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Last modified: 28 February 2024

CSC Threads

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A list of all the threads on one page.

Jupyter Notebooks

Science threads for CSC 2.1 based on Jupyter notebooks which are also downloadable.


Beginners should start here. The Introductory threads explain how to use CSCview to query the Chandra Source Catalog and download Level=3 data products and tables of source properties.


Learn how to query the catalog, retrieve and manipulate catalog data in the context of several science scenarios, with examples using the CIAO and Sherpa analysis software. [These threads have not been completely updated to match release 2.1 of the CSC, but still provide a general overview of how the data products can be used.]

Other Applications

These threads provide instructions for accessing the catalog via applications other than CSCview, such as DS9 and WWT.