2019 Zhao, Ping X-ray scattering from random rough surfaces
EUV and X-ray Optics, v. 11032, p. 110320C 2019SPIE11032E..0CZ
2019 David, Larry Chandra Calibration Update
Chandra News, v. 26, p. 28 2019ChNew..26...28D
2019 Tananbaum, Harvey Weisskopf, Martin C. Prologue
The Chandra X-ray Observatory, p. 7503
2019 Wilkes, Belinda J. D'Abrusco, Raffaele Martínez-Galarza, Rafael Chandra X-ray Observatory Overview
The Chandra X-ray Observatory, p. 2
2015 Zhao, Ping Transverse x-ray scattering on random rough surfaces
EUV and X-ray Optics, v. 9510, p. 951009 2015SPIE.9510E..09Z
2015 Weisskopf, Martin C. Gaskin, Jessica Tananbaum, Harvey Beyond Chandra: the x-ray Surveyor
EUV and X-ray Optics, v. 9510, p. E2 2015SPIE.9510E..02W
2015 Arenberg, Jonathan W. They never told me about this in engineering school: lessons from the front line
An Optical Believe It or Not, v. 9583, p. 958306 2015SPIE.9583E..06A
2014 Schwartz, Daniel A. Invited Review Article: The Chandra X-ray Observatory
Review of Scientific Instruments, v. 85, num. 6, p. 061101 2014RScI...85f1101S
2012 O'Dell, Stephen L. Aldcroft, Thomas L. Atkins, Carolyn Toward active x-ray telescopes II
Adaptive X-Ray Optics II, v. 8503, p. 850307 2012SPIE.8503E..07O
2012 Juda, Michael Baski, Mark Eagan, Chris Updating Chandra high-radiation safing in response to changing observatory conditions
Observatory Operations, v. 8448, p. 844805 2012SPIE.8448E..05J
2012 Weisskopf, Martin C. The Chandra X-Ray Observatory: progress report and highlights
Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012, v. 8443, p. 84430Y 2012SPIE.8443E..0YW
2012 Weisskopf, Martin C. Chandra x-ray optics
Optical Engineering, v. 51, num. 1, p. 011013-011013-8 2012OptEn..51a1013W
2011 Garmire, Gordon P. The Chandra X-ray observatory
Bulletin of the Astronomical Society of India, v. 39, p. 225 2011BASI...39..225G
2011 Drake, Jeremy Ratzlaff, Pete Kashyap, Vinay The Precision of the Chandra X-ray Observatory for Astrophysical Inference
The X-ray Universe 2011, p. 061 2011xru..conf...61D
2010 Kashyap, Vinay Posson-Brown, Jennifer Chandra Calibration Review
Chandra News, v. 17, p. 34 2010ChNew..17...34K
2010 Gorenstein, Paul Focusing X-Ray Optics for Astronomy
X-Ray Optics and Instrumentation, v. 2010, p. 109740 2010XROI.2010E...2G
2010 Matthews, Gary Havey, Keith, Jr. Ten years of Chandra: reflecting back on engineering lessons learned during the design, fabrication, integration, test, and verification of NASA's great x-ray observatory
Modeling, Systems Engineering, and Project Management for Astronomy IV, v. 7738, p. 77380Y 2010SPIE.7738E..0YM
2009 David, Larry Chandra Calibration
Chandra News, v. 16, p. 19 2009ChNew..16...19D
2006 Smith, Randall K. The Chandra X-ray Observatory: An Astronomical Facility Available to the World
Astrophysics and Space Science, v. 305, num. 3, p. 321 2006Ap%26SS.305..321S
2006 Drake, Jeremy J. Ratzlaff, Peter Kashyap, Vinay Monte Carlo processes for including Chandra instrument response uncertainties in parameter estimation studies
Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series, v. 6270, p. 62701I 2006SPIE.6270E..1ID
2005 Weisskopf, Martin C. The Chandra X-ray observatory: Five years of observations
COSPAR Information Bulletin, v. 2005, num. 162, p. 5 2005CIBu..162....5W
2004 Gaetz, Terrance J. Edgar, Richard J. Jerius, Diab H. Calibrating the wings of the Chandra PSF
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 411 2004SPIE.5165..411G
