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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006
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Sherpa Configuration: Using the State Objects


Last Update: 1 Dec 2006 - reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes


The configuration of many aspects of Sherpa is controlled by state objects (a.k.a. configuration variables). This thread introduces the state objects and describes how they can be used to customize various features of Sherpa.

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State Object Basics

The Sherpa state object (a.k.a. configuration variable) is a S-Lang variable that is initialized whenever one starts a Sherpa session or loads the Sherpa S-Lang module. The contents of the state object can be displayed with the print function:

sherpa> print(sherpa)
plot             =  sherpa_Plot_State
dataplot         =  sherpa_Plot_State
fitplot          =  sherpa_FitPlot_State
resplot          =  sherpa_Plot_State
multiplot        =  sherpa_Draw_State
output           =  sherpa_Output_State
regproj          =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
regunc           =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
intproj          =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
intunc           =  sherpa_VisParEst_State
proj             =  sherpa_Proj_State
cov              =  sherpa_Cov_State
unc              =  sherpa_Unc_State
con_levs         =  NULL
modeloverride    =  0
multiback        =  0
deleteframes     =  1
clobber          =  0

The column to the left of the equals signs (=) contains the names of the state object's fields, and the column to the right contains the fields' values. Some of the state object's fields (e.g. multiback) contain simple, atomic values, such as integers or strings; the values of these fields appear in the output of print(sherpa). Others fields (i.e. plot and those whose values are of the form sherpa_..._State) are state objects themselves, which contain fields of their own. To display the contents of these state objects, use the syntax print(sherpa.<name>), as shown below for sherpa.plot.

You can select a specific field of a state object using the dot (.) operator:

sherpa> print(sherpa.modeloverride)
sherpa> print(sherpa.plot)
x_errorbars      =  0
y_errorbars      =  0
errs_style       =  bar
errs_type        =  both
sherpa> print(sherpa.plot.errs_style)

Each atomic field is a S-Lang variable and can be set using the syntax "<name> = <value>". For example, the following commands set sherpa.modeloverride to 1 and sherpa.plot.errs_style to "standard":

sherpa> sherpa.modeloverride = 1
sherpa> sherpa.plot.errs_style = "standard"

Note that string values must be enclosed in double quotes. The reason is that S-Lang interprets "standard" (with quotes) as a literal string, whereas standard (without quotes) is a variable name.

The sections that follow introduce the state object fields and explain how they affect various features of Sherpa. For more detailed information, see the "Related Links" section of the Overview.

Note that the state object concept is not unique to Sherpa. For example, both Varmm and ChIPS have state objects of their own. Since Sherpa uses Varmm and ChIPS, these state objects are also available within a Sherpa session.

Changing the Appearance of Plots

Five Sherpa state objects control the appearance of plots. The following table lists these state objects and the plot types that they control:

State object Plot types
sherpa.plot The output of LPLOT, OPLOT, CPLOT, and SPLOT for all plots except data, fit, and residual plots
sherpa.dataplot Data plots (LPLOT DATA and LPLOT BACK)
sherpa.fitplot Fit plots (LPLOT FIT and LPLOT BFIT)
sherpa.multiplot All plots

The ahelp files for the individual state objects describe their fields and the plotting options that they control. For more information on configuring plots via the state objects, see the thread "Step-by-Step guide to changing the look of Sherpa plots". For information on how to use the setplot.sl script to simplify plot configuration, see the thread "Changing the look of Sherpa plots using setplot.sl".

Choosing Linear or Logarithmic Scales

One commonly-used plot configuration option is to change from linear to logarithmic axes (or vice versa). The state objects sherpa.plot, sherpa.dataplot, sherpa.fitplot, and sherpa.resplot contain the fields x_log and y_log, which control the axis scales. For example, to produce data plots with a linear x axis and logarithmic y axis, you would set these fields as follows:

sherpa> sherpa.dataplot.x_log = 0
sherpa> sherpa.dataplot.y_log = 1

However, Sherpa also provides convenience functions that allow you to change the axis scales for all plots at once. The functions set_xlog, set_ylog, and set_log set logarithmic scales for the x axis, y axis, and both axes, respectively, for all plot types. Similarly, set_xlin, set_ylin, and set_lin set the scales for the corresponding axes to linear. Hence, the changes made above for sherpa.dataplot could be made for all plots at once as follows:

sherpa> set_xlin
sherpa> set_ylog

Controlling Display of Error Bars

Sherpa provides similar functions for controlling the drawing of error bars. sherpa.plot, sherpa.dataplot, sherpa.fitplot, and sherpa.resplot contain the fields x_errorbars and y_errorbars, which specify whether error bars should be drawn. To turn error bars on for all plot types, use the functions set_xerron, set_yerron, and set_erron. To turn error bars off for all plot types, use set_xerroff, set_yerroff, and set_erroff.

Advanced Customization with Function Hooks

All of the plotting state objects contain the fields prefunc and postfunc. These allow the user to define a S-Lang function that is always executed before or after a plot is made, respectively, providing virtually unlimited control over the appearance of plots. For more information on using these fields, see the sherpa-plot-hooks ahelp file and the thread "Advanced customization of Sherpa plots".

Modifying Existing Plots

Any changes made to the plotting state objects apply only to plots created after the changes are made; they do not apply to existing plots. Hence, running set_xlog after "LPLOT DATA" will not make the scale of the plot's x axis logarithmic.

To change the appearance of an existing plot (without reissuing the LPLOT command), you must use ChIPS commands. For example, to make the x axis of an existing plot logarithmic, use the command "LOG X" followed by REDRAW.

