To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 22 Mar 05, 12:00noon EST Subject: SOT shift report 2005-03-22 L2070 -------- See, or /proj/web-cxc/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/Mar_22_2005_L2070.txt. Shift L2070. Start at 081:13:00 GMT = 08:00am 22 Mar EST End 10:00am 22 Mar SOT Lead DAS (Times will be given in GMT on day 081.) PLAN ---- Continue running load MAR2105C. Doing several pool targets: Obsid 5712 and 5716, an ACIS-S survey of jets in FIRST (Faint Images of the Radio Sky at Twenty-centimeters) sources; obsid 5704, an ACIS-S survey of bright broad absorption line (BAL) quasars; 5803, an ACIS-I imaging project on massive clusters of galaxies observed in the Deep Lens Survey (DLS); 5393, 5394 and 5388, part of an ACIS-S survey of B/A-type stars with strong magnetic fields; 5633, part of an ACIS-S study of intermediate-redshift narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies. No Comm this shift. Next Comms: 081:2350 to 0050 082:1100 to 1200 082:1445 to 1545 082:2315 to 0115 083:0750 to 0850 083:1545 to 1645 083:2245 to 2345 084:0145 to 0245 084:1100 to 1200 084:1550 to 1750 Orbital events: 2005:081:22:05:35.339 777 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:083:05:48:59.405 777 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2005:084:13:33:07.978 778 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:085:21:16:26.390 778 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2005:087:05:00:12.549 779 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:088:12:43:50.412 779 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE EVENTS ------ Status at LOS, 081:13:19, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 208.573 deg Dec = 33.685 deg ROLL = 138.230 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 5686 AX J1354.1+3341 SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75625 (ACIS-S) DITHER = ENAB HETG = OUT (79.09 deg) LETG = OUT (77.59 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = LARG E150 = 7.6 E300 = 0.4 E1300 = 0.1 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 0.0 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.0 LT 8.47 A-leak = 1.0200 mu-a B-leak = 1.0200 mu-a Ascending through 119506 km. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.7 degC. EPH temp 98.62 degF NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS From the 9am status meeting: Four supports over the past day. A DSS-16 was changed to DSS-24 because INTEGRAL needed extra support. Data dumps are all current. One load segment was uplinked -- On-board loads good until 084:21:48. MAR2805 products are still in work. There is an issue with a couple of observations which were being planned but were not in the OR list -- needs to be resolved. No load review today. UPS battery replacement is scheduled to begin at 1pm EST tomorrow afternoon. All 40 batteries are being replaced. It is guessed that the activity will be finished by 4pm. We will confirm from the vendor the expected work duration, and also the fact that they will not leave the UPS in an inoperable state at the end of their workday. To mitigate against the database server corruption which would occur if house power failed with no backup, we will bring the databases down while the replacement is in progress. The 5:30pm EST pass tomorrow is not deemed essential. Manual operation of the generator is considered a possibility in case the house power does fail while UPS is not operable. Quick look data: OBSID Target Time Comment ----- ------ -------------- ------- 5793 RXCJ1504.1-0248 079:17:22 ACIS-I NONE Looks good. ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 877-693-7198 PIN 693-7198 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------