Obscat Data Help Page

General Parameters

Sequence Number: (seq_nbr) Sequence # of the particular observation
Status: (status) Status of observation
ObsID#: (obsid) ID # used in ObsCat database
Proposal Number: (proposal_number) Proposal Number
Proposal Title: (proposal_title) Title of proposal
Target Name: (targname) Normal name for the target
SI Mode: This code is used by the CXC in command generation to select the appropriate instrument configuration commands from the controlled Operations Data Base in order to configure the observation as is specified below. Observers do not generally need to use this parameter.
Instrument: (instrument) Specifies which detector will be on the optical axis during the observation. The choices are: ACIS-S, ACIS-I, HRC-S or HRC-I
Grating: (grating) Specifies which grating to use. Grating options are NONE, HETG, and LETG. The default is NONE which specifies no grating (direct imaging)
Type: (type) Type of Observation. Choices are GO, GTO, TOO or CAL
PI Name: (PI_name) Last name of Principal Investigator
Exposure Time: (approved_exposure_time) Exposure time for target
Remaining Exposure Time: (rem_exp_time) The remaining time which still must be scheduled on this target to give the Observer the approved_exposure_time. It is computed dynamically based on the mission planning and data analysis processes.
RA: (ra) The Right Ascension of the source in mandatory J2000 coordinate system. The standard format is HH MM SS.S - hours, minutes, seconds, separated by spaces
DEC: (dec) The declination of the source in mandatory J2000 coordinate system. The standard format is +/-DD MM SS.S - sign, degrees, arcminutes, arcseconds, separated by spaces
l2: Galactic longitude
b2: Galactic latitude


Y: (y_det_offset) Y detector offset. Value is angle in arcmin measured from the aim point. Overall valid range is -50.0 to +50.0
Z: (z_det_offset) Z detector offset. Value is angle in arcmin measured from the aim point. Overall valid range is -50.0 to +50.0
Z-Sim: (trans_offset) Translation offset on the SIM, in the Z direction, in mm.
Sim-Focus: (focus_offset) Focus offset on the SIM, in mm.
Focus: (defocus) A number determining how far in mm the focal plane will be moved toward or away from the mirrors; user did not set in RPS for Cycle 1
Raster Scan: (raster_scan) Y/N flag indicating whether the observation will be a raster scan
Dither: (dither_flag) A number indicating how much dither will be used in the observation; determined by Mission Planning
Solar System Object: (ss_obj_flag) Y/N flag indicating whether target is a solar system object
Object: (ss_object) Name of the solar system object. 'Null' if previous flag is set to 'N'
Photometry: (photometry_flag) Y/N flag which indicates whether observor wants optical monitor data for the target
V Mag: (vmagnitude) V Magnitude of the target if optical monitor data is selected
Count Rate: (est_cnt_rate) Count rate in counts/sec
1st Order Rate: (forder_cnt_rate) First order count rate in counts/sec for ACIS-S+grating and HRC-S+grating observations
Roll Angle: (roll) The spacecraft roll angle is the angle between celestial north and the spacecraft +Z axis projected on the sky. Measured in degrees
Roll Angle Tolerance: (roll_tolerance) Tolerance on the Roll Angle
Temporal Window: (phase_constraint_flag) Y/N flag indicating whether a time window is required for the observation
Start: (tstart) Date and time to start time critical observation
Stop: (tstop) Date and time to end time critical observation
Phase Constraint: (phase_constraint_flag) Y/N flag indicating whether the observation is to be spread over a number of intervals with a fixed interval between them and a given reference date
Epoch: (phase_epoch) For Phase Dependent observations, the reference date (MJD). The observations will be made at an integral number of Periods from this date
Period: (phase_period) Period in days between phase dependent observations
Min: (phase_start) Minimum orbital phase to be observed. Values must be between 0 and 1
Min Err: (phase_start_margin) Error on the minimum orbital phase. This parameter sets how precisely the phase range will be covered. Values must be between 0 and 0.5
Max: (phase_end) Maximum orbital phase to be observed. Values must be between 0 and 1
Max Err: (phase_end_margin) Error on the maximum orbital phase. This parameter sets how precisely the phase range will be covered. Values must be between 0 and 0.5
Min Int: (pre_min_lead) Monitoring Observation: The minimum interval between monitoring observations. Units are days
Max Int: (pre_max_lead) Monitoring Observation: The maximum interval between monitoring observations. Units are days
Follows ObsID#: (pre_id) Gives the ObsId # in which this observation follows. Default is NULL
Remarks: Any relevant observor remarks regarding the target