2004 Weisskopf, Martin C. Four years of operation of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 387 2004SPIE.5165..387W
2004 Jerius, Diab H. Cohen, Lester Edgar, Richard J. The role of modeling in the calibration of the Chandra's optics
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 402 2004SPIE.5165..402J
2004 Allen, Christopher Jerius, Diab H. Gaetz, Terrance J. Parameterization of the Chandra point spread function
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 423 2004SPIE.5165..423A
2004 Beckerman, Eli Aldcroft, Tom Gaetz, Terrance J. Positional accuracy as a measure of Chandra's optical distortions
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 445 2004SPIE.5165..445B
2004 Zhao, Ping Jerius, Diab H. Edgar, Richard J. Chandra X-ray Observatory mirror effective area
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 482 2004SPIE.5165..482Z
2004 Jerius, Diab H. Gaetz, Terrance J. Karovska, Margarita Calibration of Chandra's near on-axis optical performance
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 433 2004SPIE.5165..433J
2004 Graessle, Dale E. Soufli, Regina Nelson, Art J. Iridium optical constants from synchrotron reflectance measurements over 0.05- to 12-keV x-ray energies
Optical Constants of Materials for UV to X-Ray Wavelengths, v. 5538, p. 72 2004SPIE.5538...72G
2004 Spitzbart, Bradley D. Wolk, Scott J. Chandra automated point source processing
Optimizing Scientific Return for Astronomy through Information Technologies, v. 5493, p. 584 2004SPIE.5493..584S
2004 Graessle, Dale E. Soufli, Regina Aquila, Andy L. Iridium optical constants for the Chandra X-ray Observatory from reflectance measurements of 0.05-12 keV
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XIII, v. 5165, p. 469 2004SPIE.5165..469G
2003 Weisskopf, Martin C. Three years of operation of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy., v. 4851, p. 1 2003SPIE.4851....1W
2003 Weisskopf, M. C. Aldcroft, T. L. Bautz, M. An Overview of the Performance of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Experimental Astronomy, v. 16, num. 1, p. 1 2003ExA....16....1W
2003 Mendez, Mariano LETGS: instrument status and science highlights
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy., v. 4851, p. 57 2003SPIE.4851...57M
2003 Zhao, Ping Van Speybroeck, Leon P. A new method to model x-ray scattering from random rough surfaces
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Telescopes and Instruments for Astronomy., v. 4851, p. 124 2003SPIE.4851..124Z
2002 Freeman, P. E. Kashyap, V. Rosner, R. A Wavelet-Based Algorithm for the Spatial Analysis of Poisson Data
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, v. 138, num. 1, p. 185 2002ApJS..138..185F
2002 Weisskopf, M. C. Brinkman, B. Canizares, C. An Overview of the Performance and Scientific Results from the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, v. 114, num. 791, p. 1 2002PASP..114....1W
2002 Spitzbart, Brad D. Wolk, Scott J. Isobe, Takashi Chandra monitoring, trends, and response
Observatory Operations to Optimize Scientific Return III, v. 4844, p. 476 2002SPIE.4844..476S
2001 Valtchanov, I. Pierre, M. Gastaud, R. Comparison of source detection procedures for XMM-Newton images
Astronomy and Astrophysics, v. 370, p. 689 2001A%26A...370..689V
2001 Tananbaum, Harvey Early results from the chandra observatory
X-ray Astronomy, v. 599, p. 387 2001AIPC..599..387T
2001 Tucker, Wallace Tucker, Karen Revealing the universe : the making of the Chandra X-ray Observatory
Revealing the universe , p.
