To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 12 Sep 99, 11:30am EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift L53 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Sep_13_1999_L53.txt. Shift L47 Start at 256:12:00 GMT = 08:00am 13 Sep EDT End 11:30am 13 Sep SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect WAP, FOT/Sci liason HRC JHC, ACIS PPP,CG,ES,EB (Times will be given in GMT on day 256. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Continue warmup phase of ACIS bakeout. Load SCS to support bakeout cycle. Plan for clock shifting to occur at room temp. EVENTS Start of shift, AOS until 13:00GMT. Running OBSID 62421, pointed at the NGC 2516 position: RA = 119.5751, dec = -60.772, roll=126.7184. Have 5 stars, no fid lights. SIM position is at 75615, ACIS-S aim point; and -949, HRC-S focus position. 12:10 Load ACIS SOP 61024 and SAP 61076 to load up SCSs. 12:51 Temperatures are at focal plane =31.2 deg; detector housing = -2.5 deg C. Preparing to start clocking in diagnostic mode. CHANGE OF PLANS: hold off on clocking the chips for further MIT/Lincoln discussion. DECISION: CCDs will not be clocked while warm. 14:05 LOS 14:20 AOS from Madrid. Start CAP 424, basically just execute step 4, SAP 61076 to cool back down, then step 8. 14:28 Step 7 of SAP 61076. Cooling housing to +10 deg C. Need to wait till it reaches, then will start focal plane down to that temperature. 14:58 Resume script. Start cooling ACIS focal plane. Will hold here, and resume script again at the start of comm at 19:15. 15:15 LOS NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS In order to clock the video boards, all heaters MUST BE OFF or we will draw too much power, and risk blowing the ACIS fuse!! Terminated P13 daily load at 256:0838. We used OBSID 0068 and obtained ~~12,500 seconds data on NGC 2516 before interrupting that observation. We have not done the observations of LMC X-1 and not used the OBSIDs 1154 through 1165 inclusive, and will not do the Sirius/B LETG observations which use 0074 and 1274, during the P13 load. Presumably these OBSIDs can be rescheduled later if desired, with the same OBSID numbers. Communications passes have been extended to offer support to ACIS bakeout cycle as follows: 256:08:00 to 256:14:10 (follow it to horizon)Canberra 256:14:30 to 256:15:15 (baseline Madrid coverage) 256:19:15 to 257:04:00 (extended Madrid coverage) 257:07:20 to 257:08:20 (Baseline Goldstone coverage) At this time, applying any voltage at room temperature was not done, because of the concern that a positive voltage would drive electrons up from the buried channel and into the oxide/nitride interface layer, where they would be trapped with extremely long time constants. Future investigation will ask if we can warm up while a negative DC voltage is applied to the chips. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------