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Long-term Schedule

This is the latest long-term schedule. Observations have been sorted into one-week intervals, taking into account solar, time, roll, and other constraints. It is our intent to follow this schedule. However, targets which are not constrained may well be moved forward or back in time to fill requirements of the short-term schedules. Targets of opportunity and any instrument or spacecraft anomalies may also cause observing times of targets to shift. This long-term schedule is our present estimate of future order of observations. Please be aware of the uncertainties.

Also notice that targets have been allotted to one-week intervals to fill only about half of real-time. This figure is significantly less than Chandra's available observing time. To achieve fully scheduled weeks, and to increase Chandra's efficiency we must allow the short-term scheduler some flexibility in target choice. This is done by reserving a pool of unconstrained targets with broad viewing windows, These targets are listed at the end of the long-term schedule, and may be scheduled at any time during the cycle to fill undersubscribed weeks.

The long-term schedule page has links to our database entries of the requested observing parameters as well as to images of the target fields of view. Observers are encouraged to review these entries and notify the Chandra Director's Office of any perceived problems. Observers may be contacted about a month prior to the detailed scheduling of their targets for final confirmation of the observing parameters. Note that the images accompanying the target pages assume a roll angle appropriate for the middle of the week to which the target has been assigned in the long-term schedule. This approximation, made for initial review purposes only, may not always respect accepted roll constraints. This will be corrected in the final scheduling process, which may also result in different guide stars than those shown in the optical image. Also, those targets allocated to the pool may be moved multiple times; the roll angles for their images are thus unlikely to correspond to the final orientation. Updates will be issued at the time of rescheduling.

If simultaneous observations with other instruments are a vital part of your program and if they were part of your peer-reviewed proposal, a time-constraint should be already applied to your target. Barring malfunctions, it will be honored. After a proposal has been reviewed and accepted, the addition of constraints, or changes in object, position or exposure time will not be honored. If you have added coordinated observations later or if only a secondary part of the science, we cannot perturb the normal scheduling to give you a definite time.

NOTE: In the text of the long-term schedule, pool targets are marked with a "P", Cool Catalog Targets (CCTs) are marked with "C", and roll and pitch angles given are for the start and end of each observation's assigned one-week interval.

Chandra X-ray Observatory Long-term Schedule

Click here for a list of changes from the last LTS.

Click here for table header definitions.