2000 Gaetz, Terrance J. Jerius, Diab Edgar, Richard J. Orbital verification of the CXO high-resolution mirror assembly alignment and vignetting
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 41 2000SPIE.4012...41G
2000 Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. Elsner, Ronald F. Austin, Robert A. Ion transmission to the focal plane of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory
X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy XI, v. 4140, p. 135 2000SPIE.4140..135K
2000 Elsner, Ronald F. Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. O'Dell, Stephen L. Measurements with the Chandra X-Ray Observatory's flight contamination monitor
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions IV, v. 4138, p. 1 2000SPIE.4138....1E
2000 Weisskopf, Martin C. Tananbaum, Harvey D. Van Speybroeck, Leon P. Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO): overview
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 2 2000SPIE.4012....2W
2000 Jerius, Diab Donnelly, R. H. Tibbetts, M. S. Orbital measurement and verification of the Chandra X-ray Observatory's PSF
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 17 2000SPIE.4012...17J
2000 Schwartz, Daniel A. David, Laurence P. Donnelly, R. H. Absolute effective area of the Chandra high-resolution mirror assembly (HRMA)
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 28 2000SPIE.4012...28S
2000 Elsner, Ronald F. Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. O'Dell, Stephen L. Measurements with the Chandra X-ray Observatory's flight contamination monitor
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions III, v. 4012, p. 612 2000SPIE.4012..612E
1999 Zissa, David E. AXAF-1 high-resolution mirror assembly image model and comparison with x-ray ground-test image
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions II, v. 3766, p. 36 1999SPIE.3766...36Z
1999 Serej, Shokrollah R. Kellogg, Edwin M. Edgar, Richard J. Absolute calibration of the Chandra X-ray Observatory: transfer standard solid state detectors
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy X, v. 3765, p. 777 1999SPIE.3765..777S
1998 O'Dell, Stephen L. Weisskopf, Martin C. Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF): calibration overview
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 2 1998SPIE.3444....2O
1998 Auerhammer, Jutta M. Brandt, G. Scholze, Frank High-accuracy calibration of the HXDS flow-proportional counter for AXAF at the PTB laboratory at BESSY
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 19 1998SPIE.3444...19A
1998 Olds, Clifford R. Reese, Robert P. Composite structures for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) Telescope
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, v. 3356, p. 910 1998SPIE.3356..910O
1998 Barnes, Peter J. McDermott, Walter C. Edgar, Richard J. Towards a solid state detector response function for AXAF calibration
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, v. 3356, p. 1046 1998SPIE.3356.1046B
1998 Graessle, Dale E. Blake, Richard L. Burek, Anthony J. Modeling of synchrotron reflectance calibrations of AXAF iridium-coated witness mirrors over 2 to 12 keV
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 140 1998SPIE.3444..140G
1998 Allen, Christopher L. Plucinsky, Paul P. McNamara, Brian R. Analysis of the AXAF HRMA+ACIS effective area measurements from the XRCF
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 198 1998SPIE.3444..198A
1998 Nousek, John A. Townsley, Leisa K. Chartas, George Joint AXAF high-resolution mirror assembly and AXAF CCD Imaging Spectrometer calibration at the MSFC X-Ray Calibration Facility
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 225 1998SPIE.3444..225N
1998 Zhao, Ping Austin, Robert A. Edgar, Richard J. AXAF-mirror effective area calibration using the C-continuum source and solid state detectors
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 234 1998SPIE.3444..234Z
1998 Chartas, George Garmire, Gordon P. Nousek, John A. Optimizing the ACIS effective area and energy resolution
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 258 1998SPIE.3444..258C
1998 Burek, Anthony J. Cobuzzi, J. C. Fitch, Jonathan J. Development of beamline U3A for AXAF synchrotron reflectivity calibrations
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 584 1998SPIE.3444..584B
1998 Stage, Michael D. Dewey, Daniel Verifying the HETG spectrometer Rowland design
