10                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                              
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNN NNYYNN                                          
Subarray Type: CUSTOM	Start: 385	Rows: 256	Frame Time:                
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:094:04:41:10.008    8223328  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:04:41:14.008    8223344  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:094:04:41:28.808    8223402  SIMFOCUS     -468                   
2019:094:04:42:17.008    8223590  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:094:05:11:53.026    8230521  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:05:11:57.026    8230536  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:05:12:01.026    8230552  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:094:05:12:25.026    8230646  ACISPKT     WSPOW0C006              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2;  S2 S3                           
2019:094:05:13:28.026    8230891  ACISPKT     WT00CDC014              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00cdc014                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    6   10   10   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 384                                   
   subarrayRowCount           = 255                                   
   primaryExposure            = 9                                     
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:094:05:13:32.026    8230907  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 21490                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00CDCB is WT00CDC014 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:094:05:13:36.026    8230923  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:094:05:13:40.026    8230938  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:094:08:12:06.026    8272718  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 10.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:094:08:15:06.026    8273420  MP_OBSID    20496                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 20496:                                     
Target Name: NGC 3393	SI Mode: TE_0065A                               
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             
Exposure Time: 50	Remaining Exposure time: 50                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                              
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNY NNYYYN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:094:08:15:06.026    8273420  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:08:15:10.026    8273436  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:094:08:16:13.026    8273682  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:094:08:24:23.545    8275596  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:08:24:27.545    8275612  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:08:24:31.545    8275627  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:094:08:24:55.545    8275721  ACISPKT     WSPOW1C81E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4;  I3 S2 S3 S4                 
2019:094:08:25:58.545    8275967  ACISPKT     WT0065A034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x0065a034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    6    3    8   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:094:08:26:02.545    8275982  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 20496                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_0065AB is WT0065A034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:094:08:26:06.545    8275998  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:094:08:26:10.545    8276014  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:094:11:55:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:094:07:55:01.285  EDT
2019:094:13:25:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:094:09:25:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:094:20:25:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:094:16:25:01.285  EDT
2019:094:21:55:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:094:17:55:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:094:22:20:27.409    8471357  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 48.83 ks.                              
 This is 97.65% of the requested time.                                
2019:094:22:20:27.409    8471357  SIMTRANS   -99616   (HRC-S)         
2019:094:22:23:27.409    8472060  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:22:23:27.409    8472060  MP_OBSID    48275                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 0.0 minutes after stop science.             
>>>ERROR: ObsID change occurs less than 3 minutes after a stop science command.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48275:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48275                                    
2019:094:22:23:31.409    8472075  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:094:22:24:34.409    8472321  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:094:22:26:04.809    8472674  COMMAND_SW  OORMPDS                 
==>The requested SI_MODE for the inbound CTI is TE_007AE              
2019:094:22:26:04.809    8472674  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:22:26:08.809    8472690  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:094:22:26:12.809    8472705  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:094:22:26:36.809    8472799  ACISPKT     WSPOW3F03F              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps; std S array                      
2019:094:22:27:39.809    8473045  ACISPKT     WBTX_QUIET              
2019:094:22:27:43.809    8473060  ACISPKT     WT007AE024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x007ae024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =    9    7    5    6    4    8         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3750                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:094:22:27:47.809    8473076  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 48275                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_007AEB is WT007AE024 and is stored.
2019:094:22:27:51.809    8473092  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:094:22:27:55.809    8473107  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:094:22:28:18.809    8473197  ACISPKT     RBTXINGALL              
2019:095:01:09:44.809    8510996  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of  8.32 ks.                              
2019:095:01:12:44.809    8511698  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:01:12:44.809    8511698  ORBPOINT    EEF1000                 
  ==> Entry leg pad time is 10.00 ks.                                 
AE-8 EVENTS TIME CHECK:                                               
 from backstop: EE1RADZ0 = 095:01:12:44                               
 from CRM file: EE1RADZ0 = 095:01:12:44                               
 ==> CRM Pad Time: 10 ks and Backstop Pad Time: 10.00 ks agree.       
2019:095:01:12:53.809    8511734  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:095:01:13:56.809    8511979  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:095:02:12:44.809    8525747  ACISPKT     WSPOW0002A              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 3 5; All vids down                  
2019:095:02:13:47.809    8525993  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:095:02:20:01.542 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:94:22:20:01.542  EDT
2019:095:03:50:01.542 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:94:23:50:01.542  EDT  
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:095:04:15:09.228    8548529  ORBPOINT   EPERIGEE                 
>>>ERROR: Time delta between EE1RADZ0/EEF1000 and EPERIGEE is less than 4.0 hrs.
>>>ERROR: Time delta between the last WSVIDALLDN and the 2nd last AA00000000 is greater than 10.0 mins!
2019:095:06:17:31.774    8583062  MP_OBSID    48274                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48274:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48274                                    
2019:095:07:50:31.920    8604838  MP_OBSID    48273                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48273:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48273                                    
2019:095:09:56:12.785    8634266  MP_OBSID    48272                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48272:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48272                                    
2019:095:10:38:44.809    8644225  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:10:38:44.809    8644225  ORBPOINT    XEF1000                 
==> The requested SI_MODE for the outbound CTI is TE_007AE            
2019:095:10:38:48.809    8644241  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:10:38:52.809    8644256  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:095:10:39:16.809    8644350  ACISPKT     WSPOW3F03F              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps; std S array                      
2019:095:10:40:19.809    8644596  ACISPKT     WBTX_QUIET              
2019:095:10:40:23.809    8644612  ACISPKT     WT007AE024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x007ae024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =    9    7    5    6    4    8         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3750                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:095:10:40:27.809    8644627  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 48272                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_007AEB is WT007AE024 and is stored.
2019:095:10:40:31.809    8644643  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:095:10:40:35.809    8644658  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:095:10:40:58.809    8644748  ACISPKT     RBTXINGALL              
2019:095:11:10:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:095:07:10:01.285  EDT
2019:095:11:59:04.809    8663035  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of  3.32 ks.                              
2019:095:12:02:03.809    8663734  COMMAND_SW  OORMPEN                 
  ==> Exit leg pad time is  5.00 ks.                                  
AE-8 EVENTS TIME CHECK:                                               
 from backstop: XE1RADZ0 = 095:10:38:44                               
 from CRM file: XE1RADZ0 = 095:10:38:44                               
 ==> CRM Pad Time: 5 ks and Backstop Pad Time:  5.00 ks agree.        
2019:095:12:02:04.809    8663737  SIMTRANS    75624  (ACIS-S)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:095:12:02:05.809    8663741  MP_OBSID    20539                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 20539:                                     
Target Name: M84	SI Mode: TE_007DE                                    
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             
Exposure Time: 43	Remaining Exposure time: 43                         
Offset: Y: -1	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                             
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNY NYYYNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:095:12:02:05.809    8663741  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:12:02:09.809    8663757  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:12:02:13.809    8663773  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:095:12:02:37.809    8663866  ACISPKT     WSPOW0E81E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4;  I3 S1 S2 S3                 
2019:095:12:03:40.809    8664112  ACISPKT     WT007DE024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x007de024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    5    6    3   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:095:12:03:44.809    8664128  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 20539                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_007DEB is WT007DE024 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:095:12:03:48.809    8664143  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:095:12:03:52.809    8664159  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:095:12:40:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:095:08:40:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:095:21:10:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:095:17:10:01.285  EDT
2019:095:22:40:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:095:18:40:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:095:23:31:02.809    8825056  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 40.00 ks.                              
 This is 93.02% of the requested time.                                