Segment: 21 limit: 4.97d, used 2.62d = 52.72% 22-Jul-2024 00h to 29-Jul-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201560 27244 NGC 6204 30.0 251.538 -47.027 286.0 281.5 131.7 126.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 2 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24200285 402435 26577 SS 433 10.0 287.956 4.983 207.2 219.7 151.5 148.9 HRC-I - - NONE Marshall GO 24 1 S N N N N N Y Y kashyap 05/08/23 24400466 503411 26651 eRASSU J 131716.9-40 3.0 199.320 -40.447 246.9 243.6 94.3 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Kurpas GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/29/22 24500342 590759 28528 RXJ 1856.5-3754 10.5 284.147 -37.910 314.9 305.6 156.9 151.5 ACIS-S 5 1 LETG Marshall CAL 25 1 Y N N N N N N N hermanm 06/05/24 25500500 590759 29489 RXJ 1856.5-3754 19.5 284.147 -37.910 314.9 305.6 156.9 151.5 ACIS-S 5 1 LETG Marshall CAL 25 1 Y N N N N N N N approval not required 25500500 704773 27170 J0038 30.0 9.516 -6.890 109.1 107.7 112.9 119.4 ACIS-S 6 2 NONE Yang GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/28/22 24700319 704845 27425 NGC 3783 16.0 174.757 -37.739 230.7 226.4 76.6 71.4 ACIS-S 4 0 HETG Gu GTO 24 1 N N N N N N Y Y hermanm 07/07/23 24700510 704845 29487 NGC 3783 19.0 174.757 -37.739 230.7 226.4 76.6 71.4 ACIS-S 4 0 HETG Gu GTO 24 1 N N N N N N Y Y approval not required 24700510 704845 29488 NGC 3783 19.0 174.757 -37.739 230.7 226.4 76.6 71.4 ACIS-S 4 0 HETG Gu GTO 24 1 N N N N N N Y Y approval not required 24700510 704845 29495 NGC 3783 14.0 174.757 -37.739 230.7 226.4 76.6 71.4 ACIS-S 4 0 HETG Gu GTO 24 0 N N N N N N Y Y approval not required 24700510 705024 28215 WISEA J210752.45-161 20.0 316.969 -16.192 107.7 108.4 164.7 171.4 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Pooley GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700299 802028 27189 MACS J2129.4-0741 15.0 322.358 -7.691 124.0 130.4 156.2 162.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Sayers GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N dj 06/07/23 24800077 802028 29486 MACS J2129.4-0741 15.0 322.358 -7.691 124.0 130.4 156.2 162.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Sayers GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24800077 802168 28811 PSZ2G008.80-35.18 5.0 308.660 -34.061 26.8 1.2 164.8 164.7 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 1 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 Segment: 22 limit: 5.26d, used 5.48d =104.18% 29-Jul-2024 00h to 05-Aug-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201675 28361 HE 2115-0709 22.0 319.426 -6.953 138.5 157.7 164.0 169.1 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Roulston GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/23/23 25200011 402436 26578 SS 433 10.0 287.956 4.983 219.7 230.1 148.9 145.3 HRC-I - - NONE Marshall GO 24 0 S N N N N N Y Y kashyap 05/08/23 24400466 503374 26614 PSR J1539-5626 12.0 234.809 -56.441 272.9 268.3 114.6 109.4 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Romani GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 12/27/22 24500086 503374 29492 PSR J1539-5626 13.0 234.809 -56.441 272.9 268.3 114.6 109.4 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Romani GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24500086 503381 27092 1E 161348-5055.1 30.0 244.401 -51.041 278.2 273.9 120.8 115.2 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Pazhayath Ravi GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 01/12/23 24500111 503510 28782 1E 161348-5055.1 30.0 244.401 -51.040 278.2 273.9 120.8 115.2 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Garmire GTO 25 0 S N N Y N Y N Y jeanconn 11/13/23 25500515 704623 29354 ESO 500-34 4.0 156.131 -23.553 215.1 208.7 50.3 45.4 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Ma GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24700026 704686 28909 WISE J233245.02-0058 25.0 353.188 -0.979 114.9 115.4 132.6 139.3 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Satyapal GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24700257 704981  H 28646 Abell 370 28.0 39.960 -1.586 108.8 106.9 88.9 95.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 705196  C 29491 SDSSJ203730.38-05301 15.0 309.377 -5.504 175.6 205.6 166.7 167.2 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Civano CCT 25 0 N N N N N N N N CCT - approved 20701058 802044 26930 A2384 18.5 328.072 -19.622 90.6 80.0 161.3 167.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Walker GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 02/27/23 24800166 802044 29493 A2384 19.0 328.072 -19.622 90.6 80.0 161.3 167.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Walker GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24800166 802044 29494 A2384 15.5 328.072 -19.622 90.6 80.0 161.3 167.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Walker GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24800166 802047 26933 zwcl 1856.8+6616 35.0 284.150 66.380 202.8 209.5 93.0 93.5 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Finner GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 06/21/23 24800217 802047 27205 zwcl 1856.8+6616 41.0 284.150 66.380 202.8 209.5 93.0 93.5 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Finner GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 06/21/23 24800217 802047 27209 zwcl 1856.8+6616 28.0 284.150 66.380 202.8 209.5 93.0 93.5 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Finner GO 24 2 N N N N N N N N dj 06/21/23 24800217 802071 27231 HS 1549 Protocluster 30.0 237.969 19.184 245.4 249.6 101.3 96.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE chapman GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 01/05/23 24800413 802152  H 28719 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 27.0 334.612 -3.775 122.2 126.1 150.3 156.8 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 901838 27239 HD 226868 51.0 299.590 35.202 190.2 198.4 125.4 125.8 ACIS-S 4 0 HETG Zeegers GO 24 0 N N Y N N N N N nss 01/20/23 24910168 901853 27407 NVSS J011830+331802 20.0 19.625 33.292 115.9 118.6 94.4 100.6 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Khabibullin GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/17/22 24900527 Segment: 23 limit: 5.07d, used 4.64d = 91.52% 05-Aug-2024 00h to 12-Aug-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201676 28362 LP 758-43 32.0 327.410 -11.641 115.7 121.8 167.0 173.6 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Roulston GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/23/23 25200011 291757 29452 HZ43 10.0 199.090 29.098 266.6 272.0 59.4 54.5 HRC-S - - LETG Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N N N N N N Kashyap 06/26/24 25200497 402416  H 26558 LMC Deep Field 10 47.0 76.650 -68.742 125.1 118.3 95.2 95.4 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Antoniou GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24400340 402437 26579 SS 433 10.0 287.956 4.983 230.1 238.7 145.3 141.0 HRC-I - - NONE Marshall GO 24 0 S N N N N N Y Y kashyap 05/08/23 24400466 402451 27358 SS 433 20.0 287.957 4.983 230.1 238.7 145.3 141.0 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Marshall GTO 24 0 S N N N N Y N N hermanm 07/07/23 24400540 503389 27098 CXOU J232327.8+58484 30.0 350.866 58.812 145.6 151.2 98.7 102.5 HRC-S - - NONE Heinke GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 01/20/23 24500199 704649 26728 WISEA J214604.77-000 23.7 326.520 -0.095 147.0 162.7 159.7 164.4 ACIS-S 5 2 NONE Goulding GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 11/23/22 24700092 704842 27363 M31* 24.0 10.685 41.269 126.2 130.1 102.3 107.9 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Nynka GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 07/11/23 24700106 704842 27422 M31* 24.0 10.685 41.269 126.2 130.1 102.3 107.9 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Nynka GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 07/11/23 24700106 705071 28262 SDSS J130235.17+2726 6.0 195.647 27.439 267.1 272.4 56.5 51.4 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705195 29490 Cen A 22.0 201.365 -43.019 241.4 237.9 85.3 79.6 ACIS-S 2 0 HETG Bogensberger DDT 25 0 R N N N N N N N nss 07/18/24 25709000 802074 27381 SPT-CLJ2214-5501 53.3 333.529 -55.029 27.7 17.4 139.4 138.9 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 12/01/22 24800499 802076 27383 SPT-CLJ0101-5332 50.0 15.255 -53.547 75.8 68.3 121.2 123.3 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/24/22 24800500 802076 27434 SPT-CLJ0101-5332 30.0 15.255 -53.547 75.8 68.3 121.2 123.3 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/24/22 24800500 802173 28816 PSZ2G045.50-37.21 7.8 321.320 -6.978 149.5 183.1 168.3 172.