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 36 1998SPIE.3444...36S
1998 Dewey, Daniel Drake, Jeremy J. Edgar, Richard J. AXAF grating efficiency measurements with calibrated nonimaging detectors
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 48 1998SPIE.3444...48D
1998 Marshall, Herman L. Dewey, Daniel Schulz, Norbert S. Spectral features in the AXAF HETGS effective area using high-signal-continuum tests
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 64 1998SPIE.3444...64M
1998 Patnaude, Daniel Pease, Deron Donnelly, Hank Effective area of the AXAF high-resolution camera (HRC)
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 93 1998SPIE.3444...93P
1998 Blake, Richard L. Burek, Anthony J. Fitch, Jonathan J. Feasibility study of ALS beamline 6.3.2 in the calibration of AXAF: initial reflectivity results
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 128 1998SPIE.3444..128B
1998 Elsner, Ronald F. O'Dell, Stephen L. Ramsey, Brian D. Calibration results for the AXAF flight contamination monitor
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 177 1998SPIE.3444..177E
1998 Swartz, Douglas A. Elsner, Ronald F. Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. Use of monochromators during AXAF calibration
X-Ray Optics, Instruments, and Missions, v. 3444, p. 189 1998SPIE.3444..189S
1998 Pendergast, Karl J. Schauwecker, Chris J. Use of a passive reaction wheel jitter isolation system to meet the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility imaging performance requirements
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, v. 3356, p. 1078 1998SPIE.3356.1078P
1998 Havey, Keith A. Compagna, Gary L. Lynch, Nicolle Precision thermal control trades for telescope systems
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, v. 3356, p. 1127 1998SPIE.3356.1127H
1998 Moses, Stewart L. Iwens, Ralph P. Grimm, Gary Verification of the performance of large space-based astronomical observatories: AXAF experience and SIM approaches
Space Telescopes and Instruments V, v. 3356, p. 1179 1998SPIE.3356.1179M
1997 van Speybroeck, Leon P. Jerius, Diab Edgar, Richard J. Performance expectation versus reality
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 89 1997SPIE.3113...89V
1997 Kellogg, Edwin M. Cohen, Lester M. Edgar, Richard J. Absolute calibration of the AXAF telescope effective area
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 515 1997SPIE.3113..515K
1997 Kraft, Stefan Scholze, Frank Thornagel, R. High-accuracy calibration of the HXDS HPGe detector at the PTB radiometry laboratory at BESSY
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy VIII, v. 3114, p. 101 1997SPIE.3114..101K
1997 Weisskopf, Martin C. O'Dell, Stephen L. Calibration of the AXAF observatory: overview
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 2 1997SPIE.3113....2W
1997 Fitch, Jonathan J. Blake, Richard L. Burek, A. J. AXAF synchrotron witness mirror calibrations 2 to 12 keV
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 30 1997SPIE.3113...30F
1997 Harris, Bernard Burek, A. J. Fitch, Jonathan J. Determination of optical constants for AXAF mirrors from 0.05 to 1.0 keV through reflectance measurements
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 40 1997SPIE.3113...40H
1997 Graessle, Dale E. Burek, A. J. Fitch, Jonathan J. Optical constants from synchrotron reflectance measurements of AXAF witness mirrors 2 to 12 keV
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 52 1997SPIE.3113...52G
1997 Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. Austin, Robert A. Elsner, Ronald F. Uses of continuum radiation in the AXAF calibration
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 65 1997SPIE.3113...65K
1997 Zhao, Ping Cohen, Lester M. van Speybroeck, Leon P. AXAF HRMA mirror ring-focus measurements
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 106 1997SPIE.3113..106Z
1997 Edgar, Richard J. Tsiang, Eugene Y. Tennant, A. F. Spectral fitting in AXAF calibration detectors
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 124 1997SPIE.3113..124E
1997 Tsiang, Eugene Y. Edgar, Richard J. Vitek, S. A. JMKMOD: a software suite within XSPEC for the ground calibration of AXAF
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 132 1997SPIE.3113..132T
1997 McDermott, Walter C. Kellogg, Edwin M. Wargelin, Bradford J. AXAF HXDS germanium solid state detectors
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 535 1997SPIE.3113..535M