2019:095:23:34:02.809    8825759  MP_OBSID    22167                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 22167:                                     
Target Name: LEDA138501	SI Mode: TE_0065E                             
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: CCT                            

Exposure Time: 10	Remaining Exposure time: 10                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                              
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNN NNNYNN                                          
Subarray Type: CUSTOM	Start: 385	Rows: 256	Frame Time:                
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:095:23:34:02.809    8825759  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:23:34:06.809    8825775  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:095:23:35:09.809    8826020  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:095:23:59:01.967    8831609  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:23:59:05.967    8831625  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:095:23:59:09.967    8831640  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:095:23:59:33.967    8831734  ACISPKT     WSPOW08002              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1;  S3                                
2019:096:00:00:36.967    8831980  ACISPKT     WT0065E024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x0065e024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7   10   10   10   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 384                                   
   subarrayRowCount           = 255                                   
   primaryExposure            = 8                                     
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:096:00:00:40.967    8831996  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 22167                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_0065EB is WT0065E024 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:096:00:00:44.967    8832011  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:096:00:00:48.967    8832027  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:096:02:55:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:95:22:55:01.285  EDT
2019:096:02:57:53.967    8873490  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 10.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:096:02:57:53.967    8873490  SIMTRANS    92904  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:096:02:59:53.367    8873956  SIMFOCUS     -536                   
2019:096:03:00:53.967    8874193  MP_OBSID    20916                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 20916:                                     
Target Name: Abell 2146	SI Mode: TE_00458                             
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             

Exposure Time: 38	Remaining Exposure time: 38                         
Offset: Y: -2.9	Z: 1.9	Z-sim:                                         
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNYNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:096:03:00:53.967    8874193  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:096:03:00:57.967    8874208  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:096:03:02:00.967    8874454  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:096:03:02:22.745    8874539  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:096:03:02:26.745    8874555  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:096:03:02:30.745    8874570  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:096:03:02:54.745    8874664  ACISPKT     WSPOW04F3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S2            
2019:096:03:03:57.745    8874910  ACISPKT     WT00458034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00458034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0    6         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:096:03:04:01.745    8874925  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 20916                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00458B is WT00458034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:096:03:04:05.745    8874941  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:096:03:04:09.745    8874957  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:096:04:25:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:096:00:25:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:096:11:30:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:096:07:30:01.285  EDT
2019:096:11:58:48.956    8993402  ORBPOINT    EAPOGEE                 
2019:096:13:00:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:096:09:00:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:096:14:33:19.745    9036323  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 40.00 ks.                              
 This is 105.26% of the requested time.                               
2019:096:14:33:19.745    9036323  SIMTRANS    75624  (ACIS-S)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:096:14:35:19.145    9036788  SIMFOCUS     -418                   
2019:096:14:36:19.745    9037025  MP_OBSID    22166                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 22166:                                     
Target Name: M84	SI Mode: TE_007DE                                    
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             

Exposure Time: 41	Remaining Exposure time: 41                         
Offset: Y: -1	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                             
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNY NYYYNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:096:14:36:19.745    9037025  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:096:14:36:23.745    9037041  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:096:14:36:38.545    9037098  SIMFOCUS     -468                   
2019:096:14:37:26.745    9037286  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:096:14:42:49.496    9038546  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:096:14:42:53.496    9038562  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:096:14:42:57.496    9038577  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:096:14:43:21.496    9038671  ACISPKT     WSPOW0E81E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4;  I3 S1 S2 S3                 
2019:096:14:44:24.496    9038917  ACISPKT     WT007DE024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x007de024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7    5    6    3   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:096:14:44:28.496    9038932  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 22166                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_007DEB is WT007DE024 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:096:14:44:32.496    9038948  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:096:14:44:36.496    9038964  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:096:19:05:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:096:15:05:01.285  EDT
2019:096:20:35:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:096:16:35:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:097:01:55:06.496    9195959  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 39.00 ks.                              
 This is 95.12% of the requested time.                                
