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Chandra Electronic Announcement #47

               CHANDRA ELECTRONIC ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 47                       

Two announcements:                                                        
1.  HEAD Meeting Abstract Deadline January 25th.
2.  Astrophysical Shocks : Space Observations vs. Modeling


Item 1.  HEAD Meeting Abstract Deadline January 25th.

Please join the High Energy Astrophysics Division of the AAS in Los 
Angeles, California for the 2008 HEAD Meeting (March 31 - April 3, 
2008).  This meeting is open to all members of the high-energy 
astrophysics community and will be held in DOWNTOWN Los Angeles at the 
4-diamond Omni Los Angeles hotel, atop historical Bunker Hill.   The 
meeting will feature special sessions on upcoming missions such as GLAST 
and NuSTAR as well as special science sessions on topics from X-ray 
studies of planet formation, high spectral resolution studies of AGN 
winds, and the Swift BAT AGN survey (full list below).

The abstract submission deadline is approaching (Jan 25th).   Please 
also make your hotel reservations (Feb 28th deadline) and register soon 
(March 1st deadline).  Also, don't miss the reception at Union Station 

More details are available at http://www.confcon.com/head2008/   Urgent 
questions may be sent to headsec@xraydeep.org

There will be nine special sessions at this meeting:

22. Astrostatistics (Siemiginowska and Kashyap)
23. Chandra X-ray Data Analysis (Siemiginowska)
24. GLAST Community Workshop (Ritz)
25. High Energy Astrophysics Missions for AMCS and Decadal Survey 
Planning (Ptak and Grindlay)
26. INTEGRAL (Kouveliotou)
27. Non-GRB Science with Swift (Gehrels, Immler and Burrows)
28. NuSTAR Community Input  (Stern and Harrison)
29. Science Impacts of High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy (Huenemoerder 
and Nowak)
30. X-rays and Planet Formation (Feigelson, et al.)

So, submit your abstract and we will look forward to seeing you in Los 

Thank you,
Ann Hornschemeier
HEAD Secretary-Treasurer


Item 2.  "Astrophysical Shocks : Space Observations vs. Modeling"

                           COSPAR SESSION E13

                       to be held as part of the
                    37th COSPAR Scientific Assembly
                     Montreal, Canada, July 13-20, 2008


This symposium will address current and forthcoming multi wavelength
observations of thermal and nonthermal shock emission in radio, IR
(Spitzer, Herschel), optical (HST, VLT), X-ray (Chandra, XMM-Newton,
Swift), and gamma-ray (INTEGRAL, HESS and GLAST) bands. Recent high
resolution observations and modeling of clusters of galaxies, gamma-ray
bursts, and supernova remnants suggest that strongly nonlinear processes
in shocks can produce large amplifications of the ambient magnetic field
and result in efficient particle acceleration and other important
phenomena. We plan to bring together approximately 120 experts in shock
observations and modeling to provide a broad, multi-disciplinary view of
astrophysical shocks, to encourage new observational programs and new
theoretical concepts for interpreting observations, and to produce a
specialized ASR volume. The meeting will take place in four half-day
sessions during COSPAR with sessions are planned on:

*Cosmological structure shocks,

*Relativistic shocks in AGN and Pulsar Wind Nebulae,

*Interstellar Shocks (Supernova shocks, Stellar Wind shocks, Molecular

*Heliospheric shocks

* Physics of multi-fluid and collisionless shocks and cosmic ray 

We invite you to participate to the meeting and to submit abstracts for
talks or posters via the COSPAR WWW site:
http://www.cospar-assembly.org/  or http://www.cospar2008.org/

Session E13.

  Important Deadlines:
  Abstract Submission                : 17 Feb 2008
  Applications for Financial Support : 17 Feb 2008
  Early Registration                 : 1 June 2008

Andrei Bykov and Don Ellison for the SOC.
* The Scientific Organizing Committee *
J.Arons (USA, IAU representative), A.Bykov (Russia, Main Scientific
Organiser), A.Decourchelle (France), M. Dopita (Australia), G.Dubner
(Argentina), D.Ellison (USA, Deputy Scientific Organizer), P.Meszaros 
(USA), J.Pittard (UK), J.Raymond (USA), Dongsu Ryu (Korea), M.Scholer 
(Germany), T.Terasawa (Japan), A.Tielens (the Netherlands), E.Waxman 

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Last modified: 12/03/10

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
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