SOT Shift Report Shift H37 Duration: 27 Aug 1999 22:00 EDT - 28 Aug 1999 06:00 EDT 28 Aug 1999 02:00 GMT - 28 Aug 1999 10:00 GMT SOT Lead: Spacecraft/Aspect: Tom Aldcroft FOT/Science Liason: HRC: ACIS: ======================================== Plan ---- Segmented maneuver HETG insertion and observation of Capella Events ------ 02:51 - Segemented maneuver successful 04:45 - HETG launch lock pin 1 pulled 04:58 - HETG launch lock pin 2 pulled 05:40 - HETG successfully inserted! 05:57 - HETG first image appears: dispersed signal for HEG and MEG seen; plenty of spectral lines immediately visible 06:04 - Chocolate cigars passed out Notes/Issues/Problems --------------------- During HETG insertion, fid lights were occulted and lost, but quickly re-acquired. A disturbance of about three arcsecs observed in star angle data at the beginning of insertion, and about 0.5 arcsec at the end. HETG spectrum (using only real-time ACIS de-dithering) looks great!