Last modified: 12 December 2018

How do I add or change the plot title?

The set_plot_title routine can add, remove, or change the plot title:

chips> set_plot_title(r"Best fit: \color{red}\alpha = 2.3 \pm 0.2")

For labels which contain a \ character it is safest to precede the string with a r, as shown in the x-label line above. An alternative is to use \\ instead of \.

To remove the title use an empty string - e.g. set_plot_title("").

More information on this command can be found using ahelp set_plot.

If you have the CIAO scripts package installed (available from the Scripts page) then you can also use the title routine from the chips_contrib.utils module:

chips> from chips_contrib.utils import *
chips> title("Model profile")


The ChIPS GUI makes it easy to modify a visualization using your mouse, rather than Python functions. The GUI can also be used to add annotations - such as labels, lines, points and regions - and to zoom or pan into plots.