Page content updated: 2024:110:19:34:01 ( 3:34 PM Fri 19-Apr )

Not in NPM: Unable to include PCAD violation events

Key Snapshot and SOH Values (Δt = - 8:38)
Sim Z92903
Sim Focus-535
HETG angle77.96
LETG angle76.09
Snapshot from 2024:110:10:55:38 (Δt = - 8:38)

Cursor date
Cursor delta
Next comm
ACE fluence
ACE P3 flux
HRC proxy
--- Latest values ---
ACE P3 flux
ACE 2hr avg
HRC proxy
SI mode
Power cmd
Vid, Clock

Chandra Events (Load link unavailable)
Time (UT)EventDelta timeTime (Eastern)
2024:110:10:00:00Comm pass on DSS-24 (duration 1:00)- 9:34 6:00 AM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:10:26:52Maneuver to 202.86236 -31.81277 334.987 [2024:110:10:58:39]- 9:07 6:26 AM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:11:03:09Obsid: 29378 SI: ACIS-I (12 ksec) Target: SC 1329-313 - 8:30 7:03 AM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:14:23:09Maneuver to 124.91070 8.41875 257.001 [2024:110:14:56:13]- 5:1010:23 AM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:15:00:43Obsid: 27149 SI: ACIS-I (11 ksec) Target: 2MASS J08194059 - 4:3311:00 AM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:18:04:03Maneuver to 202.86299 -31.81277 334.987 [2024:110:18:37:06]- 1:29 2:04 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:18:41:36Obsid: 29379 SI: ACIS-I (9 ksec) Target: SC 1329-313 - 0:52 2:41 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:19:34:01--------------- NOW --------------- 0:00 3:34 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:21:11:36Maneuver to 213.89000 13.43851 166.394 [2024:110:22:00:40] 1:37 5:11 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:21:40:00Comm pass on DSS-54 (duration 1:00) 2:05 5:40 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:22:05:10ER Obsid: 43511 (0 ksec) Purpose: Intermediate Attitud 2:31 6:05 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:22:20:51Maneuver to 282.72028 70.22325 107.853 [2024:110:22:47:29] 2:46 6:20 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:110:22:51:59Obsid: 28204 SI: ACIS-S (15 ksec) Target: FRB20220509G 3:17 6:51 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:111:02:00:00Comm pass on DSS-56 (duration 1:00) 6:2510:00 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:111:03:12:29Maneuver to 227.81029 5.27218 122.998 [2024:111:03:40:44] 7:3811:12 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:111:03:45:14Obsid: 29376 SI: ACIS-I (14 ksec) Target: A2029 / [SGW201 8:1111:45 PM Fri 19-Apr
2024:111:07:38:38Maneuver to 191.14986 61.98889 197.459 [2024:111:08:07:14] 12:04 3:38 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:08:07:14ER Obsid: 43510 (0 ksec) Purpose: Intermediate Attitud 12:33 4:07 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:08:07:35Maneuver to 149.60969 37.22886 223.992 [2024:111:08:26:31] 12:33 4:07 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:08:31:52Obsid: 26821 SI: ACIS-S (3 ksec) Target: SDSS J095823.07 12:57 4:31 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:09:36:52Maneuver to 174.23381 44.85987 217.611 [2024:111:09:51:59] 14:02 5:36 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:10:02:09Obsid: 28297 SI: ACIS-S (20 ksec) Target: SDSS J113651.66 14:28 6:02 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:10:15:00Comm pass on DSS-24 (duration 1:00) 14:40 6:15 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:15:43:49Maneuver to 261.97903 -47.05033 69.734 [2024:111:16:31:36] 20:0911:43 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:15:47:23Grating: HETG 20:1311:47 AM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:16:36:06Obsid: 29374 SI: ACIS-S (25 ksec) Target: V750 Ara 21:0212:36 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:17:15:00Comm pass on DSS-24 (duration 1:00) 21:40 1:15 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:18:30:00Load APR2024A:CL111:1801 [2024:114:17:50:01] 22:55 2:30 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:18:30:00Load APR2024A:CL111:1801 [2024:114:17:50:01] 22:55 2:30 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:23:47:14Maneuver to 133.40314 12.32305 255.089 [2024:112:00:30:50] 1d 04:13 7:47 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:111:23:50:48Grating: NONE 1d 04:16 7:50 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:00:35:20Obsid: 26807 SI: ACIS-S (4 ksec) Target: SDSS J085337.36 1d 05:01 8:35 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:01:48:41Maneuver to 202.00000 -13.00000 270.000 [2024:112:02:16:05] 1d 06:14 9:48 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:01:52:15Grating: HETG 1d 06:18 9:52 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:01:54:18RADMON Disable 1d 06:20 9:54 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:02:05:00Comm pass on DSS-56 (duration 1:00) 1d 06:3010:05 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:02:20:35ER Obsid: 43509 (3 ksec) Purpose: Perigee Attitude 1d 06:4610:20 PM Sat 20-Apr
2024:112:06:23:21Maneuver to 103.00000 -22.00000 252.627 [2024:112:06:55:30] 1d 10:49 2:23 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:07:00:00ER Obsid: 43508 (0 ksec) Purpose: Perigee Attitude 1d 11:25 3:00 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:07:29:47Maneuver to 96.00000 -47.00000 244.794 [2024:112:07:46:00] 1d 11:55 3:29 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:07:46:00ER Obsid: 43507 (0 ksec) Purpose: Perigee Attitude 1d 12:11 3:46 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:08:07:17Maneuver to 103.00000 -22.00000 252.591 [2024:112:08:23:30] 1d 12:33 4:07 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:08:28:00ER Obsid: 43506 (0 ksec) Purpose: Perigee Attitude 1d 12:53 4:28 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:09:36:11Maneuver to 140.59223 -42.95671 275.658 [2024:112:09:55:30] 1d 14:02 5:36 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:10:00:00ER Obsid: 43505 (0 ksec) Purpose: Perigee Attitude 1d 14:25 6:00 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:11:30:00Comm pass on DSS-24 (duration 1:00) 1d 15:55 7:30 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:11:35:16Maneuver to 261.97878 -47.05044 69.309 [2024:112:12:06:05] 1d 16:01 7:35 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:11:48:17RADMON Enable 1d 16:14 7:48 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:12:10:35Obsid: 26494 SI: ACIS-S (15 ksec) Target: V750 Ara 1d 16:36 8:10 AM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:16:20:35Maneuver to 169.57329 -32.81971 290.134 [2024:112:16:52:46] 1d 20:4612:20 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:16:24:09Grating: NONE 1d 20:5012:24 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:16:57:16Obsid: 29383 SI: ACIS-S (15 ksec) Target: SN2024ggi 1d 21:2312:57 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:20:30:00Comm pass on DSS-65 (duration 1:00) 2d 00:55 4:30 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:21:07:16Maneuver to 195.66165 -63.84202 342.552 [2024:112:21:28:45] 2d 01:33 5:07 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:112:21:33:15Obsid: 28506 SI: ACIS-I (12 ksec) Target: PSR B1259-63 2d 01:59 5:33 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:113:01:06:35Maneuver to 140.79929 10.35720 253.545 [2024:113:01:39:33] 2d 05:32 9:06 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:113:01:44:03Obsid: 26939 SI: ACIS-S (13 ksec) Target: ACT-CL J0923.2+ 2d 06:10 9:44 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:113:02:35:00Comm pass on DSS-65 (duration 1:00) 2d 07:0010:35 PM Sun 21-Apr
2024:113:05:20:43Maneuver to 197.42861 -23.37070 310.601 [2024:113:05:49:30] 2d 09:46 1:20 AM Mon 22-Apr
2024:113:05:54:00Obsid: 28523 SI: ACIS-S (15 ksec) Target: GW170817 2d 10:19 1:54 AM Mon 22-Apr
2024:113:09:55:00Comm pass on DSS-24 (duration 1:00) 2d 14:20 5:55 AM Mon 22-Apr
2024:113:10:09:00Maneuver to 140.79925 10.35750 253.517 [2024:113:10:37:48] 2d 14:34 6:09 AM Mon 22-Apr
2024:113:10:42:18Obsid: 29248 SI: ACIS-S (18 ksec) Target: ACT-CL J0923.2+ 2d 15:08 6:42 AM Mon 22-Apr
2024:113:15:47:18Maneuver to 197.42939 -23.36807 303.992 [2024:113:16:15:19] 2d 20:1311:47 AM Mon 22-Apr
2024:113:16:19:49Obsid: 29395 SI: ACIS-S (15 ksec) Target: GW170817 2d 20:4512:19 PM Mon 22-Apr

