CalDB PUBLIC Release Notes
Effective Date:
(UTC) 2009-01-21T19:00:00
(Not installed in SDP.)
Public Release Date: 21
January 2009
Version: 4.1.1
Release Type: PUBLIC
I. Introduction
CaldB 4.1.1 is a patch to CalDB 4.1.0, which was released on 15
December 2008. It includes the following upgrades:
- HRMA Effective Area version N0008.
- HETG GREFF (grating efficiencies) version N0006.
as well as the CalDB installation of the latest Cycle 11 Chandra
PIMMS effective area files. These files are not effectual for users
from the CalDB 4.1.1 upgrade; they may only be realized by downloading
the CIAO 4.1.1 patch, available as of the same date as this CalDB
User Documentation:
"How CalDB 4.1.1 Affects Your Analysis"
II. Summary of Changes
A. HRMA AXEFFA (axial effective area)
version N0008
LOCATION: $CALDB/data/chandra/default/axeffa
FILENAMES: hrmaD1996-12-20axeffaN0008.fits
The latest HRMA effective areas have been generated as a result of
revisting the Chandra X-ray Calibration Facility (XRCF) ground
calibration data and raytrace model, specifically because of known
cross-calibration issues that have arisen within Chandra and between
Chandra and XMM, when analyzing observations of high-temperature
galaxy clusters. The new model predicts plasma temperatures that are
more in agreement with XMM for simultaneous cluster observations. In
addition it brings analysis of ACIS-I and ACIS-S observations of
similar clusters more into agreement as well. The new model takes into
account the small surface contamination of the mirror shells at the
XRCF (pre-launch), and also includes a new method of weighting the two
XRCF calibration configurations (those with the flow proportional
(FPC) in the focal plane, and those that employed the solid-state
detector (SSD).)
Pipes/Tools affected:
CIAO "ARDLIB", specifically in the following parameters:
Enter AXAF eff-area file 0001
Enter AXAF eff-area file 0010
Enter AXAF eff-area file 0100
Enter AXAF eff-area file 1000
Enter AXAF eff-area file 1111
ARDLIB is employed by the tools that generate ARFs, GARFs, weighted
ARFs, and Exposure Maps.
Specifically mkexpmap, mkarf, mkgarf, and mkwarf.
Threads affected:
All threads which involve making exposure maps or effective areas.
Why Topic: "HRMA Effective Area version N0008"
B. HETG Grating Efficiencies (GREFF) N0006
LOCATION: $CALDB/data/chandra/default/greff
FILENAME: hetgD1996-11-01greffpr001N0006.fits
An adjustment of the relative calibration of the HEG and MEG 1st orders
is required when a non-uniform with energy upgrade of the HRMA
effective area occurs. The derivation of the changes is described in a
report circulated in 2005 by the HETG gratings group, specifically by
Dr. Herman Marshall. The document is available at
, and is entitled "Improving
the Relative Accuracy of the HETGS Effective Area".
Pipes/Tools affected:
CIAO 4.1 mkgarf, via the ARDLIB.
Threads affected:
Grating ARFs"
C. CYCLE 11 PIMMS Effective Areas (final release)
ACIS Configurations:
LOCATION: $CALDB/data/chandra/pimms/acis/
FILENAME: acisiD2008-12-29pimmsN0011.fits
HRC Configurations:
LOCATION: $CALDB/data/chandra/pimms/hrc/
The new HRMA AXEFFA and HETG GREFF have been applied when deriving
these effective areas, wherever relevant. The HRMA EA N0008 described
in Section I.A above affects all
configurations, producing a ~9% relative decrease in the
configurations' effective areas over the 0.06-2.0 keV range, with the
difference decreasing slowly to zero in the 5-6 keV range. It also
produces some deltas from the previous PIMMS release in the higher
energies, but at a much less significant level. The HETG GREFF affects
only the first-order HEG, MEG, and HEG+MEG configurations, at the
less-than-10% level at any energy, with the net change no greater than
18% when combined with the HRMA EA upgrade. The plots and input
information for PIMMS CY11 may be viewed at the following sites:
"PIMMS CY11 Effective Areas"
"Cycle 11 PIMMS Effective Area Public Information"
See also the PIMMS effective area viewer.
