To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 25 Jun 03, 12:00noon EDT Subject: SOT shift report 2003-06-25 L1434 -------- See, or /proj/ascwww/AXAF/extra/science/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Jun_25_2003_L1434.txt. Shift L1434. Start at 176:13:00 GMT = 08:00am 25 Jun EDT End 12:00 noon 25 Jun SOT Lead DAS (Times will be given in GMT on day 176.) PLAN ---- Continue running load JUN2303C. Finish obsid 4098, an ACIS-S observation of SDSS J014812.23+000153.2 as part of a survey of broad emission line quasars with blueshifted C~IV emission relative to the Mg II lines. Then do cti measurements surrounding the perigee passage. Next Comms: 176:1800 to 0110 177:0510 to 0710 177:1250 to 1450 177:2140 to 2340 178:0215 to 0315 178:1220 to 1420 178:2115 to 2215 179:0250 to 0450 179:0920 to 1120 179:2110 to 2210 180:0310 to 0510 180:1025 to 1225 180:2100 to 2200 Orbital events: 2003:176:23:32:52.194 536 ORBIT PERIGEE 2003:178:07:16:56.162 537 ORBIT APOGEE 2003:179:15:02:09.967 537 ORBIT PERIGEE 2003:180:22:45:43.478 538 ORBIT APOGEE 2003:182:06:31:14.791 538 ORBIT PERIGEE 2003:183:14:14:23.638 539 ORBIT APOGEE 2003:184:21:59:19.216 539 ORBIT PERIGEE 2003:186:05:42:29.158 540 ORBIT APOGEE 2003:187:13:26:32.254 540 ORBIT PERIGEE EVENTS ------ Status at LOS, 176:12:13, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 27.070 deg Dec = 0.025 deg ROLL = 115.195 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 4098 SDSS J014812.23+000153.2 SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75623 (ACIS-S) DITHER = ENAB HETG = OUT (79.46 deg) LETG = OUT (77.59 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = LARG E150 = 3.2 E300 = 0.0 E1300 = 0.0 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 0.0 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.0 LT 8.47 A-leak = 1.0200 mu-a B-leak = 0.5520 mu-a Gyro 1 Curr 1 151.20 (yellow) Gyro 1 Curr 2 100.80 Descending through 88575 km. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.9. NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS From the 9am status meeting: Three supports, no issues. One load segment uplinked, on-board loads are good until 180:03:10. Gyro 1A is extremely noisy, with a spike up to almost 200ma, and a base mean level about 150ma. The primary and backup strings will be down for about 10 hours, until about 6pm EDT, to install ONLS 3.9.3. Meetings today: Star selection working group, 10am EDT, 405 544 5060 1165# Need to decide on proceeding with next -1 deg cooling New eclipse handling plan, 11am EDT, 405 544 5060 1165# Technical presentation intended to provide information sufficient for FD CCB approval Review of the IRU-1 to IRU-2 process, 3:30pm EDT. 405-244-5060 1165# Quick look data: OBSID Target Time Comment ----- ------ -------------- ------- 3805 H1743-322 174:16:11 ACIS-S HETG CC-mode. bright zero order 3964 MRK 1044 175:07:20 HRC-S LETG Looks good. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 877-693-7198 PIN 693-7198 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------