2019:097:01:58:06.496    9196661  MP_OBSID    22168                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 22168:                                     
Target Name: 2MASXJ02141794+5144520	SI Mode: TE_0065E                 
Instrument: ACIS-S	Grating: NONE	Type: CCT                            

Exposure Time: 10	Remaining Exposure time: 10                         
Offset: Y: 0	Z: 0	Z-sim:                                              
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: NNNN NNNYNN                                          
Subarray Type: CUSTOM	Start: 385	Rows: 256	Frame Time:                
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:097:01:58:06.496    9196661  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:01:58:10.496    9196677  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:01:59:13.496    9196923  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:02:15:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:96:22:15:01.285  EDT
2019:097:02:23:08.381    9202522  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:02:23:12.381    9202538  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:02:23:16.381    9202553  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:02:23:40.381    9202647  ACISPKT     WSPOW08002              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1;  S3                                
2019:097:02:24:43.381    9202893  ACISPKT     WT0065E024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x0065e024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    7   10   10   10   10         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 384                                   
   subarrayRowCount           = 255                                   
   primaryExposure            = 8                                     
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:097:02:24:47.381    9202908  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 22168                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_0065EB is WT0065E024 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:097:02:24:51.381    9202924  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:02:24:55.381    9202940  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:097:03:45:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:96:23:45:01.285  EDT  
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:097:05:22:00.381    9244403  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 10.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
2019:097:05:22:00.381    9244403  SIMTRANS    92904  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF  0.00 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.              
2019:097:05:23:59.781    9244869  SIMFOCUS     -536                   
2019:097:05:25:00.381    9245105  MP_OBSID    20558                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 20558:                                     
Target Name: Abell 2146	SI Mode: TE_00458                             
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: GO                             

Exposure Time: 30	Remaining Exposure time: 30                         
Offset: Y: -2.9	Z: 1.9	Z-sim:                                         
ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNYNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: N	Lower: 	Range:                                        
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 19	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:097:05:25:00.381    9245105  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:05:25:04.381    9245121  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:05:26:07.381    9245367  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:05:26:39.504    9245492  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:05:26:43.504    9245508  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:05:26:47.504    9245524  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:05:27:11.504    9245617  ACISPKT     WSPOW04F3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S2            
2019:097:05:28:14.504    9245863  ACISPKT     WT00458034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00458034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0    6         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:097:05:28:18.504    9245879  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 20558                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00458B is WT00458034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:097:05:28:22.504    9245894  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:05:28:26.504    9245910  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:097:12:10:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:097:08:10:01.285  EDT
2019:097:13:33:10.015    9359406  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 27.73 ks.                              
 This is 92.45% of the requested time.                                
2019:097:13:33:10.015    9359406  SIMTRANS   -99616   (HRC-S)         
2019:097:13:36:10.015    9360109  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:13:36:10.015    9360109  MP_OBSID    48271                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 0.0 minutes after stop science.             
>>>ERROR: ObsID change occurs less than 3 minutes after a stop science command.
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48271:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48271                                    
2019:097:13:36:14.015    9360125  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:13:37:17.015    9360370  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:13:39:10.415    9360813  COMMAND_SW  OORMPDS                 
==>The requested SI_MODE for the inbound CTI is TE_007AC              
2019:097:13:39:10.415    9360813  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:13:39:14.415    9360829  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:13:39:18.415    9360844  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:13:39:42.415    9360938  ACISPKT     WSPOW0CF3F              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps; std I array                      
2019:097:13:40:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:097:09:40:01.285  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:097:13:40:45.415    9361184  ACISPKT     WBTX_QUIET              
2019:097:13:40:49.415    9361199  ACISPKT     WT007AC024              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x007ac024                            
   fepCcdSelect               =    3    7    0    1    2    6         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3750                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:097:13:40:53.415    9361215  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 48271                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_007ACB is WT007AC024 and is stored.
2019:097:13:40:57.415    9361230  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:13:41:01.415    9361246  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:097:13:41:24.415    9361336  ACISPKT     RBTXINGALL              
2019:097:14:49:09.049    9377198  MP_OBSID    48270                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 69.9 minutes after stop science.            
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48270:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48270                                    
2019:097:16:22:50.415    9399135  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of  8.32 ks.                              
2019:097:16:25:50.415    9399837  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:097:16:25:50.415    9399837  ORBPOINT    EEF1000                 
  ==> Entry leg pad time is 10.00 ks.                                 