1997 Powell, Forbes R. Keski-Kuha, Ritva A. Zombeck, Martin V. Metalized polyimide filters for x-ray astronomy and other applications
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 432 1997SPIE.3113..432P
1997 Gaetz, T. J. Podgorski, William A. Cohen, Lester M. Focus and alignment of the AXAF optics
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 77 1997SPIE.3113...77G
1997 Wargelin, Bradford J. Kellogg, Edwin M. McDermott, Walter C. AXAF calibration: the HXDS flow proportional counters
Grazing Incidence and Multilayer X-Ray Optical Systems, v. 3113, p. 526 1997SPIE.3113..526W
1996 Romaine, Suzanne E. Bruni, Ricardo J. Clark, Anna M. Monitoring program for the coating of the AXAF flight optics
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 8 1996SPIE.2805....8R
1996 Graessle, Dale E. Clark, Anna M. Fitch, J. J. Reflectance calibrations of AXAF witness mirrors using synchrotron radiation: 2 to 12 keV
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 18 1996SPIE.2805...18G
1996 Zissa, David E. Ahmad, Anees Feng, Chen Performance modeling of grazing incidence optics with structural deformations and fabrication errors
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 32 1996SPIE.2805...32Z
1996 Clark, Anna M. Bruni, Ricardo J. Romaine, Suzanne E. Correlation between x-ray reflectivity measurements and surface roughness of AXAF coated witness samples
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 268 1996SPIE.2805..268C
1996 Bruni, Ricardo J. Clark, Anna M. Moran, J. F. Verification of the coating performance for the AXAF flight optics based on reflectivity measurements of coated witness samples
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 301 1996SPIE.2805..301B
1996 Fitch, J. J. Graessle, Dale E. Harris, Bernard Analysis of iridium reflectance measurements for AXAF witness mirrors from 2 to 12 keV
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 311 1996SPIE.2805..311F
1996 Weisskopf, Martin C. O'Dell, Stephen L. van Speybroeck, Leon P. Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics III, v. 2805, p. 2 1996SPIE.2805....2W
1995 Glenn, Paul E. Centroid detector assembly for the AXAF-I alignment test system
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 352 1995SPIE.2515..352G
1995 Cohen, Lester M. Effects of temporal dimensional instability on the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF-I) high-resolution mirror assembly (HRMA)
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 375 1995SPIE.2515..375C
1995 Zhao, Ping van Speybroeck, Leon P. AXAF VETA-I mirror x-ray test results cross-check with the HDOS metrology data
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 391 1995SPIE.2515..391Z
1995 Sulkanen, Martin E. Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. Chartas, George Numerical simulation of electron-impact x-ray sources
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 410 1995SPIE.2515..410S
1995 Kellogg, Edwin M. Wargelin, Bradford J. Norton, Timothy J. Penning source for calibration of x-ray and EUV optics and spectrometers at wavelengths as short as 50 A
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 418 1995SPIE.2515..418K
1995 Reid, Paul B. Fabrication and predicted performance of the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility mirror ensemble
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 361 1995SPIE.2515..361R
1995 Kolodziejczak, Jeffery J. Austin, Robert A. Elsner, Ronald F. X-ray source system at the Marshall Space Flight Center X-ray calibration facility
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 420 1995SPIE.2515..420K
1995 Weisskopf, Martin C. O'Dell, Stephen L. Elsner, Ronald F. Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF): an overview
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 312 1995SPIE.2515..312W
1995 Waldman, Mark Alignment test system for AXAF-I's high-resolution mirror assembly
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 330 1995SPIE.2515..330W
1995 Lewis, Timothy S. AXAF-I alignment test system autocollimating flat error correction
X-Ray and Extreme Ultraviolet Optics, v. 2515, p. 340 1995SPIE.2515..340L
1995 Tsiang, Eugene Y. Kellogg, Edwin M. Porterfield, Don FIB 601 focused ion beam fabrication of micron-sized apertures for the NASA AXAF x-ray telescope prelaunch calibration
Microlithography and Metrology in Micromachining, v. 2640, p. 100 1995SPIE.2640..100T
1994 Zhao, Ping Freeman, Mark D. Jerius, Diab AXAF VETA-I mirror ring focus measurements
