Sep_14_2000_L420.txt Shift L420 Start at 2000:258:11:30:00 GMT = 2000 Sep 14 7:30am EDT End 2000 Sep 14 1:00pm EDT SOT shift report 2000-09-14 L420 See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Sep_14_2000_L420.txt SOT Lead Bill Podgorski SOT SC/ACA FOT-SI HRC-SI ACIS-SI OTHER Plan: - Running SEP1200B (TOO load), had RADMON trigger of SCS 107 yesterday at about 257:1915. P4GM channel exceeded limit of 300. Replanning excercise underway. (see note 1) Plan arrived at is to rebuild the load to pick up the TOO target SS CYG at about 257:2100, then move to AR LAC-3 (obsid 8) and continue with the load as planned before. ALso decided to add 2 hrs extra pad on rad-zone entry for next perigee passage. Seq # ObsID It Target start time SI Grat --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 00648 SS CYG 2000:258:21:00 ACIS-S HETG Pickup the TOO 200006 00008 00 AR LAC-3 LAST QUAD 2000:259:14:14:00.758 7.6 ACIS-S HETG RAD ZONE ENTRY 2000:259:16:55:14.237 (was 18:55) 61923 2000:259:17:03:35.237 CTI PERIGEE 2000:260:03:47:47.225 61921 2000:260:08:40:45.237 200005 00007 AR LAC-2 FIRST QUAD 2000:260:12:03:55.237 7.5 ACIS-S HETG ORBITAL EVENTS: 2000:257:12:21:10.188 152 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2000:258:20:04:26.609 153 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2000:260:03:47:47.225 153 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2000:261:11:31:55.002 154 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE EVENTS DONE OBSID -------------- ---- ----- Start Shift 258:1130 Attempted AOS on DSS-54 258:1210 Had problems on 54, switch to 66 and got telemetry 258:1310 Went back to 54 for telemetry and commanding 258:1415 (see note 2) Status at 258:1635 - see note 3 258:1635 Run ACIS CAP 654 to warm boot back-end processor 258:1645 End of shift 258:1700 NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS --------------------- 1) Jeff Shirer's E-mail describing RADMON trip: On day 2000:257 (9-14-2000), the onboard radiation monitor tripped and performed a safing action (SCS #107) which halted the daily loads and stopped observations. The trip occurred during the maneuver to OBSID #648, which was to be the first out of the radiation zone. The maneuver and subsequent star acquisition completed successfully at the attitude for OBSID #648. That attitude is OK until 260:03:50:22, when the earth comes within 20 deg. of the ACA boresight. The OBC error log had 13 errors from the event: 4 trips of the S/C momentum monitor associated with moving the SIM twice and 9 Invalid SCS transitions, all of which are expected for an SCS #107 run. The timeline around the event was: GMT Event ------------------------------ 257:19:02:20 RADMON enabled by daily load (SCS #128) 257:19:02:30 Maneuver start to OBSID #648 257:19:05:20 OBSID change to 648 257:19:13:45 Last command from daily load executed (AOMUNLEN) 257:19:15 SCS #107 kicks off 257:19:25 Maneuver completes 257:19:28 SCS #107 completes 2) Telemetry problem turned out to be commanding problem on 54. Went to 66 and commanded transmitter on. Had ratty telemetry on 66 (26m antenna near apogee). Resolved command problem on 54. Now on 54 for both command and telemetry. 3) Status: 1) Status at 258:1655 PCAD MODE = NPNT NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT NPNT Stars: = 5 5 FIDS = 0 0 RA = 325.687602 deg 325.6868 DEC = 43.609050 deg 43.6092 ROLL = 213.093258 deg 213.09 Format = 2 2 OBSID = 648 648 SIM FA = -467 -468 SIM TSC = -99616 -99616 HETGA = 6.71 deg (IN) IN HETGB = 6.33 deg (IN) IN LETGA = 79.08 deg (OUT) OUT LETGB = 78.33 deg (OUT) OUT EPHIN A-leak = 0.5160 B-leak = 0.0920 Altitude = 141689A(km) ACE Proton Flux = 19780 (2 hr avg in 130-214 keV proton channel) Fluence (130-214KeV) = 1.4E+8 LT 3.6E+8 Radiation Level OK Kp Index (Costello) = 3.67 LT 6 is OK EPHIN Geom = LARG E150 = 421.5 E300 = 7.8 E1300 = 0.1 LT 10.00 (RADMON P4GM = 70.1 LT 300.00 Triggers) P41GM = 0.0 LT 8.47 HRC SP PS = OFF IM PS = OFF IM Top Step = 42 IM Bot Step = 53 Shield 1 HV = OFF Shield 2 HV = OFF TE Rate 1 = 0 TE Rate 2 = 0 Valid Event Rate 1 = 0 Valid Event Rate 2 = 0 Shield Event Rates = 0 ACIS FP Temp = -119.9 Cold Radiator = -127.9 DEA Pwr = 27.4 DPA Pwr = 12.4 Science State = Science Idle 4) ACIS Back-end processor reset: > Bob has alerted us to the watchdog reset of the BEP. Is there any > diagnostic information we can get from the SW TLM? We will have to > decide on how to re-start later today. Should we warm boot or cold > boot, etc? We have COM until 11am and we shall regain COM at 3:15pm. > We should be ready to do whatever we need to do with ACIS at the > 3:15pm pass. ACIS rebooted because of a FEP I/O bus error. This was in turn caused by a command to power-down the FEPs which was issued by SCS 107. As luck would have it, this arrived while ACIS was in the middle of a bias computation for OBSID 648. Although SCS 107 had previously sent a pair of stopScience commands, these were ignored during the bias computation, so the BEP was still interrogating the FEPs when they were powered down, thereby causing the bus error. Since the cause of the reboot is fully understood, I recommend that we recoved by warm-booting, followed by restarting DEA housekeeping. In my opinion, a cold-boot and reload of patches is unnecessary. 5) Quick Look data review(OK unless noted): Seq # ObsID It Target start time SI Grat Comments ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 400069 00702 00 X1543-62 2000:256:08:32:50.852 28.0 ACIS-S HETG 300017 02307 00 SS CYG 2000:256:17:19:35.032 37.3 ACIS-S HETG