To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 31 Aug 99, 09:00am EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift H40 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Aug_30_1999_H40.txt. Shift H40. Start at 243:02:00 GMT = 10:00pm 30 Aug EDT End 09:00am 31 Aug SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect FOT/Sci liason HRC SSM,JHC,GM,MJ, ACIS RB (Times will be given in GMT on day 243. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Continue running P9, HRC shutter location under CAP 355. HRC to determine a focus position, via analysis at EGSE station, to be used in observation segment P10. Run ACIS event histograms. EVENTS Start of shift running CAP 355 step 3, SCS 165, OBSID 1201 tracking 4 stars, 2 fid lights (1 fid lost behind shutter) 02:30 Start CAP 355, step 5, SCS 164. OBSID is 1202 4 stars, 1 fid light (lost another behind shutter) 03:23 Start SSR playback. 03:29 Change to OBSID 1203. Start step 7, SCS 163. Lost the last fid light. 03:48 Stop SSR playback -- taking too many error hits. 04:27 End HRC run. ~4:30 Change to channel 2 for SSR playback 04:30 New OBSID, 1204. We do NOT run SCS 162, but instead use this as a normalization to the unocculted source. 04:41 New OBSID, 1205. Proceed to step 11, -Y scan #2, SCS 161. 04:45 Run ACIS CAP 358A. Step 1, power on 6 ACIS-S video boards. Stop science run. 04:57 continue CAP 358A, configure S-array for event histogram with 5 chips. Execute start science commands. 05:40 New OBSID 1206, scan #3 with SCS 160. 05:45 ACIS clears slots 137 and 233. ACIS KEEPS the start science commands in SCS 190 and the stop science in SCS 191. 06:57 CAP 355 step 14, clear SCS slots. HRC shutters located, ready for focus/tilt measurements 07:45 Running CAP 356, OBSID 1207 ~08:15 OBSID 1208. 08:43 OBSID 1209 ~09:15 OBSID 1210 09:25 finish HRC focus/tilt measurements. Switch to a new OBSID, 1296, to be used for a measurement with HRC in focus. 10:35 Move to best focus estimate, -766 motor steps. 10:56 Move to focus estimate -900 motor steps. 11:44 Send ACIS stop science, end the ACIS-S event histograms Power up ACIS-I video boards, start Science run 12:16 Change OBSID to 132, PSR B0540-69. Acquire 5 stars, 3 fid lights. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS ACIS only had a fixed set of 6 video boards on, with no power commands in the CAPs 357 and 358 which switched between ACIS-I and ACIS-S. Therefore the "ACIS-I" configuration only gave events from 3 chips and "ACIS-S" from 4 chips, instead of 5 chips each as had been planned. R. Buehler submitted revised CAPs 357A and 358A which switches the video power from the 6 chip S array to the 6 chip "I array" (i.e., 4 I chips and S2, S3), while the parameter blocks select event histograms from 5 distinct chips in each array. SSR has build up a backlog. This will be dumped in a series of ~ 1 hours worth of playback to avoid a long dump being ruined by locally bad transmission. During the shutter motion/focus runs we progressively lose fiducial lights as they are occulted by the shutters. As these are all one Normal pointing mode, we do not attempt to recover fid lights. So the following may require some special processing to allow for reduced numbers, or no, fid lights: OBSID # of fid lights 1201 2 1202 1 1203 0 1204 0 1205 0 1206 0 We will not recover fid lights until OBSID 0132, at 243:12:16:40. OBSID 1204 will NOT be a -Y shutter scan of HRC. Instead it was used for an unocculted normalization. It was at 243:04:30 to 04:31 GMT. ACIS CAP 358A needs to be resumed and finished (run stop science) and the CAP 357A started, through step 7, before loss of comm -- or ~12:00. HRC saw a number of sporadic high background events. These are qualitatively well associated with solar activity as indicated on the GOES web page, but the events are not identical in any detail. We do not staff the L40 shift this morning, with the H40 and M41 shifts overlapping to cover the time. Vacuum monitor reads 2.9 x 10^-6 ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------