NOTE: Users can only realize the PIMMS data upgrade by
downloading and installing the CIAO 4.1.1 patch file. It does no good
to install the CalDB upgrade discussed here, because the PIMMS software
cannot read the CalDB. The installation of the new PIMMS data from
CalDB is done at the CXC only, in the building process for the CIAO
proposal planning tools. See the CIAO 4.1
web pages for details on the CIAO 4.1.1 patch, released 15 January
III. Technical Details
From the HRMA Calibration team, 18 December 2008:
Discrepancies in the temperatures of high temperature galaxy clusters
derived from Chandra and XMM-Newton
observationshave led to a reinvestigation of the amount of
contamination on the Chandra
mirrors. We have derived a more consistent model (orbit-200809-01f)
which now includes contamination of the mirrors at XRCF with each shell
having a different amount of contamination. A new method of weighting
the two
XRCF calibration configurations (those with the flow proportional
(FPC) in the focal plane, and those that employed the solid-state
detector (SSD)) has also been introduced.
A.1 Evidence for Miscalibration of the HRMA Effective Area
Comparisons between XMM-Newton and Chandra
observations of clusters of galaxies as part of IACHEC 2007 indicated
significant differences for high temperature clusters (see the results
presented by Larry David at the 2007 CCW).
While there was agreement between the derived temperatures for cool
clusters (kT < 4 keV), the temperatures derived from the Chandra
ACIS observations in the 2.0-7.0 keV band were systematically higher
for hotter clusters when compared to those derived from
- XMM-Newton MOS and PN in the 2.0-7.0keV
- ACIS-S 0.5-7.0 keV
- the ACIS 6.4 keV iron line
The most serious discrepency is that within the Chandra
measurements (we should at least be in agreement with ourselves!).
Larry showed that the ratio of the Fe XXV to FE XXVI lines is a
sensitive diagnostic of temperature for hot clusters, and could be used
as a good indicator of the intrinsic temperature of the cluster gas,
assuming that the line and continuum emission arise from the same
A.2 Comparison of the new and current HRMA AXIAL effective
I compare the derivation of the N0007 (current) HRMA AXEFFA file to
that of the N0008 (new) one below:
The basic derivation method is the same for both; the included
components are
- The XRCF/HRMA configuration is raytraced at each energy and the
effective area is calculated for each shell.
correction functions
are determined for each shell based upon the XRCF measurements.
- The on-orbit HRMA is raytraced at each energy, with each
shell's throughput modified by the appropriate XRCF correction
function. The Aeff of each shell is determined.
- The individual shell effective areas are summed to form the full
HRMA Aeff.
The input components for each version are given in Table 1 below. Both
the treatment and derivation of the included CH_2 (hydrocarbon, 1g/cm^2
density), and the weighting of ground calibration measurements at the
XRCF, have changed from the previous derivation.
Table 1: The old versus new AXEFFA derivational inputs, indicating why
the Shell AXEFFA curves have changed.
The variable contamination layers applied to each shell were derived
from fitting XRCF SSD broadband traces across the Iridium M-edges with
differing layer depths of CH_2 contaminant. During the process, it was
discovered that an appropriate amount of contaminant could be applied
to produce an essentially "grey" (energy independent ratio) scalar
factor as a multiplicative correction between the
XRCF model and the SSD data.
Thus, the application of the contaminant layers to the XRCF raytrace
allows a simplification of the correction functions for the N0008
model, in which they are scalar factors applied for each shell. That
is, the ad hoc polynomial correction algorythm used in the previous
derivation is replaced by the effect of the contamination layers.
Although eight different algorithms for generating the XRCF correction
function were considered, the scalar factor method (derived from
averaging all FPC effective area results and all SSD results
separately, and then averaging these two averages) was selected because
it provides both of the following:
- the best representation of the ground calibration data
- the best resolution to the orignal problem, that of resolving the
discrepancies between derived plasma temperatures from high-temperature
galaxy clusters.
