To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 25 Aug 99, 10:00pm EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift M35 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Aug_25_1999_M35.txt Shift Mxx Start at 235:18:00 GMT = 02:00pm 25 Aug EDT End 10:00pm 25 Aug SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect RAC FOT/Sci liason EM HRC ACIS PPP,RB,LT (Times will be given in GMT on day 235. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Continue execution of P7b load, off axis effective area measurements in chips I0, I1, I2. Review products for P8 load. EVENTS 20:05 AOS on Madrid. ACIS-I is observing OBSID 161, G21.5-0.9 SNR offset on chip I2. Have 5 stars and 3 fid lights. 21:32 Products available for P8 load review, see /data/mpcrit1/oac/p8/output or /ehs/ofls/build/bin/mps/output/m238:1135 from within the EHS. 23:15 Executing CAP 345, to test use of protected slot SCS 38 for reset of ACA slots by commanding 8 searches at an impossible location to clear the slots. This test was successful and therefore the plan is for this to replace mission SCS 193 as of P9. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS Chat with Fred Smith about ACA behaviour. Only 11 slots available for candidate recognitions in the directed searches. IF these were all full, it could cause a block against acquiring more stars. BUT they shouldn't be full, because a slot will only keep the brighter of two stars in a given search box, i.e., after one or two frames it will drop the fainter. What happens to the 3 slots that are NOT cleared by the SCS 38 reset? In review of P8, we see that the last Capella observation, ObsId 1237, receives less than a quarter of its planned time - 3.4 Ks instead of 15Ks. THIS needs to be fixed tomorrow for the second half of the P8 load. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------