How To Operate The Non-Load Event Recording GUI |
TOO's and SCS 107's of any kind (radiation, BSH, NSM etc.) are recorded automatically by history-files.pl when you run it. So you needn't worry about recording those.
The same is true for when you run history-files.pl -go. That's recorded in the Non Load Event Tracking file.
What isn't done automatically are non-load events such as Long Term CTI runs (LTCTI). This web page describes the operation of the tool - NLET.py - which will allow you to record these events in the Non Load Tracking file. The tool allows you to take into account:
Both history-files.pl and NLET.py write to this file.
If you do not run a LTCTI run during the shutdown - you do nothing more. When you run history-files.pl -go that will be automatically recorded in the tracking file.
If you execute a LTCTI, you should prep the CAP, get it reviewed, execute the CAP, write and email your shift report, and then run the NLET.py tool described below. You want to do that ASAP so that any and all users of the Tracking file have the most up to date status of events. Thermal models rely on having the latest available status and they will use the tracking file to get that.
Copy the OPERATIONAL NonLoadTrackedEvents.txt file into some other directory in order to have
the latest version. Then use this tool to add on LTCTI entries into your test tracking file.
To do this you use the TEST button on th eLTCTI GUI page.
Feed the test tracking file into one or more thermal models of your choice using the --nlet_file
switch. (The default for this switch is the OFFICIAL file).
Occasionally the spacecraft will be maneuvered away from a non-optimal pitch to a better one.
You MUST record this event in the Official Non Load Event Tracking file.
During the transition from CentOS to RH 8 for HEAD systems such as
luke-v, and han-v, the versions, locations,
and modules for python 3 are different between the two operating
So until the transition is complete, the command line to run the program is:
python3 /data/acis/LoadReviews/script/NONLOADEVENTTRACKER/NLET.py
You can ignore the warnings you get when running on CentOS systems.
If you want to bail, hit Cancel. Otherwise, click the Long Term CTI Cap radio button and hit Select
A pop up window appears with fields for you to fill in. They are:
When all fields are filled in, Click the SCORE buttons to record the data in the active Tracking file. If you click "TEST", it will record the information in the test tracking file which you specify.
WARNING!!!!! ONLY click
on "SCORE" if you really mean to update
the OFFICIAL Non-Load
Event Tracking file.
Otherwise make a copy of the official file somewhere in your
directory space and use the TEST button.
As you can see there are 4 "events" from which to select. These are radio
Since one Radio button is always selected - BE SURE IT'S THE ONE YOU WANT. Otherwise
If you selected the Long Term CTI Cap option you will see the following
pop-up window:
If you selected the "Maneuver" option you will see the following pop-up window:
The following is a sample of the entries in the Operational NonLoadTrackedEvents.txt
There is a header at the top of the file that gives a short
description of the contents followed by the entries:
This is the GUI Main window that pops up when you execute the command
buttons which means only one can be active at any one time. You press a button
and that becomes the selected choice. Whatever was selected before is deactivated.
Presently only 2 active radio buttons are active:
There are two "Push" buttons on the main page:
a pop-up for the wrong event will appear. This isn't a terrible trqagedy since you can
just hit "Cancel". But it will save you some time and anxiety.
Long Term CTI
There are a number of fields into which you enter data and 3 buttons. The buttons are:
OPERATIONAL! NonLoadTrackedEvents.txt file.
- This is why I put the SCORE button all the way over to the left: to get it completely
away from the CANCEL and TEST buttons.
Official file remains untouched. This allows you to run "what-if" cases of LTCTI's with
different numbers of chips and different durations.
- When you click "TEST" a pop-up file chooser window appears. Navigate to whereever you have
copied the Official NonLoadTrackedEvents.txt file and select that. The fields in the GUI
will be written out to the TEST file which you can then feed to one or more thermal models.
Important Note: All items must have a value with the exception of "User Comment"
be sure to select the values carefully - they will affect the execution of the thermal models.
- This is in DOY format (e.g. 2018:001:02:03:04.55). Fill it in fully.
if you ran with the CLD file: /1A_CTI6_16HR_135.cld then enter "16" in this location.
- Whole Hours Only.
how we got into this situation in the first place. Something like:
"LTCTI run after the January 7 NSM event".
here you have the same set of "SCORE", "CANCEL" and "TEST" buttons as on the LTCTI
GUI page and they perform the same function. But you have different fields to enter
data into:
- This is in DOY format (e.g. 2018:001:02:03:04.55). Fill it in fully.
with the FOT Request install the name of the RTS file in the NLET
tracking file.
how we got into this situation in the first place. Something like:
"Maneuvering out of NSM pitch of 90 degrees to a pitch of 155.0".
