To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 4 Sep 99, 06:00am EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift H44 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Sep_04_1999_H44.txt. Shift H44. Start at 247:02:00 GMT = 10:00pm 04 Sep EDT End 06:00am 05 Sep SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect FOT/Sci liason HRC SSM,GA ACIS (Times will be given in GMT on day 247. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Running P10. In radiation belt until 05:23. After belts, maneuver to G21.5-0.9 for HRC-I standard candle observation. That will extend to the end of P10 load at 247:14:30. Need to review and approve P11 load. Run CAP 371 to exercise grating (HETG) via software commands. EVENTS Start Shift LOS. Pointing position is at Cas A, but we are in radiation belts so the instruments are turned off. 03:02 AOS. 03:03 Start SSR playback 03:19 Momentum unloading. 03:27 Momentum unloading finished. 03:28 Run CAP 371 for software retraction of HETG grating Software retraction is successful. We observe 6v on the B side power supply while, and only while, grating motor is actually being driven, as reported in shift M44. 04:00 LOS 08:46 AOS Out of radiation belts. Running OBSID 143, with 5 stars and 3 fid lights. HRC RATES ARE HIGH -- Shield rates ~5800 per sec, and Valid rates variable from 250 to > 500 per sec. 09:35 Start SSR playback. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS Very tight schedule for review of P11 load. Telecon at 247:04:00 verifies all operations are safe, and allows the unlink and execution of the load. A small SIM offset during HRC-S observation 1153 was not scheduled, reason unknown. Details of ACIS-I observations need further review, but they will not be executed until the second half of the load, and corrections can be made if necessary. In the case of ACIS, we are concerned with the seeming difficulty of scheduling ACIS to be in an event histogram mode using format 1 during HRC observations. This needs to be mechanized, as IT MUST BE THE ROUTINE during the normal mission. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------