Shift L32 Start at 1999:235:10:00 = 1999 Aug 23 6:00am End at 1999:235:18:00 = 1999 Aug 23 2:00pm (Times will be given in GMT on day 235. In general times are rough, not precise.) SOT Lead/FP Sci MJ Spac/Aspect MF FOT/Sci liaison HRC JHC ACIS PPP Plan ---- Continue observations with P5P6 load Approve P7 load Events ------ 13:00 AOS current OBSID 165 15:10 LOS 16:05 AOS current OBSID 138 16:27 ACIS start science 17:00 LOS Notes/Issues/Problems --------------------- At shift start we are LOS; next AOS expected at 13:00 GMT. Issues from P7 load review: - ACIS observations are effectively shorter than their requested time due to the OFLS not having knowledge of which parameter block is the "start science" and overhead once the start science has been issued. Future 1000 s observations should be converted to 1250 s. - The ACIS first observation after radiation zone exit (OBSID 466) has not been extended by 2000s. It was decided that there was not adequate time to add the time in and reschedule/regenerate the load before the comm pass needed for upload. - A review of the hex of the SIM commands was required before load would be approved for upload. NOTE: I emailed the SIM command hex portions from the P7 mission timeline report to Eric Vrem and he confirmed that these were good. B. Twambly also verified good command content. Rob Cameron pointed out that due to an update to the characteristics file of the ACIS-I aimpoint, the fid-light positions in the P7 load are not correct. It was agreed in principle that the load could still be used. What will have to be done is to command an increase in the size of the fid-light search box during the real-time pass when the SIM motion to ACIS-I occurs. It may also be necessary to have the ACA look for the brightest not the most central source. A similar issue may come up for the first HRC-I and HRC-S observations. P8 load products are planned to be out for review tomorrow morning (~8am EDT); comments are expected back 4 hours later. There are still several open issues concerning how the HETG operations will fold into the load. M. Weisskopf and C. Canizares raised a concern at the P7 review of the discrepancy in timing between the Phase 2 Timeline spreadsheet and the actual progress of the schedule. TRW has not received anything from Ball concerning the SIM SEA software patch to raise the calibration curve.