FluenceCalcGUI.py is a Python script that will help you calculate the fluence ACIS will acquire in a specified time interval.
The tool allows you to take into account:
Clean Time (i.e. ACIS time with neither grating in)
The following image shows a sample calculation done with the Fluence
GUI. The description will reference this image.
The GUI is divided into 6 sections:
Initial Conditions section
CLEAN Time display
Gratings input section
HRC input section
Output section
The Tool bar consists of 5 buttons; ONLY THREE OF WHICH are
Clear Entries
Calculate Fluence
Clear Entries
Clicking on this button will clear out all entries onthe GUi except the
NOW TIME entry of the Initial Conditions Box.
Calculate Fluence
Clicking on this button will cause the GUI to calculate the predicted fluence on ACIS between NOW TIME and RADMON DISABLE TIME.
Clicking on this button exits the GUI
Initial Conditions Section
This section allows you to enter the overall time interval over which
you want to calculate the fluence, the present flux and the present
fluence accrued by ACIS (if any).
While the GUI automatically inserts the present time (in CHANDRA DOY
format), you are not restricted to using only that time for NOW - you
can use any time so long as it's prior to
after the NOW entry. These are text boxes and you can cut/paste as you
like. Inputs are expected to be in CHANDRA DOY format).
Present flux is initialized to zero. You enter the Present Flux and
Present Fluence. You can get them from any of the three ACIS R/T Web
The hours and seconds display will be updated for youwhen you click on "Calculate Fluence").
Clean Time Section
This is an output-only section. When you calculate the fluence, the program will calculate all the ACIS time that exists in the time interval where there is NO grating.
It will show you that time in hours and in seconds.
The fluence calculator will display the fluence contribution for ACIS under no gratings in the "ACIS CLEAN Time fluence Calculation" text box.
Gratings Section
This section allows you to enter in a time interval in which ACIS is
in the focal plane AND either HETG or HETG is in. The user inputs the
IN and OUT time. When fluence is calculated, the hours and seconds of
grating time will be displayed along withthe fluence contribution for
that time interval. The HETG and LETG attenuation factors (5.0 and
2.0 respectively) are included in the calculation.
There is only one entry for each type of gratings
observation. If there should be two LETG or two HETG observations in
the time interval and they are not consecutive observations, you can
adjust your IN/OUT times to reflect the sum total of gratings
observing time.
The system assumes that any grating entry made by you represents
an ACIS observation. Obviously, an HRC gratings observation is not
entered here (though it is entered in the HRC section below).
HRC Section
Any HRC observing time in the overall time interval is recorded
here. If there are two or more non-contiguous HRC observations in the
interval, adjust the IN/OUT times to reflect the total HRC observing
Output Section
The final section will display the additional fluence accrued by ACIS
over the time interval ("Additional Fluence") and the Total Fluence -
the sum of the Present fluence and Addtional Fluence.