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 901835 29266 XMMU J183239.7-09161 10.0 278.165 -9.269 253.9 257.9 143.2 137.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Mori GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24910084 Segment: 24 limit: 4.97d, used 4.32d = 86.92% 12-Aug-2024 00h to 19-Aug-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201561 27042 NGC 6242 33.0 253.878 -39.474 272.0 269.7 116.4 110.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24200285 402413  H 28907 LMC Deep Field 07 16.0 83.879 -66.957 125.0 118.3 92.1 92.2 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Antoniou GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24400340 402414  H 26556 LMC Deep Field 08 40.0 82.250 -69.853 123.4 116.7 94.2 94.1 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Antoniou GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24400340 402444 27351 4U 1624-490 45.5 247.012 -49.199 271.4 268.0 111.2 105.3 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Huenemoerder GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N nss 06/08/23 24400506 402444 27418 4U 1624-490 30.0 247.012 -49.199 271.4 268.0 111.2 105.3 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Huenemoerder GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N nss 06/08/23 24400506 503417 26657 PSR J2021+3651 55.0 305.273 36.851 199.8 208.1 125.9 125.8 ACIS-S 5 1 NONE Jin GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 02/02/23 24500389 704628 26707 SDSS J033553.12-0039 26.0 53.971 -0.663 105.0 102.8 88.0 94.4 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Molina GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/30/22 24700050 704644 26723 VIKING J231818.3-311 45.0 349.576 -31.230 63.8 51.4 149.8 153.1 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Connor GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/22 24700083 705065 28256 SDSS J111836.35+6316 2.0 169.651 63.281 325.1 333.5 52.1 52.7 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 802152  H 28337 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 50.0 334.612 -3.775 132.3 145.7 163.1 169.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 802152  H 28715 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 30.0 334.612 -3.775 132.3 145.7 163.1 169.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 Segment: 25 limit: 5.36d, used 4.66d = 86.94% 19-Aug-2024 00h to 26-Aug-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 402384 27063 SWIFT J2037.2+4151 30.0 309.250 41.833 202.2 210.2 122.6 122.7 ACIS-S 4 0 HETG Chakraborty GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24400187 402392 26534 SS 433 e2 50.0 288.535 4.931 245.5 251.4 136.7 131.5 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Tsuji GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 06/09/23 24400228 402410  H 26552 LMC Deep Field 04 40.0 82.599 -67.210 117.1 110.4 92.8 92.9 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Antoniou GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24400340 402411  H 27074 LMC Deep Field 05 30.0 82.783 -69.272 117.2 110.4 93.7 93.6 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Antoniou GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24400340 601577 26677 NGC6540 37.0 271.536 -27.765 273.7 273.0 125.2 118.4 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Irwin GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 01/19/23 24620350 704518 25537 SDSS J150921.68+0304 8.8 227.340 3.081 257.6 260.0 78.6 72.3 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Brandt GO 25 0 Y N N N N N P N kashyap 12/31/21 23700162 704858 27379 WISEA J230341.02-542 32.0 345.921 -54.459 25.2 15.6 136.1 135.1 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Wolf GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 07/03/23 24700537 802028 27192 MACS J2129.4-0741 69.0 322.358 -7.691 228.5 256.4 172.2 167.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Sayers GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 06/07/23 24800077 802057 26943 ACT-CL J0223.5-3601 44.0 35.877 -36.017 87.5 81.2 115.5 119.4 ACIS-S 5 2 NONE Flores GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 11/16/22 24800278 802070 27225 CSWA28 30.0 205.887 41.917 282.6 289.9 57.5 54.5 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE dupke GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 06/23/23 24800409 901833 27234 XMM J0.173-0.413 31.0 266.914 -29.004 272.2 271.3 121.0 114.3 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Wang GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/15/22 24910062 Segment: 26 limit: 4.94d, used 4.41d = 89.27% 26-Aug-2024 00h to 02-Sep-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201561 29214 NGC 6242 10.0 253.878 -39.474 267.6 265.6 103.6 97.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 2 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24200285 201564 27053 GAL 034.8-00.6 IRDC 30.0 284.203 1.385 255.5 259.7 128.3 122.5 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Cheng GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/25/22 24200349 201565 27058 G29-38 30.0 352.199 5.248 132.1 140.0 156.6 162.8 HRC-I - - NONE Cunningham GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 11/21/22 24200446 201655 27995 HD 16673 12.5 40.051 -9.453 97.1 93.5 115.8 121.8 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 503417 27101 PSR J2021+3651 30.0 305.273 36.851 216.3 224.4 125.2 124.0 ACIS-S 5 1 NONE Jin GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 02/02/23 24500389 503422 27105 PSR J0007+7303 30.0 1.757 73.052 153.4 159.4 94.7 97.9 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Kargaltsev GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 12/15/22 24500437 704624 26703 SDSS J133857.08+3635 21.0 204.738 36.596 287.1 294.9 52.0 48.9 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Molina GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/30/22 24700050 704773 27172 J0038 30.0 9.516 -6.890 98.4 93.9 145.5 151.8 ACIS-S 6 2 NONE Yang GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/28/22 24700319 704784 26863 SDSS J131755.47+4216 20.0 199.481 42.271 295.9 304.4 50.3 48.1 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Chilingarian GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/22 24700352 704787 26866 SDSSJ144252.78+20545 3.5 220.720 20.914 268.3 273.4 63.9 58.8 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Chilingarian GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/22 24700352 704798 26877 SDSSJ132712.74+42175 3.7 201.803 42.298 293.8 302.0 51.8 49.6 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Chilingarian GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/22 24700352 704842 27421 M31* 36.0 10.685 41.269 138.9 144.0 118.6 123.8 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Nynka GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 07/11/23 24700106 704842 27423 M31* 36.0 10.685 41.269 138.9 144.0 118.6 123.8 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Nynka GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 07/11/23 24700106 802044 27196 A2384 37.0 328.072 -19.622 323.8 310.9 168.8 162.8 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Walker GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 02/27/23 24800166 802047 27204 zwcl 1856.8+6616 30.0 284.150 66.380 229.7 236.5 94.8 95.2 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Finner GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 06/21/23 24800217 901852 27406 [RRB2014] RM J012016 20.0 20.125 33.292 127.2 130.8 118.6 124.6 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Khabibullin GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/17/22 24900527 Segment: 27 limit: 4.89d, used 4.30d = 87.93% 02-Sep-2024 00h to 09-Sep-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201478 25500 ALPHA CEN 10.0 219.851 -60.832 238.6 233.9 82.5 77.6 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 24 0 S N N N N N N N kashyap 02/10/23 23200044 201564 27052 GAL 034.8-00.6 IRDC 30.0 284.203 1.385 259.7 263.3 122.5 116.5 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Cheng GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/25/22 24200349 201587 29224 NGC 2353 22.4 108.641 -10.257 107.2 102.1 55.3 60.6 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24200497 402367 26509 GPSR5 29.107-0.155 15.0 281.251 -3.474 262.8 265.7 120.3 114.