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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Accessing fit results using S-Lang


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


There are many S-Lang routines that can be used to access the fit results returned by Sherpa. Here we provide examples of some of the more common ones.

Read this thread if:

You want to access the fit results from Sherpa; perhaps to write to a file or use in a plot.

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Getting Started

In this thread we repeat the steps taken in the two "Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels" threads - the version using the routines from paramest.sl and the version using the native Sherpa interface to the routines - and then show how the S-Lang functions in the Sherpa module can be used to access the fit results. Please see the above threads for a description of the various steps (here we use the "native" interface to the error calculations rather than the functions provided by paramest.sl).

The thread assumes that you are running the commands from the Sherpa shell; however, they will also work in a S-Lang script executed by slsh if you import Sherpa - i.e. import("sherpa"); - before using any of the commands.

Find the best fit

Set up

Here we load in a dataset into Sherpa, set up the source model, and fit it (neglecting the the background component).

sherpa> erase all
sherpa> data source_grouped_pi.fits
The inferred file type is PHA.  If this is not what you want, please
specify the type explicitly in the data command.
WARNING: statistical errors specified in the PHA file.
         These are currently IGNORED.  To use them, type:
         READ ERRORS "<filename>[cols CHANNEL,STAT_ERR]" fitsbin
RMF is being input from:
ARF is being input from:
sherpa> ignore energy :0.5,8:
sherpa> show method
Optimization Method: Levenberg-Marquardt

      Name       Value         Min         Max                     Description
      ----       -----         ---         ---                     -----------
 1   iters        2000           1       10000    Maximum number of iterations
 2     eps       1e-03       1e-09           1               Absolute accuracy
 3   smplx           0           0           1  Refine fit with simplex (0=no)
 4 smplxep           1       1e-04        1000    Switch-to-simplex eps factor
 5 smplxit           3           1          20  Switch-to-simplex iters factor

sherpa> show statistic
Statistic:           Chi-Squared Gehrels
sherpa> source = xswabs[abs] * powlaw1d[p1]
abs.nH parameter value [0.1]
p1.gamma parameter value [1]
p1.ref parameter value [4]
p1.ampl parameter value [0.000149261]
sherpa> fit
 LVMQT: V2.0
 LVMQT: initial statistic value = 4583.05
 LVMQT: final statistic value = 83.2873 at iteration 6
           abs.nH  2.4061  10^22/cm^2
            p1.gamma  1.51851
            p1.ampl  0.000241434

Since we are using a chi-square statistic we can get an idea of how well the model fits using the GOODNESS command:

sherpa> goodness
Goodness: computed with Chi-Squared Gehrels

DataSet 1: 131 data points -- 128 degrees of freedom.
 Statistic value       = 83.2873
 Probability [Q-value] = 0.999225
 Reduced statistic     = 0.650682

Accessing the FIT results

The best-fit parameter values are displayed at the end of the fit - as shown above - but can also be displayed using the list_par command:

sherpa> list_par
  #                 Name Type       Value Lnk Frz         Min         Max       Delta
  1               abs.nH  src      2.4061   0   0       1e-07          10          -1
  2             p1.gamma  src      1.5185   0   0         -10          10          -1
  3               p1.ref  src           4   0   1           1      7.4971          -1
  4              p1.ampl  src  0.00024143   0   0  1.4926e-06    0.014926          -1
  5 AutoReadResponse.rmf inst"/data/ciao/rmf.fits"
  6 AutoReadResponse.arf inst"/data/ciao/arf.fits"

The fit information can also be obtained using the get_par() function to get the parameter values.

sherpa> par = get_par("p1.gamma")
sherpa> print(par)
name             =  p1.gamma
model            =  powlaw
type             =  src
value            =  1.51851
min              =  -10
max              =  10
delta            =  -1
units            =  NULL
frozen           =  0
linked           =  0
linkexpr         =  NULL

The main fields of instrument are highlighted in bold above - the parameter name and its best-fit value. The other fields provide other information about the parameter - such as whether it is part of a source or instrument model and whether it is frozen or thawed - as described in the get_par() and CREATE ahelp pages.

