To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 23 Aug 99, 10:00pm EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift M33 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Aug_23 _1999_M33.txt Shift Mxx Start at 235:18:00 GMT = 02: pm 2 Aug EDT End 10:00pm 2 Aug SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect RAC FOT/Sci liason ERM HRC ACIS PPP,LT (Times will be given in GMT on day 235. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Continue operation under P5P6 load. Seamlessly start running under P7 load at 235:22:12:07.08 which is already on-board Chandra. EVENTS Start of shift, running OBSID 138. LOS until 23:05. 23:06 AOS at Madrid. 3 fid lights, 5 stars. OBSID 1090 Running on load p7 23:10 ACIS stop science 23:13 New OBSID, 1087 23:45 OBSID 1088, 3 fid lights, 5 guide stars. 00:22 Load SCS slot 254 and enable, to enlarge the fid search box. 00:54 OBSID 1093 SIM offset -2 arcmin. NO fid lights, 3 stars. 01:17 Change OBSID to 1270. Translate SIM to ACIS-I 01:27 Acquire 3 fid lights on ACIS-I, and 5 stars !! PKS0312-770 focus plate series, first position 0.5mm in front of default focus at -504 motor steps. 03:15 OBSID 467. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS Our SOT 3-shift operation started with an M-shift, so on any given date the number go L(n) to M(n+1). This is confusing, and we doubled up on the M26,M27 transition. This has been corrected. ATTENTION SOT LEAD: When you get the *.dot file from the FOT mission planners, please send email announcing this fact to sot_lead, mp,,, and ascds_dutysci. This is to allow them the most time to access and review. For the OBSID 1087, we get 4 stars, 3 fids, missing star 1201542416 which is catalogued at 9.419. For 1089 we get 3 stars and 3 fids, missing star 1201542416 again and also star 1201017424 catalogued at 9.532 mag. This has a color =1.1 For OBSID 1093 we fail to acquire 1229334016, which we consistently have not acquired, and also fail 1204427920 at cataloged mag 9.305 with B-V=0.57. In OBSID 1093, we failed all 3 fid lights. Think that SIM motion hadn't ended when the fid search command was sent. Try to reacquire with a real time NMM and NPM sequence. But this doesn't work! Still no fid lights. ACIS confirms SIM motion is -2 arcmin, as planned, by observation of the PKS 0637 image. Rob discovers that the Offline system has a sign error, and commanded a fid light search in the wrong direction!! So ALL measurements with the SIM aimpoint offset from nominal will fail fid light acquisition. The Flight team 9am meetings will resume tomorrow, Tuesday. Roger will continue the 3pm Monday, Wed, Friday status meetings. A permanent meet-me number will be arranged. The Friday meeting will include a Flight Director CCB at the conclusion of other business. As stated in the previous report, "the fid-light positions in the P7 load are not correct. SCS slot 254 was loaded with a CAP to enlarge the fid light box to 140 arcsec half width. We should keep this enlarged fid light box through the initial acquisition of HRC-I and HRC-S fid lights as well. The SOC is now the keeper of the graphical timeline, and of the Flight Notes Log. SOT Lead should obtain a copy of these on disk as they are updated, place them in /pool7/chandra/ , and email a notice of the file names to cal, mp, sot, and ascds_dutysci. PROBLEM: in OBSID 1270, we don't immediately seem to observe PKS0312-770 in ACIS-I. We are starting 5, 5000sec observations to measure ACIS-I focus, and will likely not be able to measure the focus. This problem has been diagnosed as the fact that the alignment matrix in the characteristics file was updated only for ACIS-S. Thus we were both off the HRMA optical axis, (bad for the focus plates anyway), and also off the 1/8 subarray of ACIS I3. We plan to fix this in the ODB, and replan P7 starting at the 5 focus plate measurements. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------