Chandra X-Ray Observatory

Accepted Cycle 9 Large and Very Large Projects

Proposal Number Subject Category PI Name Title
09300101 WD BINARIES AND CV David Pooley A Chandra Legacy Survey of Dynamically Active Globular Clusters
09500471 SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS Patrick Slane A Deep Chandra Observation of G54.1+0.3
09620513 NORMAL GALAXIES Leigh Jenkins Galaxies across the Octaves: A Chandra Legacy Survey of SINGS Galaxies
09800310 CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES Steven Allen Probing Dark Energy with Relaxed Galaxy Clusters
09900660 EXTRAGALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYS Kirpal Nandra The Evolution of Faint AGN at High Redshift
09910161 GALACTIC DIFFUSE EMISSION AND SURVEYS Leisa Townsley The Great Nebula in Carina: Protoplanetary Disks to Starburst Galaxies

Subject Category: WD BINARIES AND CV

Proposal Number: 09300101

Title: A Chandra Legacy Survey of Dynamically Active Globular Clusters

PI Name: David Pooley

From our experience with Chandra, we have determined an empirical, successful, and model-independent method for determining the the neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) content and bright cataclysmic variable (CV) of a globular cluster (GC) in a reasonably short ACIS exposure. We propose a program that will discover ~30 LMXBs and ~150 CVs in 31 GCs. When combined with other observations, we will have direct knowledge of over 90% of the total LMXB population in GCs. We will accurately determine the role of GC dynamics in the formation of both LMXBs and CVs. We will also obtain an estimate for the density of the LMXBs and CVs in the field. This study will have important implications both for theories of LMXB and CV formation and for theories of GC dynamics and evolution.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
5:14:06.30 -40:02:50.00 NGC 1851 ACIS-S NONE 19.6
13:46:26.50 -51:22:24.00 NGC 5286 ACIS-S NONE 13.1
15:28:00.50 -50:40:22.00 NGC 5927 ACIS-S NONE 7.7
16:27:40.40 -38:50:56.00 NGC 6139 ACIS-S NONE 17.8
16:59:32.60 -37:07:17.00 NGC 6256 ACIS-S NONE 9.4
17:10:10.20 -26:34:55.00 NGC 6293 ACIS-S NONE 10
17:14:32.10 -29:27:44.00 NGC 6304 ACIS-S NONE 5.3
17:17:59.20 -23:45:57.00 NGC 6325 ACIS-S NONE 17.9
17:19:11.80 -18:30:59.00 NGC 6333 ACIS-S NONE 8.4
17:37:36.10 -3:14:45.00 NGC 6402 ACIS-S NONE 12.2
17:38:36.60 -23:54:34.00 NGC 6401 ACIS-S NONE 11.2
18:03:34.10 -30:02:02.00 NGC 6522 ACIS-S NONE 8.4
18:04:49.60 -30:03:21.00 NGC 6528 ACIS-S NONE 12.3
18:04:49.80 -7:35:09.00 NGC 6539 ACIS-S NONE 14.6
18:06:08.60 -27:45:55.00 NGC 6540 ACIS-S NONE 5
18:09:17.60 -25:54:31.00 NGC 6553 ACIS-S NONE 5.5
18:13:38.80 -31:49:37.00 NGC 6569 ACIS-S NONE 11.2
18:30:56.10 -25:29:51.00 NGC 6638 ACIS-S NONE 9
18:31:23.20 -32:20:53.00 NGC 6637 ACIS-S NONE 7.3
18:31:54.10 -23:28:31.00 NGC 6642 ACIS-S NONE 7.6
18:43:12.70 -32:17:31.00 NGC 6681 ACIS-S NONE 7.2
19:18:02.10 18:34:18.00 Pal 10 ACIS-S NONE 11.2
21:33:29.30 -0:49:23.00 NGC 7089 ACIS-S NONE 11.5