Above we used get_par() to find information on one parameter ("p1.gamma"). If called with no argument it returns the results for all the defined parameters - an array of structures, one structure per parameter, in the order that list_par() uses:

sherpa> pars = get_par
sherpa> pars
sherpa> print(pars[0])
name             =  abs.nH
model            =  xswabs
type             =  src
value            =  2.4061
min              =  1e-07
max              =  10
delta            =  -1
units            =  10^22/cm^2
frozen           =  0
linked           =  0
linkexpr         =  NULL
sherpa> print(pars[1])
name             =  p1.gamma
model            =  powlaw
type             =  src
value            =  1.51851
min              =  -10
max              =  10
delta            =  -1
units            =  NULL
frozen           =  0
linked           =  0
linkexpr         =  NULL
sherpa> print(pars[2])
name             =  p1.ref
model            =  powlaw
type             =  src
value            =  4
min              =  1
max              =  7.4971
delta            =  -1
units            =  NULL
frozen           =  1
linked           =  0
linkexpr         =  NULL

The get_fit() routine returns a structure which contains information of the quality of the fit.

sherpa> good = get_fit()
sherpa> print(good)
dataset          =  1
datatype         =  source
stat             =  83.2873
numbins          =  131
dof              =  128
rstat            =  0.650682
qval             =  0.999225

These values can also be obtained individually:

sherpa> stat = get_statistic
sherpa> print(stat)
sherpa> nbins = length(get_data)
sherpa> print(nbins)
sherpa> ndof = nbins - get_num_par_thawed
sherpa> print(ndof)
sherpa> get_qvalue(ndof,stat)

Note that get_num_par_thawed() returns the total number of thawed parameters, whether or not they are part of the source expression. This means that adding extra models will change the value returned by get_num_par_thawed() -

sherpa> get_num_par_thawed
sherpa> paramprompt off
Model parameter prompting is off
sherpa> xsmekal[plasma]
sherpa> get_num_par_thawed

- and so care should be taken when calculating the number of degrees of freedom in a fit using the approach above.

Accessing other useful information about the fit

A number of other S-Lang may be of interest; here we show some of them in action with little commentary:

sherpa> get_method_expr
sherpa> get_stat_expr
chi gehrels
sherpa> get_source_expr
(abs * p1)
sherpa> cpts = strtok( get_source_expr, " ()*+-/" )
sherpa> print(cpts)
sherpa> print(get_defined_models)
sherpa> get_exptime
sherpa> filters = get_filter_expr
sherpa> vmessage( "The first filter was '%s'", filters[0] )
The first filter was 'ignore source 1 energy : 0.5 , 8 : '

The "is" routines (see "ahelp is") may also prove useful.

Errors on individual parameters (projection)

Set up

We will use the projection method to estimate 1 sigma errors on the gamma parameter of the powerlaw component.

sherpa> restore_proj
sherpa> projection p1.gamma
Projection complete for parameter: p1.gamma

Computed for projection.sigma = 1
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
            p1.gamma         1.51851  -0.105572       +0.107951     

Accessing the PROJECTION results

The results of the run can be accessed using the get_proj() routine, as shown below. This routine always returns an array of structures, even if there is only one element in the array.

sherpa> res = get_proj()
sherpa> print(res[0])
name             =  p1.gamma
val              =  1.51851
vlo              =  1.41294
vhi              =  1.62646
sigma            =  1

Here we re-run to get the 90% confidence limits (corresponding to 1.6 sigma) on both the power-law slope (gamma) and the column density of absorbing material (nH):

sherpa> sherpa.proj.sigma = 1.6
sherpa> projection p1.gamma abs.nh
Projection complete for parameter: abs.nH
Projection complete for parameter: p1.gamma

Computed for projection.sigma = 1.6
        Parameter Name      Best-Fit Lower Bound     Upper Bound
           abs.nH             2.4061  -0.240423       +0.260944     
            p1.gamma         1.51851  -0.167618       +0.174267     

Note that when we use get_proj() the order of the returned values need not match that specified at the prompt (the values above also have the abs.nH reported before the p1.gamma parameter):

sherpa> errs = get_proj
sherpa> print(errs[0])
name             =  abs.nH
val              =  2.4061
vlo              =  2.16568
vhi              =  2.66704
sigma            =  1.6
sherpa> print(errs[1])
name             =  p1.gamma
val              =  1.51851
vlo              =  1.35089
vhi              =  1.69278
sigma            =  1.6

Similar behaviour is seen if you use the UNCERTAINTY and COVARIANCE methods, although the name of the routines used to access the error estimates changes to get_unc() and get_cov() respectively.