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics II, v. 2011, p. 59 1994SPIE.2011...59Z
1994 Campbell, Jonathan W. Hoover, Richard B. Baker, Phillip C. Performance of the repolished S-056 grazing incidence mirror in the MSFC AXAF test facility
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics II, v. 2011, p. 75 1994SPIE.2011...75C
1994 Gordon, Thomas E. Catching, Benjamin F. Status of the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF) optics production program
Current Developments in Optical Design and Optical Engineering IV, v. 2263, p. 233 1994SPIE.2263..233G
1994 Cerino, Joseph R. Lewotsky, Kristin L. Bourgeois, Robert P. High-precision mechanical profilometer for grazing incidence optics
Current Developments in Optical Design and Optical Engineering IV, v. 2263, p. 253 1994SPIE.2263..253C
1994 Graessle, Dale E. Burbine, T. H. Fitch, J. J. Molecular contamination study of iridium-coated x-ray mirrors
Advances in Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV/FUV Optics, v. 2279, p. 12 1994SPIE.2279...12G
1993 Blake, R. L. Davis, J. C. Burbine, T. H. Optical constants from mirror reflectivities measured at synchrotrons
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 219 1993SPIE.1742..219B
1993 Zissa, David E. Comparison of ring-focus image profile with predictions for the AXAF VETA-I test
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 91 1993SPIE.1742...91Z
1993 Brissenden, Roger J. V. Jones, Mark T. Ljungberg, Malin VETA x-ray data acquisition and control system
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 55 1993SPIE.1742...55B
1993 Chartas, G. Flanagan, K. Hughes, J. P. Correcting x-ray spectra obtained from the AXAF VETA-I mirror calibration for pileup, continuum, background, and deadtime
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 65 1993SPIE.1742...65C
1993 Zhao, Ping Freeman, Mark D. Hughes, John P. AXAF VETA-I mirror encircled energy measurements and data reduction
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 75 1993SPIE.1742...75Z
1993 Arenberg, Jonathan W. Texter, Scott C. Motion detection system for AXAF x-ray ground testing
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 104 1993SPIE.1742..104A
1993 Schwartz, D. A. Chartas, G. Hughes, J. P. Precision of the calibration of the AXAF engineering test article mirrors
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 116 1993SPIE.1742..116S
1993 Freeman, M. Hughes, J. van Speybroeck, L. Image analysis of the AXAF VETA-I x-ray mirror
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 136 1993SPIE.1742..136F
1993 Hughes, John P. Schwartz, Daniel Szentgyorgyi, Andrew Surface finish quality of the outer AXAF mirror pair based on x-ray measurements of the VETA-I
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 152 1993SPIE.1742..152H
1993 Kolodziejeczak, J. J. O'Dell, S. L. Elsner, R. F. Evidence for dust contamination on the VETA-I mirror surface
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 162 1993SPIE.1742..162K
1993 O'Dell, S. L. Elsner, R. F. Kolodziejeczak, J. J. X-ray evidence for particulate contamination on the AXAF VETA-I mirrors
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 171 1993SPIE.1742..171O
1993 Kellogg, E. Chartas, G. Graessle, D. X-ray reflectivity of the AXAF Veta-I optics
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 183 1993SPIE.1742..183K
1993 Graessle, D. E. Burbine, T. H. Cobuzzi, J. C. Reflectance calibrations of AXAF mirror samples at absorption edges using synchrotron radiation
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 203 1993SPIE.1742..203G
1993 Winkler, Carl E. Cumings, Nesbitt P. Randolph, Joseph L. Science instruments for the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF)
Astroparticle Physics and Novel Gamma-Ray Telescopes, v. 1948, p. 63 1993SPIE.1948...63W
1993 Morian, Hans F. Knapp, Konrad Hartmann, Peter Quality-assurance demands and realization for thin-walled mirror blanks made of ZERODUR for the AXAF project
Quality and Reliability for Optical Systems, v. 1993, p. 6 1993SPIE.1993....6M
1993 Patterson, John S. Chisholm, Kevin P. Gordon, Thomas E. AXAF optical quality ensurance via the crosscheck process
Quality and Reliability for Optical Systems, v. 1993, p. 18 1993SPIE.1993...18P
1993 Weisskopf, Martin C. AXAF VETA test: an overview
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 2 1993SPIE.1742....2W
