To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 26 July 99, 0900 EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift A4 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii -------- Shift A4. Start at 207:03:30 GMT = 11:30pm 25 July 99 End 9:49am 26 July SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect RAC FOT/Sci liason EM HRC SSM,JG,JC ACIS PPP,RB,SV (Times will be given in GMT on day 207. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Turn on vacuum monitor and measure pressure. Monitor ACIS focal plane temperature. Commission EPHIN. Perform Trigger test. Prepare for Earth Scan #5, start scan. Participate in replanning Transfer Orbit events. EVENTS Turn on vacuum monitor at ~0410. Pressure creeps up to a steady 10^-4 after about an hour warmup. This is slightly lower than yesterday. Turn off monitor ~0520. Format 2 at 0418: ACIS focal plane temperature = -118.9 C Format 2 at 0902: ACIS focal plane temp = -118.9 Format 2 at 0954: ACIS focal plane temp = -118.9 EPHIN commissioning sequence starting ~0430. Complete ~0815. RADMON enabled, 0850. EHPHIN trigger test: ACIS successfully receives High RAD and Low RAD flags, 0920. HRC radiation flag tests also pass, 0935. So the EPHIN now will be left on. It is fully operational and is taking REAL SCIENCE DATA!! Make an attitude and bias correction update. Upload ~0720. These are relatively small corrections. Largest updates were 0.3 deg/day in roll and 1/2 deg in YAW. SSR dump starts ~0930. LGA swap at 1210. ~1234, end maneuver, start earth scan 5. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS The difference between the ACIS focal plane temperature and its set point is now interpreted in terms of the residual gas in the detector volume. This gas could conduct heat from the detector housing, which is held at -60 C, to the focal plane. It is predicted that after opening the Big vent valve that the focal plane temperature will reduce to exactly the set point. We will still plan to lower the set point, as discussed in flight note #66, to confirm active control of the focal plane. We will repeat every, say, 6 months throughout the mission to monitor any potential degradation (which we do not expect, according to design and analysis) in the ability of the radiators to control the focal temperature. Report on IPS burn #2: new apogee 72068.68 km, perigee 3435.08 km, within 13 km of nominal values. Replan of next 36 hours starts ACIS partial bakeout and big valve opening 2 hours earlier, and moves HRC-S pulse inject repeat to PET 03/20 during ACIS cooldown. LOOK AHEAD Issues: At PET 3/21 we need to be sure that ACIS has cooled below -110C before allowing maneuvers. During ACIS CCD Checkout following 04/08 we need to work closely with TST lead to uplink frequent new OBSID's, one for each science run. At ~1240 we notice SCS 84, ACIS exit from radiation, has triggered. It is reasonable that 83 (enter radiation) was called by RADMON, but why 84?? Safing and Software must diagnose. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------