Subject Category: SN, SNR AND ISOLATED NS

Proposal Number: 09500471

Title: A Deep Chandra Observation of G54.1+0.3

PI Name: Patrick Slane

Chandra observations of pulsar wind nebulae have revolutionized our understanding of these systems, revealing a wide variety of complex structures that all relate to the basic conversion of spin-down power to an axisymmetric wind with collimated outflows. Based on initial observations, G54.1+0.3 displays Doppler-brightened emission from the wind termination shock region, large-scale jets that form the elongated structure of the nebula, and faint emission that hints at a possible torus as well as large-scale filamentary structure. We propose a Chandra Large Project to obtain deep observations of G54.1+0.3 in order to resolve these structures, study their spectra, and derive properties related to flow conditions and the magnetic field structure of the nebula.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
19:30:30.20 18:52:14.20 G54.1+0.3 ACIS-S NONE 140
19:30:30.20 18:52:14.20 G54.1+0.3 ACIS-S NONE 160

Subject Category: NORMAL GALAXIES

Proposal Number: 09620513

Title: Galaxies across the Octaves: A Chandra Legacy Survey of SINGS Galaxies

PI Name: Leigh Jenkins

We propose to complete a rich, X-ray unbiased, multiwavelength Legacy dataset for a sample of 40 nearby galaxies. These galaxies are a distance limited (d < 10 Mpc) sample from the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey (SINGS) Legacy program. The sample is now 45% complete. Our observations will detect X-ray binaries as faint as 3e36-1e37 erg/s, allowing us to constrain the X-ray binary/SFR correlation over a large range of galaxy properties and build X-ray binary Luminosity Functions for galaxies across a range of star formation histories. We will produce Legacy datasets and source catalogs for the community, and run theoretical binary population synthesis models in support of this effort.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
0:09:56.50 -24:57:48.00 NGC 24 ACIS-S NONE 43.3
2:14:03.70 27:52:36.70 NGC 855 ACIS-S NONE 59.3
8:23:56.00 71:01:45.50 M81 DwA ACIS-S NONE 26.3
8:34:07.30 66:10:54.60 DDO 53 ACIS-S NONE 26.3
9:26:11.50 -76:37:35.00 NGC 2915 ACIS-S NONE 15.6
9:40:32.30 71:10:56.00 Holmberg I ACIS-S NONE 26.3
9:47:15.50 67:55:03.10 NGC 2976 ACIS-S NONE 10
9:57:32.00 69:02:45.00 Holmberg IX ACIS-S NONE 26.3
10:05:30.60 70:21:52.00 M81 DwB ACIS-S NONE 26.3
10:19:54.80 45:33:00.50 NGC 3198 ACIS-S NONE 61.8
10:28:21.50 68:24:41.00 IC 2574 ACIS-I NONE 11.2
11:05:48.90 -0:02:05.90 NGC 3521 ACIS-I NONE 74.1
11:20:15.10 12:59:21.60 NGC 3627 ACIS-S NONE 51
12:16:41.80 69:28:09.70 NGC 4236 ACIS-I NONE 11.2
12:41:52.80 41:16:25.90 NGC 4625 ACIS-S NONE 58.1
12:50:52.60 41:07:09.30 NGC 4736 ACIS-I NONE 25.7
12:54:05.50 27:08:55.30 DDO 154 ACIS-S NONE 62.6
12:56:43.90 21:41:00.10 NGC 4826 ACIS-S NONE 28.7
13:06:24.90 67:42:25.00 DDO 165 ACIS-S NONE 26.3
14:05:01.50 53:39:44.60 NGC 5474 ACIS-S NONE 30.7
18:28:38.20 -66:58:54.00 IC 4710 ACIS-S NONE 46.5


