Chandra X-Ray Observatory

List of All Announcements

Chandra Electronic Announcement #105


Version 4.6.5 of the Contributed Scripts and Modules tarfile has been released
Item 1: Version 4.6.5 of the Contributed Scripts and Modules tarfile has been released

Version 4.6.5 of the Contributed Scripts and Modules tarfile has been
released and can be downloaded and installed using the ciao-install script at [].

The release includes:

Three new scripts

-monitor_photom creates optical light curves from the aspect camera of observations with adat files.
-summarize_status_bits provides an on-screen summary of the status bits set for rows and their meaning.
-apply_fov_limits creates and image from an event file bounded by the sky limits of an FOV file.

Fixes and updates to the several scripts:

-srcflux fixed so that background photon flux values in the BG_PHOTFLUX
column are correctly calculated, 
so that the NET_PHOTFLUX_APER and corresponding errors columns are background subtracted.
-combine_spectra rewritten to make use of Python temporary files and include advanced-user options.
-fluximage, flux_obs, and merge_obs have been updated to use event file
GTIs to calculate an observation's sky area coverage; for HRC-I
background subtraction, scaling by particle flux is an option in addition to exposure time.
-specextract has been updated to better handle multiple aspect solution
files for an ObsID and fixed issues with outroots using nested
directory paths. Header keywords have been added for galactic HI column densities derived from COLDEN
-download_chandra_obsid has support added to download evt1a and adat
file types.

A new Python module:

-ciao_contrib.region.check_fov.FOV Files module allows users to query
a stack of FOV files to find which observations include a given celestial coordinate.

Last modified: 06/16/14

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2024. All rights reserved.