File $Source: /home/juda/www/hrc_flight/RCS/step_plusy_toward_max.html,v $
Version $Revision: 1.5 $
Last Update $Date: 1999/05/10 18:08:08 $
HRC CCB Status Approved

OP03 Procedures op03:

HRC Command Sequences

Step +Y Shutter Toward Maximum Travel


This sequence steps the HRC +Y shutter a requested number of steps toward its maximum travel limit switch. The sequence uses serial digital commands to configure the motor control electronics, select the +Y shutter motor, set the number of steps to move, and start the motion toward the maximum limit switch. The number of steps to move is commanded in two steps; first the high byte of the number of steps to move (POS_HIBYTE) anf then the low byte (POS_LOBYTE). After the +Y shutter is verified to have completed its motion, the motor drive is disabled and all motors are de-selected.


This sequence must only be performed during a real-time contact so that the required verifications can be performed.

The HRC detector housing door must be at either the closed or the fully open position before this command sequence may be executed (see HRC-C-008).

Flow Diagram

Delta-Time Command Mnemonic Description Cmd Field Mnemonic Data Parameter Telemetry Verifier Expected Value Notes
Verify Proper Door Position (must be closed or fully open)
00:00:01.000 2MCMRASL Motion Control Mode Reset     2MCMDARS RSET sd6f00
00:00:01.000 2PYMTASL Select +Y shutter motor     2PYMTAST SEL sd7300
00:00:01.000 2STFLADI Clear Stop Flags     2SFLGAST DISA sd5400
00:00:01.000 2STFLAEN Enable Stop Flags     2SFLGAST ENAB sd5401
00:00:01.000 2SMOIAEN Enable Selected Motor Over-current Protection     2DROIAST ENAB sd4901
00:00:01.000 2SMOTAEN Enable Selected Motor Over-temperature Protection     2DROTAST ENAB sd4a01
00:00:01.000 2CHPLAEN Enable Primary Closed/Home Limit Switch     2CPLSAST ENAB sd5001
00:00:01.000 2CHSLAEN Enable Secondary Closed/Home Limit Switch     2CSLSAST ENAB sd5101
00:00:01.000 2OMPLAEN Enable Primary Open/Max Limit Switch     2OPLSAST ENAB sd5201
00:00:01.000 2OMSLAEN Enable Secondary Open/Max Limit Switch     2OSLSAST ENAB sd5301
00:00:01.000 2MDRVAEN Enable Motor Drive Electronics     2MDRVAST ENAB sd6801
00:00:01.000 2PSHBALD Load High-byte motor control position word POS_HIBYTE 2PSHBAL1 POS_HIBYTE     sd18yy
"yy" HEX value of POS_HIBYTE
00:00:01.000 2PSLBALD Load Low-byte motor control position word POS_LOBYTE 2PSLBAL1 POS_LOBYTE 2SCTHAST POS_HIBYTE*256 + POS_LOBYTE sd19yy
"yy" HEX value of POS_LOBYTE
Verify Proper Motor Controller Configuration
00:00:01.000 2NSTBAEX Move loaded position word steps toward open/maximum limit switch     2MCNBAMD CMD sd6d01
Wait while +Y shutter moves
Verify Motor Controller Status indicates finished moving requseted number of steps toward open/maximum limit switch (2MSNBAMD=NMOV)
00:00:01.000 2MDRVADI Disable Motor Drive Electronics     2MDRVAST DISA sd6800
00:00:01.000 2ALMTADS Deselect All Motors     2ALMTAST SEL sd7000

$Log: step_plusy_toward_max.html,v $

Revision 1.5 1999/05/10 18:08:08 jhc

corrected initial time delay to 1 sec

Revision 1.4 1999/04/07 18:47:16 juda

HTML changes: added "name" tags to sub-sequences

Revision 1.3 1998/09/14 20:13:17 juda

Marked as Approved - Added initial door position verification - changed primary and secondary closed/home limit switch from disabled to enabled

Revision 1.2 1998/06/01 12:25:47 juda

Corrected 2SMOTAEN serial digital value (changed sd4a00 to sd4a01)

Revision 1.1 1998/05/26 20:14:59 juda

Initial revision

Dr. Michael Juda
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
60 Garden Street, Mail Stop 70
Cambridge, MA 02138, USA
Ph.: (617) 495-7062
Fax: (617) 495-7356