To:sot_shift from: Dan Schwartz date: 09 May 05, 12:00noon EDT Subject: SOT shift report 2005-05-09 L2118 -------- See, or /proj/web-cxc/htdocs/acis/SOT_reports/May_09_2005_L2118.txt. Shift L2118. Start at 129:13:00 GMT = 08:00am 09 May EDT End 10:00am 09 May SOT Lead DAS (Times will be given in GMT on day 129.) PLAN ---- Maneuver and start running load MAY0905B. Do obsid 5796, an ACIS-S observation to study the X-ray cocoons and cavities around the radio source Hercules A. Then obsid 5464, an ACIS-S observation of the globular cluster Terzan 1 to study the quiescent X-ray emission from bright neutron-star X-ray transients. Next Comms: 129:1940 to 2140 130:0250 to 0450 130:1205 to 1305 130:1815 to 1915 131:0345 to 0445 131:1200 to 1300 131:1900 to 2100 Orbital events: 2005:129:12:24:24.958 795 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:130:20:09:12.015 795 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2005:132:03:52:32.414 796 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:133:11:37:03.027 796 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2005:134:19:20:34.872 797 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:136:03:04:37.444 797 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE 2005:137:10:48:28.668 798 EAPOGEE ORBIT APOGEE 2005:138:18:32:11.566 798 EPERIGEE ORBIT PERIGEE EVENTS ------ Status at AOS, 129:12:02, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NPNT CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 5 FIDS = 3 RA = 186.108 deg Dec = 7.327 deg ROLL = 237.629 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 5922 NGC4365 SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75623 (ACIS-S) DITHER = ENAB HETG = OUT (79.09 deg) LETG = OUT (77.59 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = SMAL E150 = 33.5 E300 = 0.3 E1300 = 0.1 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 0.0 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.0 LT 8.47 A-leak = 1.0200 mu-a B-leak = 1.0200 mu-a Ascending through 126640 km. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.5 degC. EPH temp 92.71 degF 12:24 Apogee at 126652 km 12:24 Enter normal maneuver mode. 12:27 CHange obsid to 5796. Losing stars Status at LOS, 129:12:58, was as follows: PCAD MODE = NMAN CONTROL LAW FLAG = NPNT Stars: = 0 FIDS = 3 RA = 252.624 deg Dec = 5.246 deg ROLL = 131.701 deg Format = 2 OBSID = 5796 Her A SIM FA = -467 SIM TSC = 75623 (ACIS-S) DITHER = ENAB HETG = OUT (79.09 deg) LETG = OUT (77.59 deg) HRC-S HV is ON EPHIN Geom = SMAL E150 = 19.8 E300 = 0.2 E1300 = 0.0 LT 10.0 (RADMON P4GM = 0.2 LT 300. Triggers) P41GM = 0.0 LT 8.47 A-leak = 1.0200 mu-a B-leak = 1.0200 mu-a Descending through 126616 km. ACIS focal plane temperature -119.5 degC. EPH temp 92.71 degF NOTES/ISSUES/PROBLEMS We are very near to Her A by the end of comm. From the 9am status meeting: Ten supports over the weekend. No issues. Three stored command segments uplinked, on-board loads good until 133:18:08. A peer reviewed 1-day ToO was requested early this morning. However, it could not be placed in the current orbit due to thermal constraints. This gamma ray burst was below the formal trigger limits, but the PI will report later this morning whether it will be worth doing in the following orbit. (IF so, obsids 6280 and part of 5398 will be deferred.) There was high radiation over the weekend, due to two CME's on Friday. Telecons were held, but it was decided not to shut down since the fluences did not reach trigger levels until the fluxes were already decreasing. May get about 2E9 fluence on ACIS -- but over the past year we are well below budgeted amounts. We had issues with one of the SEC ACE ftp sites updating data properly, but not the other site, and SOT needs to investigate which should be considered more reliable, and verify there is a primary and backup fluence integrator running. Fire alarm testing will proceed today. The natural gas line relocation did not happen over the weeked due to weather conditions. It might take place at 9pm tonight. If so, an announcement will be sent and a tagup meeting held. Quick look data: OBSID Target Time Comment ----- ------ -------------- ------- 5827 M87 125:21:35 ACIS-I NONE looks good 5930 NGC 3351 128:13:44 ACIS-S NONE looks good ------------------------------------------------------- Dan Schwartz, MS #3 phone: (617)495-7232 FAX: (617)495-7356 cell phone: (617)512-5627 pager: 877-693-7198 PIN 693-7198 or e-mail -------------------------------------------------------