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Atri GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 03/20/23 24400065 402377 26519 4FGL J1730.4-0359 20.0 262.609 -3.992 262.7 265.0 101.9 95.5 ACIS-S 6 2 NONE Cheung GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/17/22 24400153 402383 26525 IRAS 19132+1035 28.4 288.870 10.744 252.4 257.5 124.7 119.5 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Motta GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/16/22 24400171 402397 26539 EWS 2011-BLG-462 50.0 267.918 -29.891 271.4 270.6 108.5 101.7 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Mereghetti GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/10/22 24400247 402442 26980 XTE J1701-462 35.0 255.244 -46.186 267.4 264.7 98.6 92.3 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Homan TOO 25 0 S N N N N N N N kashyap 03/28/23 24400134 601542 23873 m31 20.0 10.685 41.269 144.0 149.7 123.8 128.8 HRC-I - - NONE Irwin GO 24 0 S N N N N N N Y kashyap 09/11/21 22620093 802065 26951 SPT-CLJ0100-5359 33.2 15.020 -53.980 43.4 35.0 126.5 126.5 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 06/12/23 24800375 802071 29430 HS 1549 Protocluster 10.0 237.969 19.184 266.7 271.3 75.0 69.9 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE chapman GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24800413 802083 27390 SPT-CLJ0217-5245 5.0 34.303 -52.756 63.9 56.2 118.0 119.1 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/24/22 24800500 802152  H 28710 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 30.0 334.612 -3.775 237.0 262.6 172.3 167.1 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 802152  H 28711 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 30.0 334.612 -3.775 237.0 262.6 172.3 167.1 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 901833 27235 XMM J0.173-0.413 31.0 266.914 -29.004 270.6 269.9 107.6 100.9 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Wang GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/15/22 24910062 Segment: 28 limit: 5.31d, used 4.39d = 82.67% 09-Sep-2024 00h to 16-Sep-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 100221 26488 trappist-1 20.0 346.629 -5.045 250.3 288.2 179.1 172.5 HRC-S - - NONE Wolk GO 24 0 G N N N N N N Y kashyap 05/17/23 24100151 100222 26489 trappist-1 10.0 346.629 -5.045 250.3 288.2 179.1 172.5 HRC-S - - NONE Wolk GO 24 0 G N N N N N N Y kashyap 05/17/23 24100151 201560 27246 NGC 6204 23.2 251.538 -47.027 262.0 259.2 89.9 83.7 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24200285 201560 29412 NGC 6204 10.0 251.538 -47.027 262.0 259.2 89.9 83.7 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24200285 201561 27036 NGC 6242 17.3 253.878 -39.474 263.6 261.6 90.6 84.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/07/22 24200285 201561 29441 NGC 6242 14.0 253.878 -39.474 263.6 261.6 90.6 84.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24200285 201564 27054 GAL 034.8-00.6 IRDC 30.0 284.203 1.385 263.3 266.6 116.5 110.4 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Cheng GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/25/22 24200349 201565 27057 G29-38 30.0 352.199 5.248 155.8 191.0 168.4 171.9 HRC-I - - NONE Cunningham GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 11/21/22 24200446 201576 26969 70 OPH 5.0 271.365 2.493 263.9 267.0 103.6 97.5 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 24 0 S N N N N Y N N kashyap 10/15/22 24200057 402391 27064 SS 433 e0 30.0 288.293 4.931 260.9 264.8 120.0 114.2 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Tsuji GO 24 0 S N N N N N N N swolk 06/27/23 24400228 402444 27419 4U 1624-490 30.0 247.012 -49.199 258.6 255.5 87.3 81.2 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Huenemoerder GTO 24 0 N N N N N N N N nss 06/08/23 24400506 590747 28447 Cas A 4.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 Y N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590748 28448 Cas A 2.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590749 28449 Cas A 2.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590750 28450 Cas A 2.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590751 28451 Cas A 4.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590752 28452 Cas A 2.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590753 28453 Cas A 2.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-S 3 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 590754 28454 Cas A 2.0 350.858 58.815 176.2 183.3 115.8 118.5 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25500485 704830 26909 B3 1428+422 20.0 217.599 42.077 295.1 302.9 57.6 55.5 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Meyer GO 24 0 N Y N N N N N N malgosia 10/27/22 24700447 802038 26924 DESJ2349-5113 30.0 357.375 -51.228 13.7 4.8 133.4 131.4 ACIS-I 6 2 NONE Jeltema GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/22 24800100 802067 29413 SPT-CLJ2233-5552 18.0 338.406 -55.877 348.4 341.1 128.9 125.4 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24800375 802152  H 28712 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 30.0 334.612 -3.775 262.6 272.7 167.1 160.9 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 802152  H 28714 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 30.0 334.612 -3.775 262.6 272.7 167.1 160.9 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 890237 28474 Perseus Cluster 10.0 49.951 41.512 113.0 115.9 106.4 112.6 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 Y N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25800489 Segment: 29 limit: 4.86d, used 4.17d = 85.80% 16-Sep-2024 00h to 23-Sep-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201565 26503 G29-38 35.0 352.199 5.248 191.0 236.5 171.9 170.6 HRC-I - - NONE Cunningham GO 24 0 S N N N N N N N kashyap 11/21/22 24200446 300554 28050 BZ Cam 30.0 97.392 71.077 77.9 83.0 83.1 87.7 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG BALMAN GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N not approved 25300250 300554 28502 BZ Cam 30.0 97.392 71.077 77.9 83.0 83.1 87.7 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG BALMAN GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N not approved 25300250 300554 28503 BZ Cam 30.0 97.392 71.077 77.9 83.0 83.1 87.7 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG BALMAN GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N not approved 25300250 300554 28504 BZ Cam 30.0 97.392 71.077 77.9 83.0 83.1 87.7 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG BALMAN GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N not approved 25300250 300554 28505 BZ Cam 30.0 97.392 71.077 77.9 83.0 83.1 87.7 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG BALMAN GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N not approved 25300250 402383 27060 IRAS 19132+1035 31.6 288.870 10.744 262.1 266.4 114.1 108.5 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Motta GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 11/16/22 24400171 503412 26652 eRASSU J 144516.1-37 4.0 221.317 -37.741 238.6 235.2 59.7 53.5 HRC-I - - NONE Kurpas GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/29/22 24500342 704706 26785 PS16dtm 20.0 29.520 -0.873 93.4 88.4 144.2 150.5 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Blanchard GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/27/22 24700290 704750 26829 SDSS J105045.72+5447 5.5 162.691 54.789 13.9 20.9 52.9 56.6 ACIS-S 5 2 NONE Shemmer GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/19/22 24700311 802118 28673 1RXS J234106.1+00183 30.0 355.279 0.309 152.7 266.9 176.6 175.3 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ubertosi GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/18/23 25800027 802152  H 28713 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E 30.0 334.612 -3.775 272.7 278.0 160.9 154.3 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800327 890238 28475 Perseus Cluster 10.0 49.951 41.512 115.9 119.1 112.6 118.8 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25800489 890239 28476 Perseus Cluster 10.0 49.951 41.512 115.9 119.1 112.6 118.8 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25800489 890240 28477 Perseus Cluster 10.0 49.951 41.512 115.9 119.1 112.6 118.8 ACIS-I 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25800489 890241 28478 Perseus Cluster 10.0 49.951 41.512 115.9 119.1 112.6 118.8 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25800489 890242 28479 Perseus Cluster 10.0 49.951 41.512 115.9 119.1 112.6 118.8 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Bogdan CAL 25 0 G N N N N N N Y abogdan 12/18/23 25800489 Segment: 30 limit: 4.73d, used 4.12d = 87.10% 23-Sep-2024 00h to 30-Sep-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201556 27035 V750 Ara 34.0 261.978 -47.026 264.2 261.3 84.5 78.2 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Huenemoerder GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24200128 201561 29442 NGC 6242 10.0 253.878 -39.474 259.6 257.5 77.6 71.