MTA Monitoring Report 07/13/01 - 07/19/01

Archive of all weekly reports

Archive of Monthly reports


There were no radiation alerts during this period.

ACIS/Radiation Environment correlations

CTI Trend

Average of ACIS-I CCDs (MnKa) slope 1.616e-8 CTI/day
Detrended slope 1.333e-8 CTI/day

ACIS Warm Pixels

The following pixels consistently showed a bias level more than 5 sigma away the chip's mean level during this period.
For more information see the link above and MTA monthly reports.
This Week's focus S/C Sub Systems
Temperatures in degrees K. Current in Amps. Voltage in Volts.

Most msids are keeping the same trends from the previous reporting period ( 04/27/01 - 05/03/01 weekly).
Interesting trends are indicated with "*".