HRC Parameters

HRC Configuration: (hrc_config) Options: "NORMAL", "HESF", "LESF", "CHOP", but the chop option was removed from cycle 1 so there should be none of these
Zero Block: (hrc_zero_block) Logical value indicating zero-order blocking. The default is 'N'. The spectrum's zero order may be blocked if desired

ACIS Parameters

ACIS Exposure Mode: (exp_mode) The exposure mode for ACIS for which two choices are possible: Timed Exposure (TE) or Continuous Clocking (CC). The default is TE
Event TM Format: (bep_pack) Event Telemetry Format: Event Telemetry Format controls the packing of the data into the telemetry stream. The choices are Faint(TE,CC), Very Faint(TE), Faint+Bias(TE), and Graded(TE,CC). The default value is Faint
Frame Time: (frame_time) Same as Subarray Frame Time
Standard Chips: (standard_chips) Logical value indicating that the standard ACIS chips should be used. The default is 'N'. A 'Y' answer will activate the 6 standard ACIS chips. NOTE: beginning in Cycle 8, this flag is no longer applicable as a "standard" chip set is no longer defined.
NOTE: beginning in Cycle 8, temperature constraints may necessitate turning off ACIS chips in order to lower the operating temperature. However, the number of chips, if any, cannot be determined ahead of time. Therefore, the desgination 01 through 05 indicates in which order the observer prefers that chips be turned off if necessary, with 01 being the first chip turned off.
I0: (ccdi0_on) ACIS chip I0 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
I1: (ccdi1_on) ACIS chip I1 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
I2: (ccdi2_on) ACIS chip I2 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
I3: (ccdi3_on) ACIS chip I3 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
S0: (ccds0_on) ACIS chip S0 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
S1: (ccds1_on) ACIS chip S1 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
S2: (ccds2_on) ACIS chip S2 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
S3: (ccds3_on) ACIS chip S3 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
S4: (ccds4_on) ACIS chip S4 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
S5: (ccds5_on) ACIS chip S5 Y/N/01/02/03/04/05?
Subarray Type: (subarray) Choices are: None, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8 and Custom. A subarray is a reduced region of the CCDs (all of the CCDs that are turned on) that will be read. A reduced region may also help to reduce the effects of pulse pile-up. The first box indicates whether the proposer intends to use the subarray capability. The default is 'None'. Note that the minimum Frame Time depends on the size and location of the subarray
Start: (subarray_start_row) Subarray: The starting row that will be read for processing custom subarrays. Valid range is 0 - 895
Rows: (subarray_row_count) Subarray: The number of rows that will be read for processing custom subarrays. A minimum of 128 rows is required if multiple ACIS chips are selected. A minimum of 100 rows is required if a single ACIS chip is selected. Valid range is 100 - 1023
Frame Time: (subarray_frame_time) Subarray - Frame Time: The Frame Time is the fundamental unit of exposure for ACIS. It ranges from 0.2 to 10.0 seconds. The higher time resolution is achieved by reading fewer rows of the CCD. The minimum frame time of 0.2 sec corresponds to reading a subarray of 128 rows. The maximum time of 3.2 sec corresponds to reading all 1024 rows. Any value from 0.2 to 3.2 sec is possible by adjusting the number of rows to be read. The number of rows to be read and the Subarray Frame Time should be equivalent; the two values will be compared to see that they are. The equation for calculating the Frame Time from the number of rows to be read is included in the Proposer's Guide (ACIS chapter)
Duty Cycle: (duty_cycle) Alternating Exposure Readout: Logical value indicating use of alternating exposure readout. The default is 'N'. Alternating Exposure Readout observation sets the number of SECONDARY exposures that will follow each primary exposure. If n = 0, only primary exposures are used. The recommended value for n is 2. A deadtime will result from the short exposure since the electronics still require 3.2 sec to process the full frame. Therefore, to minimize the deadtime, the number of short exposures should be kept to a minimum
