Chandra observation of GX 5-1 halo:
a deeper understanding of
interstellar dust
E. Costantini,
P. Predehl ,
V. Burwitz
(Max-Planck-Institut fuer extraterrestrische
Physik,Giessenbachstrasse,85748 Garching, Germany)
We present ACIS and ACIS-HETG preliminary results of the bright X-ray binary
GX 5-1 and the diffuse X-ray scattering halo which surrounds it.
The measured halo contribution is 25% at 2 keV, consistent to what
previously found by ROSAT.
In addition, thanks to the broader energy band and better spatial/spectral
resolution of Chandra, the energy dependence of the halo brightness could be
In particular the high quality of the data allows us to discuss the validity
of the classical scattering model, based on the Raleigh-Gans theory.
The study of the halo shape and intensity depends crucially on the
determination of the PSF. The fine tuning needed to study extended and
relatively weak emission around bright pointlike sources in presence of
pileup, as the case of scattering haloes, is also described.
The spectrum of GX 5-1 is satisfactorly modeled by black body curves plus
photoelectric absorption, in agreement with previous studies.
The ACIS and HETG observations were carried out 20 days apart. During
this time interval no spectral
or flux variation was registered.