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Chandra Electronic Announcement #11
CHANDRA ELECTRONIC ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 11 First Announcement X-RAY AND RADIO CONNECTIONS 3 - 6 February 2004 Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio/
Dear Colleagues, We are very pleased to announce the "X-RAY AND RADIO CONNECTIONS" workshop; a meeting focused on scientific areas where cross fertilization between theory and observations in both X-Ray and Radio wavebands provides a key to the underlying physical processes. The meeting will be held in the sunny and historic town of Santa Fe, New Mexico (USA) from Tuesday February 3, through Friday February 6, 2004. This date is well before the proposal deadlines of the major X-Ray and Radio astronomical observing facilities. This first announcement is aimed at informing all colleagues about the meeting. We suggest pre-registering for the meeting by visiting the workshop web site at http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio/ We would appreciate your sharing this announcement with all those whom might be interested in attending. We apologize if you have received this announcement more than once. SCIENTIFIC RATIONALE "Almost by definition, high energy sources are non-thermal and emit throughout the electromagnetic and other spectra and spectrally chauvinist interpretations of their behavior are incomplete" (Blandford 2003) Currently, the observers of high-energy phenomena are split between several communities that independently investigate objects in their own waveband. This meeting will provide an opportunity to review underlying physical models, compare x-ray and radio observations, start new collaborations and develop a list of areas where new observations and theoretical development could significantly advance our understanding in the next few years. The meeting will include reviews, contributed talks, and posters on the major scientific topics listed below. The organizers hope to emphasize both invited and contributed talks from younger members of the community. Anyone interested in participating is encouraged to pre-register at the meeting website. SCIENTIFIC TOPICS Massive star cluster outflows Colliding stellar winds Supernova remnants Pulsar wind nebulae Dissipation of jets and lobes Cluster mergers SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Matthew Baring - Rice University Alan Bridle - National Radio Astronomy Observatory Roger Chevalier - University of Virgina Robert Coker - Los Alamos National Laboratory Kristy Dyer - National Radio Astronomy Observatory Richard Mushotzky - NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Frazer Owen - National Radio Astronomy Observatory Dan Schwartz - Chandra X-ray Center, Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Lorant Sjouwerman - National Radio Astronomy Observatory Stephen Whilte - University of Maryland Diana Worrall - University of Bristol IMPORTANT DATES mid August 2003 First Announcement, pre-registration late September 2003 Second Announcement, call for abstracts, registration 1 December 2003 Hotel & payment deadline for registration 10 December 2003 Abstracts due 5 January 2004 Deadlines for late registration MEETING VENUE The meeting will be held in the Hilton Hotel in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. The Hilton Santa Fe is conveniently located near the historic plaza, where Native American, Hispanic and Anglo American cultures meet and lots of eateries, art and tourist shops are present. Furthermore, the state capitol is also a good starting point for numerous indoor and outdoor activities; in February mostly skiing. Santa Fe is highly ranked in the top tourist attractions in Northern America and fortunately the hotel has agreed to provide rooms three days before and three days after the meeting for the same rate. Santa Fe has only a small airport, so most travelers will arrive in Albuquerque and take a shuttle or rental car to Santa Fe. See http://www.santafe.org/ and http://www.visitsantafe.com/ or http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/north_america/santa_fe/ OUR SPONSORS This meeting is jointly sponsored by Chandra X-Ray Center Goddard Space Flight Center Los Alamos National Laboratories National Radio Astronomy Observatory THE WEBSITE Pre-registration is now available at the meeting website: http://www.aoc.nrao.edu/events/xraydio This website will be updated regularly with additional information. To contact the local organizers, email to xraydio@aoc.nrao.edu Kristy Dyer, Lorant Sjouwerman and Robert Coker This Electronic Bulletin is used for the dissemination of important announcements and information about the Chandra X-Ray Observatory to members of the community. If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, simply reply to this email to let us know.

Last modified: 12/03/10

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