Number: (secondary_exp_count) Alternating Exposure Readout: The number of secondary exposures that will follow each primary exposure. If n = 0, only primary exposures are used. Read the ACIS chapter of the Proposer's Guide for an estimate of the efficiency. Valid range is 0 - 15. The recommended value is 2
Tprimary: (primary_exp_time) Alternating Exposure Readout: Exposure Time for Primary Cycle: The primary exposure time in tenths of seconds. The recommended time for a non-zero number of secondary exposures is 0.3
Tsecondary: (secondary_exp_time) Alternating Exposure Readout : Exposure Time for Secondary Cycle: The secondary exposure time in tenths of seconds. The recommended time for a non-zero number of secondary exposures is 3.2
Onchip Summing: (onchip_sum) Logical value indicating on-chip summation. The default value is 'N'. On-chip summation can be used to reduce the number of items per CCD readout. The spatial resolution is degraded as is the event splitting information. Currently, only 2x summation is supported
Rows: (onchip_row_count) # of rows for On-Chip Summing. Values are (1, 2)
Columns: (onchip_column_count) # of columns for On-Chip Summing. Values are (1, 2)
Event Threshold: (event_threshold) Event Threshhold: Not set for Cycle 1
Threshold: (threshold_pha) Not set for Cycle 1
Event Filter: (eventfilter) This logical value indicates that the user wishes to filter every candidate event before packing into the telemetry stream. The filter applies to all of the active CCDs. The use of an event filter does NOT affect pulse pileup, but only reduces the telemetry. The default value is 'N'
Lower: (eventfilter_lower) Event Filter: Lower Event Threshold: The value of the threshold that will be applied. Units are keV. Valid range is 0.0 - 10
Range: (eventfilter_higher) Event Filter: Event Filter Range: The range of the event amplitude in energy channels. Valid value is a single entry within the range of 0.1 - 15
Window Filter: (spwindow) This set of parameters allows the user to filter the data to reduce the telemetry load. The use of a Spatial Window does NOT affect the reading of the CCD, so there will be no impact on pulse pile-up. Spatial windows do reduce the telemetry by selecting photons to insert into the telemetry stream. Spatial Windows can either INclude all of the photons in the defined region or EXclude all of the photons in the defined region. Choices are: No, INclude window, EXclude window. The default value is 'No'
Start Row: (spwindow_start_row) Spatial Window: Starting row: The starting row that will be read. Valid range is 0 - 895
Start Column: (spwindow_start_column) Spatial Window: Starting column: The starting column that will be read. Valid range is 0 - 895
Height: (spwindow_height) Spatial Window: Height of Window: The number of rows of the window that will be read. Valid range is 128 - 1023
Width: (spwindow_width) Spatial Window: Width of Window: The number of columns of the window that will be read. Valid range is 128 - 1023
Lower Energy: (spwindow_lower_threshold) Spatial Window: Lower Threshold: The value for the lower discrimination threshold. Units are keV. Valid range is 0.0 - 10
Energy Range: (spwindow_pha_range) Spatial Window: Energy Range for Window: The value for the energy range. Units are keV. Valid value is a single entry within the range of 0.0 - 10
Sample Rate: (spwindow_sample) Spatial Window: Sampling Rate: The value for the window readout rate. Valid range is 1 - 512. A value of '1' indicates that every event will be read. A value of '2' means that every 2nd event wil be read, etc.
Bias: (bias_request) To request a bias different from normal. Not allowed for Cycle 1
Frequency: (frequency) Designates how often to check the bias. Not allowed for Cycle 1
After: (bias_after) The algorithm used for checking the bias. Not allowed for Cycle 1