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24200285 201663 28741 LHS 475 15.0 290.227 -82.554 290.1 284.1 92.5 89.0 HRC-I - - NONE Garraffo GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N not approved 25200193 402423 26565 SMC 981 50.0 15.249 -72.620 15.9 9.2 106.7 104.4 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ludwig GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 03/06/23 24400430 503348 28508 SNR 1987A 30.0 83.867 -69.270 84.2 77.4 92.1 91.8 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Park GO 25 0 Y Y N N N N N Y not approved 23500050 503500 28356 PSR J1813-1749 20.0 273.397 -17.833 271.1 271.7 93.2 86.4 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Ho GO 25 0 Y N N N N Y N N jeanconn 11/06/23 25500175 503507 28779 SN 2003gk 12.0 345.429 2.269 261.5 271.8 165.3 159.1 HRC-I - - NONE Patnaude GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 12/06/23 25500501 704641 29431 PSO J173.4601+48.242 14.0 173.460 48.242 8.7 16.3 48.6 52.2 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Connor GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24700083 704773 29461 J0038 24.5 9.516 -6.890 54.2 18.4 168.2 169.8 ACIS-S 6 2 NONE Yang GO 24 0 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24700319 704979 28170 WISE J025942.86-1635 35.0 44.929 -16.595 74.0 66.6 132.7 137.2 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chartas GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N waaron 10/30/23 25700156 802071 26957 HS 1549 Protocluster 10.0 237.969 19.184 281.7 287.7 60.0 55.3 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE chapman GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N dj 01/05/23 24800413 802071 29440 HS 1549 Protocluster 10.0 237.969 19.184 281.7 287.7 60.0 55.3 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE chapman GO 24 1 N N N N N N N N approval not required 24800413 802118 28672 1RXS J234106.1+00183 30.0 355.279 0.309 266.9 282.7 175.3 168.7 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ubertosi GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/18/23 25800027 802153 28725 ACT-CL_J0034.4+0225 30.0 8.608 2.426 105.3 81.5 171.1 177.7 ACIS-S 5 1 NONE Hughes GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 11/02/23 25800453 901856 28729 [JDW2009] G359.55+0. 30.0 265.983 -29.232 268.1 267.4 86.5 79.6 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Wang GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 04/19/24 25910018 Segment: 31 limit: 5.15d, used 4.36d = 84.66% 30-Sep-2024 00h to 07-Oct-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201669 28342 NGC 2287 15.0 101.499 -20.716 89.2 84.5 84.2 89.2 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/25/23 25200374 201670 28343 NGC 2287 15.0 101.697 -20.894 89.3 84.6 84.0 89.0 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200374 201670 28750 NGC 2287 15.0 101.697 -20.894 89.3 84.6 84.0 89.0 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200374 201672 28345 NGC 2287 15.0 101.300 -20.894 89.2 84.4 84.4 89.3 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200374 201685 28830 Trumpler 3 30.0 48.004 63.218 134.1 139.8 112.3 116.8 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/25/23 25200484 503348 25516 SNR 1987A 59.0 83.867 -69.270 77.4 70.5 91.8 91.4 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Park GO 25 0 Y Y N N N N N Y not approved 23500050 601621 28127 NGC7496 31.0 347.447 -43.428 334.7 328.4 130.8 126.1 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 601622 28859 LEDA407 15.0 1.430 -50.115 353.9 346.5 127.0 123.6 HRC-S - - LETG Burwitz GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/17/23 25610506 704512 25531 CFHQS J164121+375520 30.0 250.340 37.922 288.9 295.6 71.6 68.8 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Vito GO 25 0 Y N N N N N N Y kashyap 03/28/22 23700118 704950 28556 MG J2019+1127 30.0 304.825 11.454 266.9 271.2 118.5 112.8 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Schwartz GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N das 11/24/23 25700001 802119 28304 2MAXIJ0134-082 42.0 23.172 -8.068 57.9 38.1 160.0 162.9 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ubertosi GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/18/23 25800027 802119 28674 2MAXIJ0134-082 30.0 23.172 -8.068 57.9 38.1 160.0 162.9 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ubertosi GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/18/23 25800027 802182 28825 Abell 168 relic 50.0 18.701 0.565 79.8 50.8 167.4 172.2 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE Sarkar GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/28/23 25800482 Segment: 32 limit: 4.70d, used 3.95d = 84.04% 07-Oct-2024 00h to 14-Oct-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201661 28001 NGC 2440 20.0 115.481 -18.209 88.7 84.2 76.1 81.4 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N Y kashyap 10/28/23 25200170 201665 28005 HIP102732 35.0 312.254 31.849 258.3 264.6 117.9 113.9 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Cunningham GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N not approved 25200459 201685 28762 Trumpler 3 40.0 48.004 63.218 139.8 146.0 116.8 121.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/25/23 25200484 291712 28382 Vega 1.0 279.237 38.786 276.4 282.5 90.8 87.5 HRC-S - - NONE Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N rpete 10/11/23 25200494 601615 28543 NGC1385 30.0 54.368 -24.501 59.2 50.9 129.6 132.6 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 601618 28124 NGC1566 49.0 65.002 -54.938 55.0 47.8 105.8 106.3 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 704515 25534 SDSS J215954.45-0021 4.5 329.977 -0.364 278.4 281.0 137.0 130.3 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Brandt GO 25 0 Y N N N N N P N kashyap 12/29/21 23700162 704524 25543 SDSS J153913.46+3954 3.6 234.806 39.907 309.3 317.2 59.7 58.3 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Brandt GO 25 0 Y N N N N N P N kashyap 01/01/22 23700162 705027 28218 WISEA J005344.44-201 2.0 13.435 -20.209 1.8 348.3 154.3 151.1 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Pooley GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700299 802120 28677 SpARCS J105111+58180 30.0 162.797 58.301 32.3 37.9 68.1 72.6 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Hlavacek-Larrondo GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/31/23 25800083 802144 28687 A85 North 30.0 10.445 -9.113 351.3 333.2 165.3 160.7 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Walker GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/19/23 25800211 802153 28338 ACT-CL_J0034.4+0225 50.0 8.608 2.426 307.0 299.0 174.9 168.1 ACIS-S 5 1 NONE Hughes GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 11/02/23 25800453 802154 28797 A1550 46.0 187.243 47.622 6.7 14.1 53.3 56.7 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Simionescu GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800470 Segment: 33 limit: 4.70d, used 3.89d = 82.77% 14-Oct-2024 00h to 21-Oct-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201656 27996 HD 16673 12.5 40.051 -9.453 50.6 35.7 152.7 155.3 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 201672 28752 NGC 2287 15.0 101.300 -20.894 79.6 74.7 94.3 99.3 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200374 291709 28379 Vega 2.0 279.237 38.786 282.5 288.7 87.5 84.2 HRC-I - - NONE Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N rpete 10/11/23 25200494 291710 28380 Vega 2.0 279.237 38.786 282.5 288.7 87.5 84.2 HRC-S - - NONE Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N rpete 10/11/23 25200494 503496 28352 PSR J1101-6101 54.0 165.438 -61.028 139.9 131.7 58.5 58.3 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Kargaltsev GO 25 0 Y N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/31/23 25500121 601621 28553 NGC7496 30.0 347.447 -43.428 322.7 317.6 121.0 115.7 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 704527 25546 SDSS J094533.99+1009 3.6 146.392 10.164 72.7 72.2 55.6 62.5 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Brandt GO 25 0 Y N N N N N P N kashyap 12/31/21 23700162 704950 28141 MG J2019+1127 55.0 304.825 11.454 275.1 278.8 106.9 100.9 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Schwartz GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N das 11/24/23 25700001 704981  H 28600 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 64.7 48.9 157.0 161.2 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28604 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 64.7 48.9 157.0 161.2 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 705011 28202 FRB20210807D 30.0 299.221 -0.762 278.4 280.7 99.9 93.3 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Eftekhari GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700269 705107 28298 SDSS J015530.02-0857 22.0 28.875 -8.951 30.0 9.3 160.3 160.1 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Breiding GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700385 802184 28827 Abell 168 North 50.0 18.701 0.597 357.0 325.7 172.5 167.8 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Su GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/31/23 25800503 Segment: 34 limit: 5.16d, used 4.37d = 84.69% 21-Oct-2024 00h to 28-Oct-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201661 28733 NGC 2440 15.0 115.481 -18.209 79.8 75.4 86.9 92.3 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N Y kashyap 10/28/23 25200170 201686 28832 zeta Puppis 30.0 120.896 -40.003 85.1 79.0 79.2 82.7 ACIS-S 5 2 HETG Gunderson GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N nss 09/21/23 25200505 291711 28381 Vega 1.0 279.237 38.786 288.7 294.9 84.2 81.0 HRC-S - - NONE Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N rpete 10/11/23 25200494 291713 28383 Vega 1.0 279.237 38.786 288.7 294.9 84.2 81.0 HRC-S - - NONE Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N rpete 10/11/23 25200494 402491 28037 SMC 2857 50.0 14.417 -71.988 348.8 342.5 97.0 94.1 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ludwig GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/30/23 25400397 503455 28052 Crab Nebula 10.0 83.632 22.018 91.6 91.4 123.6 130.5 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Romani GO 25 0 Y N N N N N N N not approved 25500050 601591 28097 UM 351 25.0 24.594 1.901 353.0 326.0 171.2 166.4 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Irwin GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 12/18/23 25620199 601617 28547 NGC1512 30.0 60.976 -43.349 39.7 31.9 117.1 117.8 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 601621 28551 NGC7496 30.0 347.447 -43.428 317.6 312.9 115.7 110.2 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 601622 28860 LEDA407 15.0 1.430 -50.115 333.4 327.5 115.6 111.2 HRC-S - - LETG Burwitz GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/17/23 25610506 704981  H 28590 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 48.9 27.1 161.2 163.5 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28591 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 48.9 27.1 161.2 163.5 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28603 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 48.9 27.1 161.2 163.5 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 705100 28291 SDSS J005824.75+0041 19.0 14.603 0.687 312.6 306.0 165.1 158.5 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Risaliti GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700372 802120 28676 SpARCS J105111+58180 30.0 162.797 58.301 43.3 48.4 77.2 82.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Hlavacek-Larrondo GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/31/23 25800083 802183 28856 SPT-CL J2305-2248 30.0 346.298 -22.815 306.7 303.9 128.9 122.4 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Kraft GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/30/23 25800488 Segment: 35 limit: 4.70d, used 3.98d = 84.68% 28-Oct-2024 00h to 04-Nov-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201662 28738 NGC 6537 15.0 271.305 -19.843 272.9 273.6 56.7 49.7 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200170 201662 28739 NGC 6537 15.0 271.305 -19.843 272.9 273.6 56.7 49.7 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200170 201664 28004 HD61005 15.0 113.948 -32.204 74.5 68.9 90.0 94.2 HRC-I - - NONE Wolk GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N not approved 25200251 201673 28346 NGC 2287 15.0 101.300 -20.538 69.8 64.5 104.3 109.2 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200374 402490 28036 LMC 2273 50.0 77.206 -69.092 43.4 36.5 92.0 91.3 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ludwig GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/30/23 25400397 704530 25549 SDSS J122855.90+3414 3.6 187.233 34.244 31.1 36.9 53.0 58.2 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Brandt GO 25 0 Y N N N N N P N kashyap 12/31/21 23700162 704981  H 28592 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 27.1 2.6 163.5 163.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28593 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 27.1 2.6 163.5 163.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28594 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 27.1 2.6 163.5 163.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28595 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 27.1 2.6 163.5 163.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28601 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 27.1 2.6 163.5 163.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 705109 28300 Mrk 34 50.0 158.536 60.031 52.1 57.2 84.8 89.6 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Maksym GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/23/23 25700436 705109 28656 Mrk 34 30.0 158.536 60.031 52.1 57.2 84.8 89.6 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Maksym GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/23/23 25700436 Segment: 36 limit: 4.85d, used 4.09d = 84.33% 04-Nov-2024 00h to 11-Nov-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201671 28751 NGC 2287 15.0 101.697 -20.538 64.7 59.2 108.9 113.7 HRC-I - - NONE Kastner GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N kashyap 10/27/23 25200374 291708 28378 HZ43 2.0 199.090 29.098 26.2 32.8 48.5 53.4 HRC-I - - LETG Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N kashyap 04/22/24 25200490 402489 28035 LMC 4349 50.0 82.005 -69.997 41.0 33.9 89.6 89.1 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Ludwig GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 10/30/23 25400397 503462 28059 eRASSU J174858.8-510 15.0 267.245 -51.164 244.9 239.2 52.4 46.8 ACIS-S 5 1 NONE Kurpas GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 09/13/23 25500254 601613 28536 NGC1087 30.0 41.605 -0.499 8.5 346.0 164.0 161.5 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 601617 28546 NGC1512 30.0 60.976 -43.349 23.9 15.9 118.0 117.8 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 704979 28585 WISE J025942.86-1635 30.0 44.929 -16.595 10.4 357.8 147.5 146.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chartas GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N waaron 10/30/23 25700156 704981  H 28602 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 2.6 342.2 163.0 160.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28614 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 2.6 342.2 163.0 160.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 704981  H 28624 Abell 370 30.0 39.960 -1.586 2.6 342.2 163.0 160.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Bogdan GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N abogdan 09/13/23 25700214 705109 28660 Mrk 34 30.0 158.536 60.031 57.2 62.3 89.6 94.5 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Maksym GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/23/23 25700436 802120 28679 SpARCS J105111+58180 30.0 162.797 58.301 53.5 58.6 86.8 91.7 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Hlavacek-Larrondo GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/31/23 25800083 802143 28684 Abell 3017 30.0 36.468 -41.918 356.9 349.2 122.7 120.0 ACIS-S 5 2 NONE Sun GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 10/20/23 25800186 Segment: 37 limit: 5.03d, used 1.10d = 21.87% 11-Nov-2024 00h to 18-Nov-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 503476 28073 GRB 221009A 80.0 288.265 19.773 297.2 302.6 71.3 66.5 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Laskar GO 25 0 Y N N N N Y N N jeanconn 11/07/23 25500337 705091 28282 SWIFT J023017.0+2836 15.0 37.571 28.601 217.2 240.4 166.3 162.8 HRC-S - - NONE Pasham GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N kashyap 12/06/23 25700369 Segment: 38 limit: 4.74d, used 0.31d = 6.54% 18-Nov-2024 00h to 25-Nov-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201648 27988 HD 75332 12.5 132.634 33.284 79.1 81.2 109.1 115.9 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 705092 28283 SWIFT J023017.0+2836 15.0 37.571 28.601 240.4 254.7 162.8 157.6 HRC-S - - NONE Pasham GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N kashyap 12/06/23 25700369 Segment: 39 limit: 5.05d, used 0.35d = 6.93% 25-Nov-2024 00h to 02-Dec-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 503481 28516 PS15bva KISS15s 30.0 47.132 -0.835 329.2 319.2 154.6 149.3 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Chandra GO 25 0 N N N N N N P N jeanconn 11/15/23 25500415 Segment: 40 limit: 4.99d, used 0.14d = 2.81% 02-Dec-2024 00h to 09-Dec-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201657 27997 HD 16673 12.5 40.051 -9.453 318.9 313.2 138.2 132.4 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 Segment: 41 limit: 4.84d, used 0.12d = 2.48% 09-Dec-2024 00h to 16-Dec-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201572 26965 XI BOO 5.0 222.848 19.100 39.0 44.8 52.9 58.1 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N kashyap 10/15/22 24200057 291736 28406 ArLac 5.0 332.170 45.742 295.5 301.1 97.2 92.9 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 Y N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 Segment: 42 limit: 5.19d, used 0.30d = 5.78% 16-Dec-2024 00h to 23-Dec-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201649 27989 HD 75332 12.5 132.634 33.284 89.9 94.3 136.1 142.6 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 201706 29454 TW Hya 5.0 165.466 -34.705 66.3 62.0 83.2 88.8 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Espaillat GO 25 0 N N N N N N Y N not approved 25200530 291737 28407 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291738 28408 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291739 28409 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291740 28410 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291741 28411 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291742 28412 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291743 28413 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291744 28414 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291745 28415 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291746 28416 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 301.1 306.7 92.9 88.5 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 Segment: 43 limit: 4.87d, used 0.33d = 6.78% 23-Dec-2024 00h to 30-Dec-2024 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 291747 28417 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291748 28418 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291749 28419 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291750 28420 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291751 28421 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291752 28422 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291753 28423 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291754 28424 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291755 28425 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291756 28426 ArLac 1.0 332.170 45.742 306.7 312.4 88.5 84.1 HRC-I - - NONE Jerius CAL 25 0 G N N Y N N N N not approved 25200496 291758 28428 HZ43 20.0 199.090 29.098 61.0 65.0 87.1 93.0 HRC-S - - LETG Kashyap CAL 25 0 Y N N N N N N N kashyap 04/22/24 25200497 Segment: 44 limit: 5.03d, used 0.96d = 19.09% 30-Dec-2024 00h to 06-Jan-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201479 25501 ALPHA CEN 10.0 219.851 -60.832 105.4 98.6 55.0 59.3 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 25 0 S N N N N N N N kashyap 02/10/23 23200044 201483 25505 PROCYON 3.0 114.821 5.218 38.6 23.2 156.5 161.0 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 25 0 S N N N N N N N kashyap 09/19/21 23200044 201582 26975 Orion Nebula Cluster 40.0 83.820 -5.390 333.0 322.0 147.7 144.1 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 25 0 Y N N N N N N N not approved 24200395 601614 28537 NGC1300 30.0 49.921 -19.411 309.4 304.4 115.8 110.4 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 Segment: 45 limit: 5.23d, used 0.70d = 13.38% 06-Jan-2025 00h to 13-Jan-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201582 28497 Orion Nebula Cluster 30.0 83.820 -5.390 322.0 313.0 144.1 139.7 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Getman GO 25 0 Y N N N N N N N not approved 24200395 601614 28540 NGC1300 30.0 49.921 -19.411 304.4 299.7 110.4 104.8 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 Segment: 46 limit: 4.83d, used 0.84d = 17.39% 13-Jan-2025 00h to 20-Jan-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201650 27990 HD 75332 12.5 132.634 33.284 121.4 141.2 160.1 163.9 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 601614 28538 NGC1300 30.0 49.921 -19.411 299.7 295.3 104.8 99.1 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 601614 28539 NGC1300 30.0 49.921 -19.411 299.7 295.3 104.8 99.1 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 Segment: 47 limit: 4.83d, used 0.49d = 10.14% 20-Jan-2025 00h to 27-Jan-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201658 27998 HD 16673 12.5 40.051 -9.453 291.4 288.5 94.2 87.7 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 601614 28541 NGC1300 30.0 49.921 -19.411 295.3 291.1 99.1 93.4 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Lehmer GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 10/12/23 25620364 Segment: 50 limit: 4.86d, used 0.14d = 2.88% 10-Feb-2025 00h to 17-Feb-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201651 27991 HD 75332 12.5 132.634 33.284 210.3 221.5 158.8 153.4 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 Segment: 53 limit: 4.96d, used 0.20d = 4.03% 03-Mar-2025 00h to 10-Mar-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201577 26970 70 OPH 5.0 271.365 2.493 81.9 85.2 72.8 79.0 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N kashyap 10/15/22 24200057 201659 27999 HD 16673 12.5 40.051 -9.453 272.1 267.6 55.8 49.8 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 Segment: 54 limit: 5.16d, used 1.13d = 21.90% 10-Mar-2025 00h to 17-Mar-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201567 26960 WR 25 55.0 161.043 -59.720 350.0 342.4 115.6 117.6 ACIS-S 6 2 HETG Huenemoerder GO 25 0 N N Y N N N N N nss 10/17/22 24200045 201652 27992 HD 75332 12.5 132.634 33.284 238.5 241.8 134.6 128.1 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 705090 28281 Mrk 248 30.0 198.822 44.407 139.4 148.9 132.6 132.8 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Koss GO 25 0 N Y N N N N N N malgosia 02/12/24 25700332 Segment: 57 limit: 5.10d, used 0.14d = 2.75% 31-Mar-2025 00h to 07-Apr-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201653 27993 HD 75332 12.5 132.634 33.284 246.7 248.8 114.8 108.2 HRC-I - - NONE Wargelin GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N Y bradw 10/23/23 25200067 Segment: 62 limit: 5.36d, used 0.35d = 6.53% 05-May-2025 00h to 12-May-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 503502 28524 GW170817 30.0 197.450 -23.381 283.1 274.5 155.9 150.3 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Troja GO 25 0 Y N N N N N N N jeanconn 11/27/23 25510368 Segment: 66 limit: 4.99d, used 0.29d = 5.81% 02-Jun-2025 00h to 09-Jun-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201480 25502 ALPHA CEN 10.0 219.851 -60.832 318.2 309.1 136.0 134.2 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 25 0 S N N N N N N N kashyap 02/10/23 23200044 201708 29444 SZ Cha 15.0 164.569 -77.288 269.5 262.4 112.6 111.7 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Espaillat GO 25 0 N N N N N N Y N not approved 25200530 Segment: 76 limit: 5.22d, used 0.06d = 1.15% 11-Aug-2025 00h to 18-Aug-2025 00h (UT) seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 201578 26971 70 OPH 5.0 271.365 2.493 248.2 252.6 128.2 122.5 HRC-I - - NONE AYRES GO 25 0 S N N N N Y N N kashyap 10/15/22 24200057

Pool Targets

seq# obs name time RA dec Roll Range Pitch Range SI R O grat observer Type AO OR# TC RC PC UC PU SC Mlt CRem Approved Proposal# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 402464  P 28010 IGR J18172-1944 5.0 274.354 -19.750 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Tomsick GO 25 2 N N N N N N N N swolk 09/20/23 25400152 402465  P 28011 IGR J17342-4049 5.0 263.608 -40.856 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 5 3 NONE Tomsick GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N swolk 09/20/23 25400152 601605  P 28111 NGC4248 20.0 184.458 47.409 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Gallo GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 09/14/23 25620362 601609  P 28115 NGC4485 7.0 187.633 41.693 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Gallo GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N jeanconn 09/14/23 25620362 704966  P 28157 IC 4709 5.0 276.081 -56.369 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Elvis GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N waaron 10/30/23 25700080 704988  P 28179 PGC170437 11.0 56.498 -12.530 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Urquhart GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700259 704993  P 28184 PGC148136 15.0 89.510 -12.930 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Urquhart GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700259 705014  P 28205 FRB20210405I 8.0 255.340 -49.545 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Eftekhari GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700269 705023  P 28214 WISEA J133018.64+181 20.0 202.578 18.176 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Pooley GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700299 705026  P 28217 WISEA J003015.29-152 2.0 7.564 -15.418 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Pooley GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700299 705032  P 28223 WISEA J210014.89-445 2.0 315.062 -44.869 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Pooley GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700299 705033  P 28224 WISEA J220544.23-372 2.0 331.434 -37.450 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 6 4 NONE Pooley GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700299 705042  P 28233 SDSS J162753.48+4825 3.0 246.973 48.425 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705043  P 28234 SDSS J133856.51+2243 5.0 204.735 22.731 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705044  P 28235 SDSS J212417.32+0101 7.0 321.072 1.028 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/23/23 25700326 705045  P 28236 SDSS J103506.47+5508 3.0 158.777 55.147 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705046  P 28237 SDSS J141705.98+4934 3.0 214.275 49.579 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705047  P 28238 SDSS J163802.92+2627 4.0 249.512 26.453 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705048  P 28239 SDSS J210729.76+0921 4.0 316.874 9.354 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705049  P 28240 SDSS J222726.66+1205 3.0 336.861 12.094 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705050  P 28241 SDSS J231958.03-0059 3.0 349.992 -0.986 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705052  P 28243 SDSS J002519.92+0031 4.0 6.333 0.525 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705053  P 28244 SDSS J163148.76+2024 6.0 247.953 20.411 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705055  P 28246 SDSS J143108.88+2714 4.0 217.787 27.237 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705057  P 28248 SDSS J010005.33-1102 6.0 15.022 -11.042 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705059  P 28250 SDSS J134912.35+3517 5.0 207.301 35.285 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705060  P 28251 SDSS J134627.56+5038 4.0 206.615 50.644 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705062  P 28253 SDSS J022211.96-0830 5.0 35.550 -8.510 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705064  P 28255 SDSS J125606.10+2740 5.0 194.025 27.678 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705067  P 28258 SDSS J141131.88+1910 4.0 212.883 19.172 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705068  P 28259 SDSS J165243.49+3922 4.0 253.181 39.370 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705070  P 28261 SDSS J004600.83-0927 7.0 11.503 -9.454 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 0 NONE Nair GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700326 705072  P 28263 SDSS J032257.99+0003 6.2 50.742 0.054 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Chilingarian GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/23 25700331 705078  P 28269 SDSS J085711.68+0124 13.6 134.299 1.410 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Chilingarian GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/23 25700331 705079  P 28270 SDSS J090920.44+0044 14.2 137.335 0.739 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Chilingarian GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/23 25700331 705084  P 28275 SDSS J134100.24+4225 3.7 205.251 42.431 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Chilingarian GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/23 25700331 705089  P 28280 SDSS J162549.66+4806 3.8 246.457 48.100 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 4 2 NONE Chilingarian GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/26/23 25700331 705093  P 28284 SDSS J133610.96+1845 16.0 204.046 18.758 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Risaliti GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/17/23 25700372 705115  P 28790 SDSS J151354.48+1451 15.5 228.477 14.857 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 3 1 NONE Brandt GTO 25 1 N N N N N N N N malgosia 10/06/23 25700473 802123  P 28308 PSZ2G178.94+56.00 7.8 154.948 41.010 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 1 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802124  P 28309 PSZ2G192.18+56.12 5.3 154.091 33.660 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802126  P 28311 PSZ2G200.63-64.71 6.1 39.109 -19.349 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802134  P 28319 PSZ2G284.59+70.84 7.6 186.864 8.833 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802135  P 28320 PSZ2G302.85-88.63 6.0 12.862 -28.498 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802136  P 28321 PSZ2G342.51-50.97 9.3 332.383 -51.823 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802141  P 28326 PSZ2G358.21-87.49 5.0 10.519 -28.533 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800174 802148  P 28333 Abell 3112 W 15.0 49.088 -44.162 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/25/23 25800307 802149  P 28334 Abell 3112 N 15.0 49.512 -43.951 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/25/23 25800307 802150  P 28335 Abell 3112 E 15.0 49.932 -44.104 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 4 0 NONE Sarkar GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/25/23 25800307 802159  P 28802 PSZ2G127.71-69.55 5.0 14.539 -6.751 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800477 802162  P 28805 PSZ2G146.00-49.45 5.0 27.885 10.707 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800477 802163  P 28806 PSZ2G147.11+21.84 5.0 94.630 67.406 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800477 802169  P 28812 PSZ2G018.73+23.56 5.0 255.578 -1.024 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 802171  P 28814 PSZ2G037.05-70.55 7.2 351.525 -24.121 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 802172  P 28815 PSZ2G041.43-66.81 7.7 348.108 -21.551 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 802174  P 28817 PSZ2G047.73-60.15 6.0 342.758 -16.400 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 802176  P 28819 PSZ2G065.32-64.84 5.3 351.319 -12.125 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 802178  P 28821 PSZ2G072.40-78.45 5.2 3.431 -19.486 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 802180  P 28823 PSZ2G091.40-51.01 6.2 353.503 7.057 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-I 5 1 NONE McDonald GTO 25 0 N N N N N N N N bradw 09/08/23 25800481 901860  P 28132 IGR J22516+5610 5.0 342.900 56.180 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chakraborty GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/23 25910434 901861  P 28133 IGR J00197+6224 5.0 4.930 62.410 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chakraborty GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/23 25910434 901863  P 28135 IGR J18303-3345 5.0 277.592 -33.752 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chakraborty GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/23 25910434 901864  P 28136 IGR J17598-2236 5.0 269.950 -22.600 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chakraborty GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/23 25910434 901865  P 28137 IGR J18149-2247 5.0 273.740 -22.800 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chakraborty GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/23 25910434 901867  P 28139 IGR J17381-2345 5.0 264.530 -23.750 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ACIS-S 2 0 NONE Chakraborty GO 25 0 N N N N N N N N dj 10/27/23 25910434

LTS changes

seq# obsid target SI grat observer old LTS bin new LTS bin ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
100225 26492 GJ 887 HRC-S NONE Wolk 22-Jul-2024 --> unscheduled 402384 26526 SWIFT J2037.2+4151 ACIS-S HETG Chakraborty 22-Jul-2024 --> unscheduled 201564 27055 GAL 034.8-00.6 IRDC ACIS-I NONE Cheng 22-Jul-2024 --> unscheduled 705093  P 28284 SDSS J133610.96+1845 ACIS-S NONE Risaliti 22-Jul-2024 --> unscheduled 704981  H 28646 Abell 370 ACIS-I NONE Bogdan unscheduled --> 29-Jul-2024 802152  H 28719 1E 2215.7-0404 / 1E ACIS-I NONE Sarkar unscheduled --> 29-Jul-2024 705115  P 28790 SDSS J151354.48+1451 ACIS-S NONE Brandt 22-Jul-2024 --> unscheduled 201708 29444 SZ Cha ACIS-S NONE Espaillat 06-Jan-2025 --> 02-Jun-2025 705194  C 29485 B2.1 0246+33B ACIS-S NONE Paggi 22-Jul-2024 --> unscheduled 705196  C 29491 SDSSJ203730.38-05301 ACIS-S NONE Civano (not in lts) --> 29-Jul-2024 503374 29492 PSR J1539-5626 ACIS-I NONE Romani (not in lts) --> 29-Jul-2024 802044 29493 A2384 ACIS-I NONE Walker (not in lts) --> 29-Jul-2024 802044 29494 A2384 ACIS-I NONE Walker (not in lts) --> 29-Jul-2024 704845 29495 NGC 3783 ACIS-S HETG Gu (not in lts) --> 22-Jul-2024


seq#Sequence number
obsObservation ID
nameTarget name
timeApproved time (ksec.)
RARight ascension (deg., J2000)
decDeclination (deg., J2000)
Roll rangeRoll angles at start and end of two-week bin
Pitch rangePitch angles at start and end of two-week bin
SIScience Instrument
RRequested chip count (ACIS only)
OOptional chip count (ACIS only)
TypeObservation type (GO, GTO, TOO, DDT, CAL)
AOCycle (announcement of opportunity) number
OR#Number of times displaced from a previous short-term schedule
TCTime constraint
RCRoll constraint
PCPhase constraint
UCUninterrupt constraint
PUPointing update constraint
SCSplit interval constraint
MltMultiple telescopes (coordination constraint)
CRemConstraint in remarks
ApprovedFlight approval status
Proposal #Proposal number

Possible constraint flags are (Y)es, (P)reference, (N)o. Time constraints may have (S)eries flags for monitoring observations, (G)roup flags for grouped observations, or (R)esponse window flags for TOOs and DDTs.

Last modified: 07/25/24

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