How does the fit surface vary for a parameter (interval-projection)

Set up

Here we use INTERVAL-PROJECTION to see how the fit statistic varies with the gamma parameter of the power law component. Since we already know that the 90% errors are approximately +- 0.2 we choose to set the axis range manually:

sherpa> restore_intproj
sherpa> sherpa.intproj.arange = 0
sherpa> sherpa.intproj.min = 1
sherpa> sherpa.intproj.max = 2
sherpa> intproj p1.gamma
Interval-Projection: grid size set by user.
                     outer grid loop 20% done...
                     outer grid loop 40% done...
                     outer grid loop 60% done...
                     outer grid loop 80% done...

sherpa> ticks maj y 10
sherpa> ticks min y 5
sherpa> redraw

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 1: Plot of interval-projection results] (the calls to the TICKS command are to add extra numeric labels to the Y axis since the default settings for this plot are not too helpful). The "confidence intervals" table in "ahelp projection" list a range of common confidence levels and the corresponding change in chi-square values (i.e. the statistic value on the Y axis in this plot).

Accessing the INTERVAL-PROJECTION results

The data from this plot can be read into S-Lang variables using the get_intproj() routine and used to convert the y axis into "delta chi squared":

sherpa> iplot = get_intproj
sherpa> print(iplot)
x0               =  Double_Type[20]
y                =  Double_Type[20]
name             =  p1.gamma
bfit             =  1.51851
config           =  sherpa_VisParEst_State

sherpa> clear
sherpa> curve(iplot.x0,iplot.y-get_fit().stat)
sherpa> simpleline
sherpa> symbol none
sherpa> line 0 2.71 3 2.71
sherpa> ln 1 red
sherpa> xlabel "\gamma"
sherpa> ylabel "\Delta \Chi^2"
sherpa> xlabel size 1.4
sherpa> ylabel size 1.4
sherpa> tickvals size 1.4
sherpa> redraw

The resulting plot looks like this [Link to Image 2: Interval-projection results converted to a delta chi squared plot]. It is essentially identical to the interval-projection plot [Link to Image 1: Plot of interval-projection results] except that the best-fit value is drawn at y=0 (since we subtracted off get_fit().stat from the iplot.y values) and the points are connected by a straight line rather than drawn as a histogram.

How are two parameters correlated (region-projection)?

Set up

In this section we use the REGION-PROJECTION command of Sherpa to see whether the gamma and nH parameters are correlated. We "cheat" and go straight to the best set up obtained in the "Confidence limits" threads:

sherpa> restore_regproj
sherpa> sherpa.regproj.arange = 0
sherpa> sherpa.regproj.min = [1.2,2]
sherpa> sherpa.regproj.max = [1.9,2.8]
sherpa> sherpa.regproj.nloop = [21,21]
sherpa> sherpa.regproj.sigma = [1,1.6]
sherpa> chips.mingridsize = 100
sherpa> regproj p1.gamma abs.nh
Region-Projection: computing grid size with covariance...done.
                   outer grid loop 20% done...
                   outer grid loop 40% done...
                   outer grid loop 60% done...
                   outer grid loop 80% done...
Minimum: 83.2873
Levels are: 85.5833 87.7093

(messages omitted)

Accessing the REGION-PROJECTION results

As with the other commands, the results are accessible from S-Lang, this time by the get_regproj() function. It returns a structure which contains the axes values - as 1D arrays in the fields x0 and x1 - the statistic value at each point - in the y field - and an array of values giving the contour levels in the levels field:

sherpa> conf = get_regproj
sherpa> print(conf)
x0               =  Double_Type[441]
x1               =  Double_Type[441]
y                =  Double_Type[441]
levels           =  Double_Type[2]
name             =  String_Type[2]
bfit             =  Double_Type[2]
config           =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
sherpa> print(conf.levels)
sherpa> writeascii(stdout,conf.x0[[0:4]],conf.x1[[0:4]],conf.y[[0:4]])
1.2     2       92.8386
1.2     2.04    93.1307
1.2     2.08    94.0888
1.2     2.12    95.662
1.2     2.16    97.8023

where we have used the writeascii() routine to print out the first 5 rows of the x0, x1, and y fields.


14 Jan 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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