corrlam - apply wavelength corrections to an LETG+HRC-S event list
corrlam [options] origfile newfile
Provides empirically-derived corrections to photon wavelengths in level 1.5 and level 2.0 event lists to ameliorate HRC-S event position errors.
Wavelength corrections are read from an ASCII text file in a simple format - two columns containing TDETY values and their associated wavelength correction (lambda_new = lamda_orig -/+ lambda_corr for TG_M = +/- 1). New wavelengths are computed using an interpolation of these corrections from the event data TDETY values. The file is expected to be named corrlam.dat, but this can be changed with the --corrfile option.
origfile should be an L1.5 or L2 event file containing columns
TDETY, TG_LAM, TG_MLAM, TG_M, TG_R and TG_D. Of these, the columns to
be modified include TG_LAM, TG_MLAM and TG_R. Only events with
and abs(TG_D)<1.33e-2 deg
are modified, all others
are left unaltered. The TG_D contraint can be customized with the
--maxtgd option.
Pete Ratzlaff <>