A.3 The HRMA AXEFFA results
Comparison of the N0007 and N0008 derivations produces the following
comparative plot and difference plot for
the full axial effective area, old vs new
(all four mirrors summed):

Fig. 1: The N0008 (red) AXEFFA plotted against the current N0007
values in the CalDB. The most serious change relevant to users is the
~9% reduction in the 0 - 2 keV range; Source with
spectra limited to this range will need some increase in the calculated
observing time to give the anticipated statistics, when the
new EA's are implemented in the proposal planning tools.
The most significant effect for Chandra data analysis is in the 0.6 -
2.0 keV range, where an essentially flat 9% reduction in the effective
area for all configurations will result from using the new HRMA AXEFFA.
(The decrement in the EA above 10 keV is less significant because of
the strongly reduced total effective area in that range.
The update to the HRMA effective area in Section III.A. above
requires an incumbent change in the HETG GREFF (grating efficiencies)
that preserves the cross calibration of the HEG and MEG configurations.
This is explained Herman Marshall's 14 October 2005 report "Improving
the Relative Accuracy of the HETGS Effective Area".
From the above report:
"The High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) has two
different grating types that disperse into two independent spectra
(Canizares et al. 2005). The medium energy gratings (MEGs) have an
energy range of about 0.4-7 keV,
depending on the observation parameters, and the high energy gratings
(HEGs) have an energy range of about 0.8 to 10 keV. Because they are
built into the same structure, the MEG and HEG spectra are obtained
simultaneously, facilitating cross calibration even for variable
sources. This is an update of the HETG flight calibration paper
(Marshall, Dewey, and Ishibashi 2004), which contained some results
comparing ACIS-S quantum efficiencies (QEs)."
That report specifically refers to the development of the N0005 HETG
GREFF upgrade from the previous version N0004.
An exactly similar process has been employed to correct the HETG GREFF
from the new HRMA N0008 release.
See sections 4.5 and 4.6. In both cases
(then and now), pre-flight grating efficiencies (from
CalDB 2.0 GREFF file hetgD1996-11-01greffpr001N0004.fits)
were used as a starting point and
the effiency adjustments were precipitated by changes in the telescope
effective area, which affects the ratio of the expected MEG and HEG
count rates. In both cases, data from blazars were accumulated in
wavelength bins from 1.7 A to 17 A in order to determine how the
MEG/HEG ratio should be corrected in order to match observations.
ratios were computed from the data and efficiencies in such a way as to
be independent of the sources' spectral properties. In both
the observed errors in the MEG/HEG ratio were apportioned to the MEG
and HEG efficiencies by assigning to the HEG predominantly below 1 keV
and to the MEG predominantly above 1 keV. Reasons for choosing
this approach are given in the memo and have not changed.
"The differences between what was done then and what was done this time
are few:
1- Five more blazar spectra were used in the analysis than used in 2005
and two were eliminated due to minor but potentially problematic
spectral complexities. In 2005, 18 observations of 5 blazars were
used. This time (January 2009), 21 observations of 3 blazars were
2- Details of the error in the MEG/HEG ratio differ slightly. Reference
Fig. 12 in the 2005 memo referenced earlier. In 2005, the maximum
correction to the HEG efficiency was about 13%, near 17.5 A and
for the MEG, the maximum correction was about 7%, near 10 A. In
the 2009 analysis, these maxima are about 21% at 17.5 A and 8% at 2.0
A, for the HEG and MEG, respectively. Attached is the updated
version of Fig. 12 from the 2005 memo."
Herman Marshall produced the following plot of the new correction
factor as modeled by a polynomial (solid curve), as well as the
apportioned corrections for the HEG +/- first order (dashes) and MEG
+/- first order (dots), to be applied to the N0004 GREFF to produce the
N0006 GREFF. See FIG 2 below.

FIG 2: Modeled correction factor (as a polynomial) for HEG vs MEG
1st orders (solid curve), and the apportioned correction factors for
the MEG only (dotted curve) and the
HEG only (dashes).
C. PIMMS CY11 Effective Area files (final release)
The technical details for the derivation of the PIMMS CY11 effective
areas are given in the PIMMS
CY11 Public Information page, and plots of the new areas in
comparison with CY10 are given on the PIMMS CY11 Effective Areas