1993 Waldman, Mark Texter, Scott Alignment of the AXAF verification test article-I
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 13 1993SPIE.1742...13W
1993 Zhao, Ping Kellogg, Edwin M. Schwartz, Daniel A. Intensity distribution of the x-ray source for the AXAF VETA-I mirror test
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 26 1993SPIE.1742...26Z
1993 Podgorski, W. A. Flanagan, K. A. Freeman, M. D. VETA-I x-ray detection system
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 40 1993SPIE.1742...40P
1993 Elsner, R. F. O'Dell, S. L. Weisskopf, M. C. Molecular contamination and the calibration of AXAF
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 6 1993SPIE.1742....6E
1993 Matthews, Gary Buettner, Arthur Casey, Thomas M. Mirror cell design, fabrication, assembly, and test for the AXAF VETA-I optics
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics for Astronomy and Projection Lithography, v. 1742, p. 191 1993SPIE.1742..191M
1992 Sarnik, Andrea Zimmerman, Gerry Integrated end-to-end metrology and data analysis system for the advanced x-ray astrophysics facility telescope mirrors
Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing II, v. 1531, p. 2 1992SPIE.1531....2S
1992 Convertito, Peter M. Cerino, Joseph R. Dunn, Daniel E. Polarization compensation during circumferential metrology of advanced x-ray astrophysical facility optics
Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing II, v. 1531, p. 223 1992SPIE.1531..223C
1992 Graessle, D. E. Brissenden, R. J. Cobuzzi, J. Feasibility study of the use of synchrotron radiation in the calibration of AXAF - Initial reflectivity results
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics, v. 1546, p. 13 1992SPIE.1546...13G
1992 Slane, P. Schwartz, D. van Speybroeck, L. Grazing incidence X-ray reflectivity - Studies for the AXAF observatory
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics, v. 1546, p. 26 1992SPIE.1546...26S
1992 Matthews, Gary Buettner, Arthur Casey, Thomas Mirror cell design, fabrication, assembly, and test for the AXAF VETA-I optics
Design of Optical Instruments, v. 1690, p. 345 1992SPIE.1690..345M
1992 Kellogg, E. Brissenden, R. Flanagan, K. Calibration of the Verification Engineering Test Article-I (VETA-I) for AXAF using the VETA-I X-ray Detection System
Multilayer and Grazing Incidence X-Ray/EUV Optics, v. 1546, p. 2 1992SPIE.1546....2K
1991 Flanagan, Kathryn A. Austin, Gerald K. Cobuzzi, J. C. Uniformity and transmission of proportional counter window materials for use with AXAF
EUV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Instrumentation for Astronomy II, v. 1549, p. 395 1991SPIE.1549..395F
1990 Casey, Thomas M. Steele, Jeffrey M. Brearey, Robert R. Ray-tracing technique incorporating finite element analysis for grazing incidence optics
Advances in Optical Structure Systems, v. 1303, p. 34 1990SPIE.1303...34C
1990 Cohen, Lester M. Cernoch, Lawrence J. Matthews, Gary Structural considerations for fabrication and mounting of the AXAF HRMA optics
Advances in Optical Structure Systems, v. 1303, p. 162 1990SPIE.1303..162C
1990 Mehta, Pravin K. Pressure distribution under flexible polishing tools: II. Cylindrical (conical) optics
Advances in Optical Structure Systems, v. 1303, p. 189 1990SPIE.1303..189M
1990 Brown, Daniel M. Chipman, Russell A. Polarization analysis of the advanced X-ray astrophysical facility telescope assembly.
Polarimetry, v. 1317, p. 395 1990SPIE.1317..395B
1990 Darnton, Lane A. Champetier, Robert J. Blanco, Julio R. Ultrasensitive dust monitor for the Advanced X-Ray Astrophysics Facility
Optical System Contamination, v. 1329, p. 211 1990SPIE.1329..211D
1990 Gordon, Thomas E. Circumferential and inner diameter metrology for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysical Facility (AXAF) optics
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing, v. 1333, p. 239 1990SPIE.1333..239G
1990 Cernoch, Larry Structural error sources during fabrication of the AXAF optical elements
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing, v. 1333, p. 303 1990SPIE.1333..303C
1990 Sheng, Simon C. Berendsohn, Oscar Schreibman, Martin R. Correlation of RTV properties to test data and its effect on the AXAF mirror performance
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing, v. 1333, p. 314 1990SPIE.1333..314S
1990 Cernoch, Lawrence J. Cheney, George Vasisko, Carolyn H. AXAF precision metrology mount
Advanced optical manufacturing and testing, v. 1333, p. 374 1990SPIE.1333..374C