CXO and GOES rates
HRC shield016250
HRC MCP637430
CXO: from snapshot at 2024:110:10:55:38 (- 8:38)
GOES proxies: scaled 15 min average of GOES-16
Last avgs at HRC: - 0:14   P4GM: - 0:14   P41GM: - 0:14
ACE rates
Value2hr limitOrbital limitHours to
Orbital limit
Current flux48.65000012000> 30
2hr avg flux46.95000012000> 30
Orbital fluence1.8x107---2.0x109---
ACE data from 2024:110:19:20:00 (- 0:14)
Orbital fluence: integrated attenuated ACE flux
Grating attenuation not factored into current or 2hr flux numbers
RADMON and SOT alert limits information

ACE particle rates ( MTA SWPC )

GOES particle rates

GOES proxy for HRC shield rates

3-day Solar-Geophysical Forecast
Geophysical ActivityGeophysical Activity Summary 17/2100Z to 18/2100Z: The geomagnetic field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed reached a peak of 530 km/s at 18/0613Z. Total IMF reached 9 nT at 17/2308Z. The maximum southward component of Bz reached -3 nT at 18/2041Z. Electrons greater than 2 MeV at geosynchronous orbit reached a peak level of 135 pfu. IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at quiet levels on day one (19 Apr), quiet to unsettled levels on day two (20 Apr) and quiet to active levels on day three (21 Apr). Protons have a slight chance of crossing threshold on days one, two, and three (19 Apr, 20 Apr, 21 Apr).
Solar ActivityAnalysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 17/2100Z to 18/2100Z: Solar activity has been at moderate levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a M2 event observed at 18/0248Z from Region 3638 (S18E03). There are currently 14 numbered sunspot regions on the disk. IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be moderate with a slight chance for an X-class flare on days one, two, and three (19 Apr, 20 Apr, 21 Apr).

Solar X-ray Activity

Solar Wind Data ( SOHO ACE )

Solar Flare Monitor