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Chandra Electronic Bulletin No. 91
             |                                            |
             |              ccc  XX   XX    OOO           |
Chandra      |             CC     XX XX    OO OO          | CXC
Electronic   |            CC       XXX    OO   OO         | Number 91
Bulletin     |             CC     XX XX    OO OO          | January
             |              CCC  XX   XX    OOO           | 2010
             |                                            |

   Welcome to the Chandra X-ray Center's Electronic News Bulletin

Number 91.

    CXC Web site: cxc.harvard.edu

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    to let us know.

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1.  7th Chandra/CIAO Workshop

2.  Upcoming Chandra Science
	    Workshop - 
         Accretion Processes in X-rays: from
	    White Dwarfs to Quasars

3.  Chandra Source Catalog User
	    Interface Updates

4.  New Insights into the Physics of
	    Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae.

5.  5th
	    International Astronomical Consortium for High Energy
              (IACHEC) Meeting



Item 1.  7th Chandra/CIAO Workshop

    1-3 February 2010
Chandra X-ray Center, Cambridge Mass, USA

    The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is announcing the seventh
in a series of workshops started in 2001 aimed at helping users to work
with the Chandra Interactive Analysis of Observations (CIAO) software

    The seventh workshop will be held at the Center for Astrophysics 
in Cambridge, MA (USA) on 1-3 February 2010.
There is no registration fee to attend.
This workshop will be largely based on CIAO 4.2 which was released 
in December 2009.

    Online registration is NOW OPEN
We are expecting to accept the first 30 registered participants and 
space is still available.
Details of the program will be posted on the CIAO Workshop web site at 

    Please direct any questions about this workshop through the CXC
HelpDesk (http://cxc.harvard.edu/helpdesk/

Antonella Fruscione and the workshop organizing team

Item 2.  Accretion Processes in X-rays: from White Dwarfs to Quasars  

A Science Workshop entitled

  Accretion Processes in X-rays: from White Dwarfs to Quasars

hosted by the Chandra X-ray Center, will be held on

             July 13-15, 2010

at the DoubleTree Guest Suites in Boston, MA.

Although this workshop is not yet open for registration, please visit
or contact Local Organizing Committee Chair
Paul Green at accr10@cfa.harvard.edu for more information.

  Accretion Processes in X-rays: from White Dwarfs to Quasars

Current X-ray observatories have revolutionized the study of accretion
in diverse astrophysical settings.  Chandra and XMM-Newton gratings
have enabled the detection of small velocity shifts and weak but
vitally important lines, and the central engine in nearby accreting
sources has been revealed in new detail.  It is now possible to detect
extremely faint sources, enhancing our understanding of accretion
power throughout the universe and low-level accretion within the Milky
Way.  Chandra has also revealed unexpected parallels between accretion
onto pre-main sequence stars, white dwarfs, neutron stars,
stellar-mass and super-massive black holes.  The goal of this meeting
is (1) to bring together a broad scientific community interested in
probing accretion physics from the X-ray perspective, (2) to leverage
the rich accretion phenomenology and diverse theoretical approaches
toward the understanding of accretion, and (3) to look ahead to the
next ten years with Chandra, and future X-ray missions like Astro-H
and IXO as well.

Item 3.  Chandra Source Catalog User Interface Updates

A. NEW! CSC sensitivity map service

    To determine the CSC flux limit for user-specified celestial 
    locations of interest, we now provide an on-line tool that 
    returns the approximate limiting sensitivity of the catalog
    (in photons cm-2 s-1) in the ACIS broad energy band 
    (0.5-7.0 keV).

    Users interested in trying out this new interface can go to


    or click on the "CSC Sensitivity Map Service" from the main
    catalog website.

B. UPDATED! Expanded source properties added to CSC Sky in Google Earth

    CSC Sky in Google Earth has been updated to identify master 
    sources from release 1.0 of the catalog for the displayed region 
    of the sky.  Master source pushpins are displayed when Google 
    Earth is zoomed in to ~2 degrees field of view and scrolling 
    has stopped.  Clicking on a source pushpin displays a balloon 
    containing key source properties, including source name, position, 
    fluxes, hardness ratios, and source extent and variability flags.

    Users interested in trying out this updated interface can go to


    or click on the "CSC Sky in Google Earth" link from the main 
    catalog website.

 Ian N. Evans    

Item 4.   New Insights into the Physics of Supernova Remnants and Pulsar Wind Nebulae 

38th COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2010 Event E19
-Meeting Location: Bremen, Germany
-Dates: 2010 July 18-25
(4 half-days, to be announced as soon as fixed)

-URL (main):  http://www.cospar-assembly.org/admin/congress_overview.php?sessionid=174
URL (SOC): http://www.physics.umanitoba.ca/~samar/COSPAR2010E19/
(includes a link to the meeting poster if anyone wishes to download or print)

-Sponsor:       irfu, CEA, Saclay, France

As the most significant source of chemical enrichment and energy input 
in the interstellar medium, supernova remnants (SNRs) offer us a most 
valuable laboratory to study heavy element nucleosynthesis, particle 
acceleration at fast shocks, and the physics of the extreme associated 
with neutron stars (NSs) and associated pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe). 
Thanks to current multi-wavelength state-of-the-art missions and 
surveys such as HESS, Chandra, XMM-Newton, Suzaku, Spitzer, and 
the International Galactic Plane Survey, much has been learnt about 
the physics of SNRs and PWNe; and the number of SNRs-NSs associations 
has increased by over an order of magnitude in the past decade. Much 
is also anticipated with the successful launch of Fermi (formerly
GLAST) and the upcoming launch of ASTROSAT. This session will focus 
on the latest multi-wavelength studies, coupled with theoretical 
modeling and simulations, targeted to address the physics of SNRs 
and particularly their association and interaction with PWNe and NSs.

