"Clusters of Galaxies: New Insights from XMM-Newton, Chandra and INTEGRAL"
to be held as part of the
35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
Paris, France, 18-25 July 2004
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the meeting "Clusters of Galaxies:
New Insights from XMM-Newton, Chandra and INTEGRAL", which will be
session E1.2 of the 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly, to be held in
Paris, France, over the period 18-25 July, 2004.
The study of clusters of galaxies has made significant
advances with the launch of Chandra and XMM-Newton. Thanks to their
higher spatial and spectral resolution as well as their higher
throughput these observatories have allowed us to investigate
clusters in much greater detail and up to higher redshift than was
possible with previous observatories. With Integral we now have the
possibility to measure and resolve non-thermal emission from
clusters. This session will discuss the latest observational and
theoretical progress in key issues such as the formation and
evolution of clusters, the role of non-gravitational processes, dark
matter content and dynamical state.
The meeting will take place over two sucessive days during
the week of the COSPAR assembly. Sessions are planned on:
* Physics in the core of clusters
* Physics of Merger events
* The dark matter content and distribution
* The role of non-gravitational processes and the ICM enrichment
* Observation of high z clusters and the evolution of cluster properties
* The Warm intergalactic medium
* Non thermal emission
They will be introduced by one or two reviews. We invite you to
participate to the meeting and to submit abstracts for contributed
talks or posters via the COSPAR WWW site (see below).
We look forward to seeing you in Paris,
Monique Arnaud and Jelle Kaastra for the SOC.
* The Scientific Organizing Committee *
M. Arnaud (France, Main Scientific Organiser), J. Kaastra (NL, Deputy
Organiser), S. Allen (UK), H. Bohringer (Germany), A. Bykov (RU), M.
Donahue (USA), A. Evrard (USA), W. Forman (USA), S. Molendi (Italy),
T. Ohashi (Japan), T. Ponman (UK), S. Schindler (Austria)
* Invited Speakers *
S. Borgani (I), D. Buote (USA), A. Bykov (RU), A. Evrard (USA), A.
Fabian (UK), L. Ferreti (I), J. Kaastra (NL), M. Markevitch (USA), K.
Mitsuda (J)*, B. Moore (CH)*, T. Ponman (UK), P. Ricker (USA), A.
Vilhlinin (USA/RU), M.Voit (USA)*
*: to be confirmed.
* Practical Information *
COSPAR 2004 WWW site
Important Deadlines:
Applications for Financial Support : 15 Feb 2004
Abstract Submission : 15 Feb 2004
Early Pre-Registration : 15 May 2004
Standard Pre-Registration : 10 Jul 2004
On line registration is open at:
Abstract Submission:
by e mail to:
or to Copernicus Gesellschaft mbH, c/o 35th COSPAR Scientific
Assembly, Max-Planck-Str. 13, 37191 Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany
Instructions can be found at
Financial Support
Limited financial support is available.
Monique ARNAUD
CEA Saclay
Service d'Astrophysique
Orme des Merisiers, Bat 709
91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex
Tel: 33 1 69 08 20 41
fax: 33 1 69 08 65 77
e mail: