To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 05 Apr 00 , 12:00noon EDT Subject: SOT shift report, Shift L257 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Apr_05_2000_L257.txt. Shift L257. Start at 096:12:00 GMT = 08:00am 05 Apr EDT End 12:00 noon 05 Apr SOT Lead DAS (Times will be given in GMT on day 096. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Continue running load APR0400b. Start a long observation, OBSID 0433 of MCG -6-30-15 with ACIS-S/HETG, which will last over a day. Next Contacts: 096:14:20 to 16:20 096:22:20 to 23:20 097:07:00 to 08:00 097:14:45 to 15:45 097:21:45 to 23:40 098:04:35 to 05:35 098:13:00 to 14:00 098:23:30 to 03:30 -- ACIS squeegy mode test. EVENTS Status at LOS, 096:07:14 was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 0 RA = 280.003 deg DEC = -29.998 deg ROLL = 93.173 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 62095 (ACIS CTI) SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = -99616 (HRC-S) HETG = OUT (80.2 deg) LETG = OUT (79.1 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN: A-Leak = 0.4360 mu-a B-Leak = 0.0680 mu-a 14:28 AOS Status at AOS, 096:14:29 was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 203.966 deg DEC = -34.316 deg ROLL = 18.981 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 433 (MCG -6-30-15) SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 74423 (ACIS-S) HETG = IN (6.3 deg) LETG = OUT (79.1 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN: A-Leak = 0.4360 mu-a B-Leak = 0.0680 mu-a 15:42 A CE 130-214 keV proton rates up around 1500. 1 MeV protons are even higher, so this is an unusual flat spectrum event. Ephin rates are turning over by 25 Mev. EPHIN Geom LARG E1300 4 LT 1318.52 (RADMON P4GM 1344 LT 3542.40 Trigger P41GM 0 LT 100.00 levels ) 16:19 EPHIN Geom LARG E1300 6 LT 1318.52 (RADMON P4GM 2000 LT 3542.40 Trigger P41GM 0 LT 100.00 levels ) 16:20 LOS Ascending through 100176 km. Other than the increasing proton radiation levels, status is essentially unchanged at LOS NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS From the 9am status meeting: Problems reported yesterday with weather at Canberra station did not cause any data loss, nor roll-over of SSR A, thanks to getting high rate dump from Goldstone. Initial review of AP0900 load went well, will have second review today at 11:00 EDT. [LATER NOTE: a subsequent review is set for 16:30 EDT today] HEADS-UP: Expecting VCDU roll-over at 098:19:52:36.7 GMT. The DB1 server went down last night, suspect a CPU problem, troubleshooting today. Running on DB2. Review of CAPs and products for squeegy mode testing needs to happen by COB tomorrow. Upcoming meetings: Thurs, Ap 6, 2pm OCC conference room. Schedule and test plans for the next ONLS/OFLS delivery. Tues, Ap 11, 9:15 action room. Safe mode recovery revisions: changes, and presentation of new procedure. Quick look data: OBSID 1522, ACIS-I observation of Trapezium, looks good OBSID 418, ACIS-S observation of MITG J0414+0534, nothing visible on full image. OBSID 604, ACIS-S/HETG observation of Algol, looks good OBSID 851, ACIS-S observation of BAL 1044+3656, looks good. OBSID 446, ACIS-I observation of W3B, can't see anything on full image OBSID 867, ACIS-S observation of Q1331+170, looks good. OBSID 140, ACIS-I cal observation of E0102-72.3 on S3, looks good. OBSID 858, ACIS-S observation of B2 0755+37, looks good. OBSID 664, ACIS-S CC observation of 1735-269. This LOOKS STRANGE: it is supposed to be a full field cc-mode, but looks like a very small sub-array. ACIS pmon needed re-starting. Focal plane temperature -119.7 at 096:15:43, 97155 km. We note that the EPHIN P4GM channel (~5 to 8 MeV protons) is more than halfway to the safe mode trigger level!! We do not want to be unduly alarmist, but it would not be a surprise if we find Chandra in safe mode at our next AOS, 22:20 this evening (6:20pm EDT). ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------