The ASC is tasked to provide a data system to receive all XRCF data, archive and process the data (as applicable), and make the data available to analysts through a convenient and flexible query mechanism. The ASC Data System (ASCDS) at the XRCF consists of a database server, processing server, archive server, and archive. An identical system will reside at SAO and provide the same functionality to users at SAO during testing.
As data flows into the MCC, the ASCDS retrieves the data and reconstructs meaningful data sets. The ASCDS keeps a copy of the raw data from the MCC. Metadata are extracted and a database of information about the data is created. As the data are archived, they are processed in standard pipelines, and standard data products are generated and archived. Ancillary data are also archived and processed (if necessary). Certain useful data will be available as a result of automated standard processing. During processing, data are compared to model predictions in a performance prediction database.
Teams such as the SAO/MST or the SI teams can retrieve data from the ASCDS in the `raw' format as sent to the MCC or in a standard format such as FITS. Users may also retrieve data products as generated by the standard processing. At the level above standard processing, analysts will make queries to the ASCDS for sets of time correlated data.
The ASCDS will provide a flexible database to support query and retrieval of time-correlated data sets from multiple subsystems, analysis tools to support further data analysis, a database of XRCF tests with model predictions for all tests, and the ability to re-run end-to-end model predictions for use in regenerating tests based on test data and for data analysis.