Aug_21_1999_M31.txt Shift M31 Start at 1999:233:18:00 GMT = 1999 Aug 21 2:00pm EDT End 1999 Aug 21 10:00pm EDT See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Aug_21_1999_M31.txt. SOT Lead Ed Kellogg SOT SC/ACA Tom Aldcroft FOT-SI HRC-SI ACIS-SI Paul Plucinsky (Times will be given in GMT on day 233. not precise.) EVENTS PLAN DONE OBSID -------------- ---- ---- ----- Perigee 1840 LOS Canberra 1850 1850 AOS Goldstone 2220 2225 216 Start p5p6 load 2220 2220 Change OBSID 2247 2250 1269 Start ACIS science run 2308 2308 1269 ACA tracking 3 fidlites, 4 stars 2312 Finish ACIS run day 234 0236 NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS --------------------- At start of shift, we were LOS and in radiation. The ACA lost two acquisition stars. In one case it re-located the correct guide star, and in the other no guide star was found. Tom is analyzing this situation and will send around an explanation. OBSID change now happens 3 min after it's listed in the DOT. Having trouble locking on TLM from Goldstone at 2255. Settles down later. At 0030, ACIS informs that there is a viable source image. Things are very quiet and smooth.