Proposal Number: 09800310

Title: Probing Dark Energy with Relaxed Galaxy Clusters

PI Name: Steven Allen

We seek to constrain dark energy using studies of the apparent evolution of the X-ray gas mass fraction in the most X-ray luminous, dynamically relaxed galaxy clusters. The proposed observations will improve the detection of the effects of dark energy from the X-ray data alone to > 5 sigma. More importantly, they will allow us to measure the level of intrinsic (systematic) scatter in distance measurements from this technique and establish whether this is smaller than from type Ia supernovae measurements. Used in combination with supernovae and CMB data, the new Chandra observations will allow the most precise search to date for evolution in the dark energy equation of state - our best approach in trying to understand the origin of cosmic acceleration.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
1:59:49.30 8:49:59.20 MACS0159 ACIS-I NONE 20
4:39:02.30 5:20:43.60 RXJ0439-0520 ACIS-I NONE 30
10:23:39.40 4:11:14.30 Zwicky 3146 ACIS-I NONE 40
11:15:52.10 1:29:52.90 MACS1115 ACIS-I NONE 40
13:11:01.60 -3:10:40.00 MACS1311 ACIS-I NONE 30
13:59:10.30 -19:29:24.40 MACS1359 ACIS-I NONE 50
14:27:16.20 44:07:31.00 MACS1427+44 ACIS-I NONE 40
14:27:39.40 -25:21:02.00 MACS1427-25 ACIS-I NONE 30
16:21:24.80 38:10:09.00 MACS1621 ACIS-I NONE 60
20:46:00.60 -34:30:17.00 MACS2046 ACIS-I NONE 40
21:29:39.90 0:05:20.00 RXJ2129+0005 ACIS-I NONE 30
22:29:45.30 -27:55:36.90 MACS2229 ACIS-I NONE 15
23:08:22.10 -2:11:29.10 Abell 2537 ACIS-I NONE 40


Proposal Number: 09800847


PI Name: Maxim Markevitch

Shock fronts provide a unique tool to study the cluster plasma. Only two have been found, those in 1E0657 and A520. Using a long observation of 1E0657, we have determined, for the first time in any astrophysical plasma, that electron-proton equilibration time is shorter than Coulomb - a tantalizing result but based on one object. A520 gives the only chance to confirm it. Its shock also coincides with an edge of the radio halo, enabling tests of the origin of the intracluster relativistic electrons. A520 also exhibits a remnant of a cool core broken up by merger-induced instabilities, providing data on plasma viscosity. Finally, weak lensing map of A520 reveals an intriguing dark subcluster almost devoid of galaxies. We propose a long observation of this exceptionally interesting cluster.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
4:54:05.40 2:53:35.00 A520_OFF1 ACIS-I NONE 115
4:54:05.40 2:53:35.00 A520_OFF2 ACIS-I NONE 115
4:54:05.40 2:53:35.00 A520_OFF3 ACIS-I NONE 115
4:54:05.40 2:53:35.00 A520_OFF4 ACIS-I NONE 115


Proposal Number: 09900660

Title: The Evolution of Faint AGN at High Redshift

PI Name: Kirpal Nandra

We propose a very deep (total 800ks/field) Chandra survey of 0.25 deg2 covering 3 contiguous fields in the Extended Groth Strip, which have exceptional multiwaveband coverage obtained by the AEGIS project. These data, in combination with the CDF North and South, will provide a definitive measurement of the evolution of faint, X-ray selected AGN from z=3-4, where the optical number counts start to drop dramatically. In combination with ultradeep Spitzer data in the same region, this survey will also provide a crucial step forward towards a more complete census of AGN activity and the importance of Compton thick AGN at high z, with associated implications for the total accretion budget of the universe.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
14:18:09.00 52:37:04.40 AEGIS-3 ACIS-I NONE 120
14:18:09.00 52:37:04.40 AEGIS-3 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:18:09.00 52:37:04.40 AEGIS-3 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:18:09.00 52:37:04.40 AEGIS-3 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:19:12.00 52:48:38.20 AEGIS-2 ACIS-I NONE 120
14:19:12.00 52:48:38.20 AEGIS-2 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:19:12.00 52:48:38.20 AEGIS-2 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:19:12.00 52:48:38.20 AEGIS-2 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:20:15.50 53:00:09.70 AEGIS-1 ACIS-I NONE 120
14:20:15.50 53:00:09.70 AEGIS-1 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:20:15.50 53:00:09.70 AEGIS-1 ACIS-I NONE 160
14:20:15.50 53:00:09.70 AEGIS-1 ACIS-I NONE 160


