To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 1 Aug 99, 0825 EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift A10 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/July_30_1999_B.txt. Shift A10. Start at 213:01:00 GMT = 0900 pm 31 July 99 End 9:20am 1 Aug SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect RAC FOT/Sci liason EM HRC SSM,EJ ACIS PPP,RB,FB,MB (Times will be given in GMT on day 213. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Perform earth scan #16. DONE Measure Vacuum monitor. DONE ACIS internal calibration source measurements. Run Cap 129 to recover fid light tracking. Run Cap 135 to complete series of tests of SIM flexure heating EVENTS Telemetry has OBSID 62482 as expected, at start of shift. Run CAP 129 to recover fid light tracking, at ~01:30 SSR playback, started ~02:07. Run CAP 70 to re-enable RADMON. 03:46. 03:50, maneuver out of the earth scan 16. OBSID 62741 at 04:51, for first of series of ACIS internal cal source measurements. Change to Format 2. Focal plane temperature is -118.9, 04:55. OBSID 62740 at 05:22 OBSID 62739 at We do NOT plan to use OBSID 62738 because we are only running three cases of the internal cal source measurement. Turn on vacuum monitor at 05:48. Pressure reads 10^-5 torr. Drops to 9.7 10^-6 at 10:53. Ground station handover about 07:50 (Goldstone to Canberra). Start pitch to 65 deg for flexure heating tests, 09:10. Lose fid light in slot 5, the faintest fid light, ~08:00. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS Set up for CAP 93A, which is the modified radiation belt sequence used at the lower perigees. We expect NOT to actually use this, since IPS-4 should raise perigee to the final value prior to the next perigee passage. Clash of SCS slots. ACIS used 143, but pitch to sun point also used it and had it enabled and activated and at a step number beyond where ACIS was using it. So ACIS now has to skip the disabling of the 143 slot, so that the spacecraft can continue to use it. Prepare a Patch request for a patch to the ACA flight software to prevent loss of lock when a single cosmic ray track hits an image. Need date identified as start of OAC Phase 2. Prepare a Patch request for the OBC to reacquire all fid lights at 1000 sec intervals (whether they are lost or not). This backstops the above desired patch to the ACA software which is intended to prevent loss of lock. Data recovery. There were puzzles concerning the SSR data from 211:05:23 to 211:13:31. This data was "lost" (put in the wrong directory?) for about 2 days, apparently without GOT or ascds DutyScientists raising alarms. Then the GOT reported irretrievably bad data quality, whereas our SOT examination of the IDR files ftp'ed from JPL showed perfect data. This particular data was of interest in relation to understanding how to make ACIS bias maps in the presence of cosmic rays. PCAD quick look following two different pitch maneuvers showed extremely low residual rates -- no more than a few hundredths arcsec per sec. This probably indicates very small effects due to slosh. Apogee following IPS-3 was reported as 139,100 km. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------