AE-8 EVENTS TIME CHECK:                                               
 from backstop: EE1RADZ0 = 097:16:25:50                               
 from CRM file: EE1RADZ0 = 097:16:25:50                               
 ==> CRM Pad Time: 10 ks and Backstop Pad Time: 10.00 ks agree.       
2019:097:16:25:59.415    9399872  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:097:16:27:02.415    9400118  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:16:32:14.475    9401336  MP_OBSID    48269                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 6.4 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48269:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48269                                    
2019:097:17:25:50.415    9413886  ACISPKT     WSPOW0002A              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 3 5; All vids down                  
2019:097:17:26:53.415    9414132  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:097:19:42:42.508    9414132  ORBPOINT   EPERIGEE                 
>>>ERROR: Time delta between EE1RADZ0/EEF1000 and EPERIGEE is less than 4.0 hrs.
>>>ERROR: Time delta between the last WSVIDALLDN and the 2nd last AA00000000 is greater than 10.0 mins!
2019:097:20:25:01.542 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:097:16:25:01.542  EDT
2019:097:21:47:10.373    9475076  MP_OBSID    48268                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48268:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48268                                    
2019:097:21:55:01.542 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:097:17:55:01.542  EDT 
  ==> COMM DURATION:  90.00 mins.                                     
2019:097:23:36:55.337    9500774  MP_OBSID    48267                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48267:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48267                                    
2019:098:01:33:07.528    9527982  MP_OBSID    48266                   
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 48266:                                     
No ocat info found for obsid 48266                                    
2019:098:01:50:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:97:21:50:01.285  EDT
2019:098:02:15:50.415    9537984  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:098:02:15:50.415    9537984  ORBPOINT    XEF1000                 
==> The requested SI_MODE for the outbound CTI is TE_00B26            
2019:098:02:15:54.415    9537999  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:098:02:15:58.415    9538015  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:098:02:16:22.415    9538109  ACISPKT     WSPOW0AF3F              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S1 S3               
2019:098:02:17:25.415    9538354  ACISPKT     WBTX_QUIET              
2019:098:02:17:29.415    9538370  ACISPKT     WT00B26014              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00b26014                            
   fepCcdSelect               =    3    7    0    1    2    5         
   fepMode                    = 2 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV3x3                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 32                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3750                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:098:02:17:33.415    9538386  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 48266                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00B26B is WT00B26014 and is stored.
2019:098:02:17:37.415    9538401  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:098:02:17:41.415    9538417  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:098:02:18:04.415    9538507  ACISPKT     RBTXINGALL              
2019:098:03:15:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM ENDS	2019:97:23:15:01.285  EDT  
  ==> COMM DURATION:  85.00 mins.                                     
2019:098:03:40:37.415    9557835  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of  3.58 ks.                              
2019:098:03:43:36.415    9558534  COMMAND_SW  OORMPEN                 
  ==> Exit leg pad time is  5.27 ks.                                  
AE-8 EVENTS TIME CHECK:                                               
 from backstop: XE1RADZ0 = 098:02:15:50                               
 from CRM file: XE1RADZ0 = 098:02:15:50                               
 ==> CRM Pad Time: 5.267 ks and Backstop Pad Time:  5.27 ks agree.    
2019:098:03:43:37.415    9558538  SIMTRANS    87288  (ACIS-I)         
  ==> THERE IS A Z-SIM OF -14.12 mm FOR THIS OBSERVATION.             
2019:098:03:43:38.415    9558542  MP_OBSID    21834                   
  ==> ObsID change occurs 3.0 minutes after stop science.             
