The approach used for these models is described in Nulsen et al. (2010, ApJ, 722, 55). First make the XSPEC local model in the model directory (see USING and README files there), then make the support routine in the support directory. You may need to edit the Makefile in the support directory to get it to work. After running make successfully in the support directory, in the xas directory, create the following soft links: ln -s support/cosinfo support/Basic_Constants support/ . Start XSPEC and run the script nfwmass.xcm to load spectra and setup the model. The mass models can fail if the parameters are unreasonable. Try setting initial temperatures to help the model along. Once a reasonable fit has been found with the abundances tied, try freeing them. Note that abundances for the outer shells may need to be grouped to keep them reasonable. XSPEC allows algebraic expressions for constraints, so, for example, you can use (integers refer to parameters): newpar 258 = 0.5 * (229 + 287) How would you determine M_2500, M_500, M_200, etc? How would you determine confidence ranges for these? For the impatient, Zbetanfw.xcm sets parameters to the best fit found so far.