-Scientific Organizing Committee:
Samar Safi-Harb (Main Scientific Organizer; U. of Manitoba, Canada), 
Roland Kothes (Deputy Organizer; NRC/HIA, Canada), Jonathan Arons 
(Berkeley, USA), Werner Becker (MPE, Germany), Yang Chen (Nanjing U., 
China), Roger Chevalier (U. of Virginia, USA), Anne Decourchelle 
(CEA-Saclay, France), Gloria Dubner (IAFE, Argentina), Martin Laming 
(NRL, USA), Jasmina Lazendic-Galloway (Monash U., Australia), Denis
Leahy (U. of Calgary, Canada), Robert Petre (NASA's GSFC, USA), Jacco 
Vink (U. Utrecht, The Netherlands).

-Solicited Speakers:
Niccolo' Bucciantini (NORDITA, Sweden), Eric Gotthelf (Columbia
University, New York, USA), Oliver Krause (Max-Planck Institut 
fuer Astronomie, Heidelberg, Germany), Cara Rakowski (Naval Research 
Laboratory, Washington, D.C., USA), Stephen Reynolds (North Carolina 
State U., Raleigh, USA; to be confirmed), Gavin Rowell (University of 
Aledaide, Aledaide, Australia), Alicia Soderberg (Harvard-Smithsonian 
CfA, USA), Yasunobu Uchiyama (SLAC/KIPAC, Stanford University, USA)

***Abstract submission deadline: Feb. 19 (2010)***
(same deadline for requesting financial support from COSPAR).

Samar Safi-Harb

Item 5.  5th International Astronomical Consortium for High Energy Calibration   
               (IACHEC) Meeting 

Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole (Massachusetts, U.S.A.), 2010
April 12-15

[This announcement is also available at: http://web.mit.edu/iachec/meetings/index.html]

The 5th IACHEC meeting will take place 2010 April 12-15 at the Marine
Biological Laboratory (MBL) in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Woods
Hole lies at the extreme southeast corner of Cape Cod, and hosts the
National Academy of Science as well as several institutions oriented
towards marine science. The MBL is an international centre for
education and training in biology, bio-medicine and ecology. It is
located about 75 miles south of the Boston Logan International
Airport. Have a look at the MBL directions web page: the link to Peter
Pan/Bonanza Bus Lines will lead you to a page with schedule and costs
of the bus transfer between Logan Airport and MBL. It's a 5 minute
walk from the bus stop to the MBL Swope Center, where registration to
the meeting is expected to take place.

Participants should plan on arriving at MBL on the afternoon of Sunday
April 11th. Dinner will be served that evening at MBL. The meeting
will start on Monday, April 12 at 9AM, and is expected to close around
lunch time on Thursday, April 15. The meeting registration fee is 715
USD (to be paid by March 19, 2010). It covers accommodation and all
meals from dinner on Sunday, April 11 to lunch on Thursday, April 15.
For part-time attendees there will be a registration fee of 50 USD
plus 166 USD per day for board and lodging. It is possible for
participants to extend their stay at MBL to Thursday night at the cost
of 89 USD for the room only. Participants have also the possibility to
lodge at MBL on Saturday, April 10, under the same conditions.

As usual, the meeting will combine plenary sessions with meetings of
the IACHEC Working Groups. A skeleton of the program follows:

Monday, 12 April
Morning session: calibration status of operational missions
Afternoon session: reports on the Working Group results from the last

Tuesday, 13 April
Morning session: Meetings of the Working Groups
Afternoon session:
- Status of future X-ray missions
- The path to defining a calibration legacy program for future

Wednesday, 14 April
Morning session: Meetings of the Working Groups
Afternoon session:
- Calibrators meet theorists: astrophysical foundations of calibration
- Statistical methodologies

Thursday, 14 April
Morning session: Reports from the Working Group meetings and meeting

A tour of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Deep Submergence
Laboratory is foreseen on Thursday afternoon.

Please fill in the Pre-registration Form below, and send it to Hermann
Marshall and Paul Plucinsky and by March 10, 2010.

------------------ cut here and send to:
------------------ hermann (at) space.mit.edu
------------------ plucinsky (at) cfa.harvard.edu
------------------ by March 10, 2010

12-15 April 2010

Tel. Number:


Number of accompanying persons:

Do you intend to present a talk: [YES]/[NO]
If [YES]:

Session (remove inapplicable topics):
(a) Calibration status of operational missions
(b) Update of the Working Group results from the last meeting
(c) Status of future X-ray missions
(d) Calibrators meet theorists: astrophysical foundations of
(e) Statistical methodologies

Arrival date:
Departure date:

I wish a [SINGLE]/[TWIN] room (all rooms are nonsmoking)

Dietary requirements:
Vegetarian: [YES]/{NO]

Additional comments:


Paul Plucinsky


  This Electronic Bulletin is used for the dissemination of important
  announcements and information about the Chandra X-Ray Observatory to
  of the community. If you wish to unsubscribe from the list, simply
  reply to
  this email to let us know.


Last modified: 12/03/10

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory.
60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.    Email: cxcweb@head.cfa.harvard.edu
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