LATEST OCAT INFO FOR OBSID 21834:                                     
Target Name: A1795	SI Mode: TE_00458                                  
Instrument: ACIS-I	Grating: NONE	Type: CAL                            

Exposure Time: 25	Remaining Exposure time: 25                         
Offset: Y: -4.82	Z: 0	Z-sim: -14.12

ACIS Exposure Mode: TE	Event TM Format: VF	Frame Time:                
Chips Turned On: YYYY NNYNNN                                          
Subarray Type: NONE	Start: 	Rows: 	Frame Time:                        
Duty Cycle: N	Number: 	Tprimary: 	Tsecondary:                         
Onchip Summing: N	Rows: 1	Columns: 1                                  
Event Filter: Y	Lower: 0.36	Range: 13                                 
Window Filter: N	Start Row: 	Start Column:                            
Height: 	Width:                                                       
Lower Energy: 	Energy Range: 	Sample Rate:                            
	Y Amp:  deg	Y Freq:  deg/sec	Y Phase:                                
	Z Amp:  deg	Z Freq:  deg/sec	Z Phase:                                
Cycle: 20	Obj_Flag: NO                                                
2019:098:03:43:38.415    9558542  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:098:03:43:42.415    9558557  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
2019:098:03:43:46.415    9558573  ACISPKT     WSPOW00000              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: All Feps down; All vids down               
2019:098:03:44:10.415    9558667  ACISPKT     WSPOW04F3E              
  ==> WSPOW COMMAND LOADS: Feps 1 2 3 4 5;  I0 I1 I2 I3 S2            
2019:098:03:45:13.415    9558912  ACISPKT     WT00458034              
ACIS PBLOCK LOADS:                                                    
   parameterBlockId           = 0x00458034                            
   fepCcdSelect               =   10    3    2    1    0    6         
   fepMode                    = 3 # FEP_TE_MODE_EV5x5                 
   bepPackingMode             = 0 # BEP_TE_MODE_FAINT                 
   recomputeBias              = 1                                     
   trickleBias                = 1                                     
   subarrayStartRow           = 0                                     
   subarrayRowCount           = 1023                                  
   primaryExposure            = 31                                    
   secondaryExposure          = 0                                     
   dutyCycle                  = 0                                     
   lowerEventAmplitude        = 20                                    
   eventAmplitudeRange        = 3250                                  
   windowSlotIndex            = 65535                                 
2019:098:03:45:17.415    9558928  ACISPKT     XTZ0000005              
 Parameter block and set up check for 21834                           
  ==> Parameter Block for SI mode TE_00458B is WT00458034 and is stored.
  ==> FP instrument, Grating and SIM-Z offsets OK.                    
  ==> Parameter Block and OCAT are consistent for this observation    
2019:098:03:45:21.415    9558944  ACISPKT     RS_0000001              
2019:098:03:45:25.415    9558959  ACISPKT     RH_0000001              
2019:098:11:00:01.285 	REAL-TIME COMM BEGINS	2019:098:07:00:01.285  EDT
2019:098:11:04:35.415    9661789  ACISPKT     AA00000000              
  ==> ACIS integration time of 25.00 ks.                              
 This is 100.00% of the requested time.                               
-- CHANDRA LOAD END --                                                
ACIS LOAD REVIEW SUMMARY                                              
  OBSIDs  WSVIDALLDNs  RS_0000001  RH_0000001  X[TC]Z0000005  AA00000000 
    59        4           44          22          22          83      
**NOTE: There are 3 perigee crossings in this load.                   
FREQUENCY OF OTG INSERTIONS/RETRACTIONS:                              
  LETG_INs  LETG_REs  HETG_INs  HETG_REs                              
     0         0         0         0                                  
o. The OBSID change to 48293 that occurs less than 3 mins after a stop science.
o. The OBSID change to 48291 that occurs less than 3 mins after a stop science.
o. Time difference between a WSVIDALLDN command and the 2nd AA00000000 that precedes it is greater than 10 mins.
o. The OBSID change to 21788 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21789 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21790 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21791 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21792 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21793 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21794 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21795 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21796 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21797 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21798 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21799 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21800 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21801 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The OBSID change to 21802 occurs more than 5 mins after a start science.
o. The parameter block stored does not match the SI_mode.             
o. The OBSID change to 48275 that occurs less than 3 mins after a stop science.
o. The OBSID change to 48271 that occurs less than 3 mins after a stop science.
o. The parameter block was incorrect for obsid(s)                     
   - 21889                                                            