To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 14 Feb 00 , 12:00noon EST Subject: SOT shift report, Shift L206 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Feb_14_2000_L206.txt. Shift L206. Start at 045:13:00 GMT = 08:00am 14 Feb EST End 12:00 noon 14 Feb SOT Lead DAS Spac/Aspect FOT/Sci liason HRC ACIS (Times will be given in GMT on day 045. In general times are rough, not precise.) PLAN Continue running load FEB1300c. Finish observing Coma cluster with HRC-I (OBSID 562). Observe V382 Velorum, a TOO novae in outburst, using HRC-S/LETG (OBSID 958). Perform CTI measurements before and after belt passage surrounding the perigee at 045:23. Next Comms: 045:13:50 to 14:45 045:23:30 to 01:30 046:06:10 to 07:50 046:14:00 to 15:15 047:03:00 to 04:45 047:11:50 to 13:45 EVENTS Status at LOS, 045:05:34, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 194.969 deg DEC = 27.954 deg ROLL = 92.991 deg Format = 1 OBSID = 562 (Coma Cluster) SIM FA = -715 SIM TSC = -45849 (HRC-I) HETG = OUT (80.6 deg) LETG = OUT (79.1 deg) HRC-I HV is ON EPHIN: A-Leak = 0.4120 mu-a B-Leak = 0.0640 mu-a 13:54 AOS Status at AOS, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NMAN CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 0 FIDS = 3 RA = 194.969 deg DEC = 27.954 deg ROLL = 92.991 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 62168 (ACIS CTI) SIM FA = -990 SIM TSC = -99616 (HRC-S) HETG = OUT (80.6 deg) LETG = IN ( 4.5 deg) HRC-I HV is ON EPHIN: A-Leak = 0.4080 mu-a B-Leak = 0.0640 mu-a 14:45 LOS Status at LOS, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 0 RA = 108.000 deg DEC = -24.996 deg ROLL = 310.228 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 62168 (ACIS CTI) SIM FA = -990 SIM TSC = -99616 (HRC-S) HETG = OUT (80.6 deg) LETG = OUT (79.5 deg) HRC-I HV is ON EPHIN: A-Leak = 0.4120 mu-a B-Leak = 0.0640 mu-a NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS From 9am status meeting: Over the weekend, 10 supports with 9 good SSR dumps, all data recovered. 6 loads were uplinked, including the FEB1200c bridge load to replace ACIS observations with HRC due to high ACE proton rates. On-board Chandra loads will run through 049:10:30. FOT/MPS will start FEB2000 load -- plan for review no later than Thursday. A meeting to discuss the star selection process has previously been set up for Wed pm, with thursday, and friday morning available as needed for extra time. Rob and Tom and appropriate SOT/MPS should attend. Meetings postponed due to the solar activity actions are to be re-scheduled: for detailed setup of an observation, and for discussion of radiation zone configurations. The FOT/MPS has accepted an action item to investigate scheduling slews INSIDE the 13000Ksec pad time on the radiation zone transfers. The current problem is that SIM and grating moves must be made prior to RADMON disable, and the OFLS schedules these moves during slews. Evaluation of QL data -------------------------------------------- The following observations from the last ten days should be available for review. If there is no comment after the entry, it means the image has not yet appeared in the book. OBSID Target Time Comment ----- ------ -------------- ------- 01520 NGC 3184 2000:034:11:00 ACIS-S NONE 00837 NGC 5548 2000:036:15:5 ACIS-S HETG OK 00623 OPHIUCHI MOSAIC #11 2000:039:11:0 ACIS-I NONE OK 00327 BZ CAM 2000:039:16:18 ACIS-S NONE 00805 I ZW 18 2000:039:18:07 ACIS-S NONE OK 00650 GK PERSEI 2000:041:01:24 ACIS-S NONE OKAY 00359 CYGNUS A 2000:042:05:32 ACIS-S NONE 00756 PSR B1706-44 2000:042:06:50 HRC-I NONE OK 00602 GRB TOO ACIS-S NONE OK. Arcsec position determined ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 800-759-8352 PIN 1636502 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------