Proposal Number: 09910161

Title: The Great Nebula in Carina: Protoplanetary Disks to Starburst Galaxies

PI Name: Leisa Townsley

The Great Nebula in Carina is a superb site to study the violent massive star formation and feedback that typifies giant HII regions and starburst galaxies. We propose to map the Carina star-forming complex with a mosaic of 20 new 60-ks ACIS-I pointings as a testbed for understanding recent and ongoing star formation and to probe its regions of bright diffuse X-ray emission. We will provide a catalog of multiwavelength properties of ~12,000 X-ray-selected stars. We will explore superbubble confinement, shocks, cloud evaporation, mass-loading of winds, ISM enrichment, and HII region energetics. We will also examine Carina as a surrogate environment for our Solar System's formation, where protoplanetary disks are bathed in harsh winds and radiation from nearby massive stars.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
10:40:34.20 -59:49:30.70 Carina Superbubble Ptg 2 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:41:31.80 -59:35:34.80 Carina Superbubble Ptg 1 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:41:52.10 -60:01:43.70 Carina Superbubble Ptg 3 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:42:34.10 -59:22:44.90 Carina Superbubble Ptg 4 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:43:09.70 -60:14:38.90 Carina South Pillars Ptg 2 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:43:19.70 -59:09:11.30 Carina Clusters Ptg 7 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:44:43.90 -59:21:24.90 Carina Clusters Ptg 4 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:44:46.40 -60:25:40.50 Carina South Pillars Ptg 5 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:45:15.10 -60:12:04.50 Carina South Pillars Ptg 1 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:45:53.70 -59:57:03.90 Carina Clusters Ptg 3 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:46:06.70 -59:31:08.90 Carina Clusters Ptg 6 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:46:55.00 -60:22:01.70 Carina South Pillars Ptg 4 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:46:59.70 -59:46:06.10 Carina East Ptg 1 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:47:12.50 -60:05:50.00 Carina Clusters Ptg 5 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:48:12.40 -59:32:31.00 Carina East Ptg 2 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:48:26.00 -59:58:22.60 Carina East Ptg 3 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:48:47.50 -60:14:27.70 Carina South Pillars Ptg 3 ACIS-I NONE 60
10:49:09.40 -59:45:24.10 Carina East Ptg 4 ACIS-I NONE 60


Proposal Number: 09910246


PI Name: Mikhail Revnivtsev

We propose a very deep (900 ksec) observation of a carefully selected patch of the Galaxy. This observation will provide the most direct and unambiguous answer to the 30-year-old puzzle of the nature of the Galactic "diffuse" X-ray emission. Recent studies comparing the luminosity function of X-ray sources in the Solar neighborhood with the number-flux distributions toward the Galactic Center and plane strongly suggest that the GRXE can be explained by the integrated emission of millions of faint stellar sources - CVs and coronally active stars. The surface density of them is expected to exceed 1 per 60sq.sec in the proposed observation, in sharp contrast to the expectation in the diffuse model. Clearly, Chandra is the only mission in the foreseeable future which can solve this problem.

R.A. Dec. Target Name Det. Grating Exp.Time
17:51:27.30 -29:35:05.10 1.5deg_window ACIS-I NONE 100
17:51:27.30 -29:35:05.10 1.5deg_window ACIS-I NONE 160
17:51:27.30 -29:35:05.10 1.5deg_window ACIS-I NONE 160
17:51:27.30 -29:35:05.10 1.5deg_window ACIS-I NONE 160
17:51:27.30 -29:35:05.10 1.5deg_window ACIS-I NONE 160
17:51:27.30 -29:35:05.10 1.5deg_window ACIS-I NONE 160

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.