To: sot_shift Subject: Shift report Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 22:58:30 -0400 From: Tom Aldcroft ** Day 1999:203 ** Pre-launch B-shift No significant technical problems arose during the pre-launch B shift. Two short brown-outs (< 10 secs each) occurred at the OCC, resulting in loss of room lights. This was apparently due to problems with Boston-Edision. The launch window has been extended by 70 minutes, for a total of 116 minutes. The start of the window is still 12:24 am. The extension of the window results in: - Potential loss of early emergency deployment opportunties (revs 3, 4, 5) - Earth eclipses of up to 140 minutes (as opposed to 120 minutes nominally) if launch is late in the window Detailed reports are given in flight notes 14 and 17. There is concern about a possible near miss (25km) with old Delta debris in the transfer orbit phase. Uncertainties are very high, however, and no departure from the nominal plan is recommended. -Tom