Contents of the Formal Tracking File
# Non-Load events file - This file is used to record thermally consequential,
# events such as SCS-107's, BSH and NSM stops,
# long term CTI runs, maneuvers such as pitch changes.
# etc.
# TOO loads and return to science/replan load
# approvals (GO) are load related and listed
# New events are appended to the end of
# the file.
# High Level Format: Permanent Header
# Logged Event 1
# Logged Event 2
# .
# Logged Event N
# Logged Event format: Event Header - Header comments start with "#"
# Event Line
# Event Types: STOP - Both vehicle and science loads halted
# - e.g. Normal Sun Mode
# S107 - SCS-107 where only the science load
# was halted. Vehicle load still
# running e.g. radiation shutdown
# LTCTI - ACIS Long term CTI measurement
# TOO - TOO load that was approved.
# GO - ACIS informational entry. Signifies
# that a science resumption load was
# approved.
# MAN - Maneuver such as a maneuver to NSM
# orientation or a pitch change by the
# Event Line Format:
# The contents of a logged event line depends upon the type of
# event. The format for all events except manuevers (MAN)
# is a three column format:
# Column 1 Columns 2 Column 3
# Time Event "information Line"
# The format for MAN Events is:
# Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Columns 5-8
# Time "MAN" pitch (deg) roll 4 Quaternions
# The meaning of the columns depends upon the Event Type
# Column 3 for several event types are "Status" lines which
# are a comma separated list of a few of the spacecraft status
# items:
# Focal Plane instrument,
# HETG status,
# LETG status,
# Obsid,
# RADMON status,
# Telemetry format
# Dither status
# Event Line Column Definition:
# GO: 2nd column: "GO"
# TOO: 1st column: Time of First Command of the Replan Load
# 2nd column: "TOO"
# 3rd column: Status line at the time of the event
# STOP: 1st column: Time of the NSM or BSH as given by the OCC
# 2nd column: "STOP"
# 3rd column: Status line at the time of the event.
# S107: 1st column: Time of the SCS-107 as given by the OCC
# 2nd column: "S107"
# 3rd column: Status line at the time of the event.
# LTCTI: 1st column: Start Time of the LTCTI measurement
# 2nd column: "LTCTI"
# 3rd column: CAP Number
# 4th column: Name of the RTS file used for this LTCTI
# run (no extension) e.g. 1_5_CTI
# 5th column: Duration ddd:hh:mm:ss (number fo days NOT DOY)
# MAN: 1st column: Time of the Manuever as given by the OCC
# 2nd column: "MAN"
# 3rd column: Pitch
# 4th column: Roll
# Cols 5-8: List of the 4 Target and/or Present Quaternions
# NOTES: 1) All lines starting with '#' are comments and can be ignored by
# programs that use this file.
# 2) Sources of information are ACIS load review and Event tools:
# history-files.pl
# NLET.py - Non-Load Event Tracking tool
# 3) The only events recorded by NLET.py are
# ACIS Long Term CTI Runs (LTCTI) and
# OCC commanded maneuvers such as a maneuver
# to a new pitch after an NSM.
# Type: STOP
# Time of Event: 2015:006:08:24:00.00
# Source: history_files.pl
# Description: NORMAL SUN MODE/IUReset 2015:006:08:24:00.00 DEC2414A Load
# Time Event Status Line
# Type: LTCTI
# Time of Event: 2015:008:00:51:00.00
# Source: NLET
# CAP Number: 1339
# CLD File Path: /data/acis/CAPs/CTI-CLDs/6chip/1A_CTI6_14HR_135.cld
# Description: Running 14 hour Long Term CTI duing the NSM shutdown
# Time Event CAP # RTS file Duration
2015:008:00:51:00.00 LTCTI 1339 1_CTI06 000:14:00:00
# Type: GO
# Source: history_files.pl
# Description: Clearing out STOP markers in History files for NSM
# Time Event
# Type: S107
# Time of Event: 2015:076:04:37:42.00
# Source: history_files.pl
# Description: Radiation SCS-107 during MAR0615B load
# Time Event Status Line
2015:076:04:37:42.00 S107 HRC-S,HETG-OUT,LETG-OUT,16344,OORMPEN,CSELFMT2,ENAB