Configuring Confidence-Level Calculations

Seven Sherpa state objects control the configuration of confidence-level calculations. The following table lists these state objects and the corresponding Sherpa command that they configure:

State object Corresponding command
sherpa.regproj REGION-PROJECTION
sherpa.proj PROJECTION
sherpa.cov COVARIANCE
sherpa.unc UNCERTAINTY

The ahelp files for the individual state objects describe them in detail. For an introduction to using these state objects, see the thread "Step-by-Step Guide to Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels". For information on how to use the paramest.sl script to simplify confidence-level calculations, see the thread "Estimating Errors and Confidence Levels".

Displaying the Current Settings

Sherpa provides a number of functions for displaying the current and default settings of the confidence-level state objects. For example, to show the current and default settings for sherpa.proj, use the list_proj function:

sherpa> list_proj
Parameter       Current         Default                        Description
fast                  1               1    Switch to LM/simplex: 0(n)/1(y)
sigma                 1               1                    Number of sigma

Restoring the Default Settings

Sherpa also provides functions for restoring the default settings of the confidence-level state objects. For example, to restore the default settings of sherpa.proj, use the restore_proj function:

sherpa> restore_proj

Other Configuration Options

Along with plots and confidence calculations, the Sherpa state object controls several other aspects of Sherpa's behavior.

Floating-Point Output

The sherpa.output state object controls the appearance of floating-point numbers that are printed to the screen (i.e. standard output). For example, you can tell Sherpa to display all floating-point numbers in scientific notation by setting the scientific field to 1:

sherpa> sherpa.output.scientific = 1

Controlling Contour Levels

The CPLOT command generates contour plots of 2-D data, models, etc. By default, Sherpa automatically calculates values for the contour levels. However, the user can specify contour levels by setting sherpa.con_levs to an array of values:

sherpa> # Default is sherpa.con_levs = NULL (sherpa calculates levels)
sherpa> print(sherpa.con_levs)
sherpa> # Set levels to 0.5, 1.5, 3
sherpa> sherpa.con_levs = [ 0.5, 1.5, 3 ]

Note that sherpa.con_levs affects only CPLOT. It has no influence on the plots generated by REGION-PROJECTION or REGION-UNCERTAINTY.

Model Overriding

The state object field sherpa.modeloverride affects how Sherpa handles the creation of models. If it is set to 1, then a model can be redefined without first being erased with the ERASE command:

sherpa> print(sherpa.modeloverride)
sherpa> powlaw1d[m]
sherpa> gauss[m]
Error: model component name m is already in use.
       If the last command was to use m in a model stack,
       that stack has been deleted.
sherpa> sherpa.modeloverride = 1
sherpa> gauss[m]                
sherpa> show m  
gauss1d[m]  (integrate: on)

Multiple Backgrounds Per Dataset

By default, Sherpa allows only one background data file per dataset. However, if sherpa.multiback is set to 1, multiple background files are permitted:

sherpa> sherpa.multiback = 1

See the BACK command for more information on using multiple background files.

Deleting ds9 Frames

The IMAGE command sends 2-D images to ds9 for display. By default, Sherpa deletes all existing ds9 frames before sending data to a newly-created frame. However, if sherpa.deleteframes is set to 0, then existing frames will not be deleted (the data will still go to a new frame):

sherpa> # Default is to delete existing frames (sherpa.deleteframes = 1)
sherpa> print(sherpa.deleteframes)
sherpa> # Disable frame deletion
sherpa> sherpa.deleteframes = 0

File Overwriting

By default, the WRITE command will not overwrite existing files. The user can change this behavior by setting sherpa.clobber to 1:

sherpa> sherpa.clobber = 1

Saving and Restoring State Object Settings

The save_state function can be used to save the current state-object settings so that they can be used in another Sherpa session.

If called with no arguments, save_state will write out the contents of all fields of all Sherpa state objects to the file $HOME/.sherpa-state-rc:

sherpa> save_state
sherpa> $ more $HOME/.sherpa-state-rc
% Sherpa state for ciaouser, Wed Jul 30 17:45:13 2006

sherpa.plot.x_errorbars = 0;
sherpa.plot.y_errorbars = 0;
sherpa.plot.errs_style = "bar";
sherpa.plot.errs_type = "both";

This file will be over-written without warning, so you should not make changes to it manually. When Sherpa starts, it will automatically load in the settings from this file, so any customizations your have made to the state object will be restored.

If called with a filename as its argument, save_state will write out the settings to the specified file (instead of $HOME/.sherpa-state-rc):

sherpa> save_state("my_settings.shp")
sherpa> $ more my_settings.shp
% Sherpa state for ciaouser, Wed Jul 30 17:45:13 2006

sherpa.plot.x_errorbars = 0;
sherpa.plot.y_errorbars = 0;

This file can then be read into a Sherpa session via the USE command. This can be useful, for example, if you want to set up different plot styles for use in different situations.

Creating Aliases for State Objects

The names of the Sherpa state objects and their fields are verbose. This can be a benefit, as longer names are more descriptive and give one a better sense of what particular objects and fields control. However, longer names also require more typing, which can be a nuisance when making frequent changes. To alleviate this problem, one may define aliases for state objects. For example, you can make dp an alias for sherpa.dataplot as follows:

sherpa> dp = sherpa.dataplot

This command creates a S-Lang variable named dp that contains a reference to the sherpa.dataplot state object, allowing one to use dp as an alias for the full name:

sherpa> print(sherpa.dataplot.x_log)
sherpa> dp.x_log = 1
sherpa> print(sherpa.dataplot.x_log)

If you find aliases helpful, you can add lines to create them to your Sherpa resource file. This will make them available during every Sherpa session.

Note that you can create aliases for state objects but not for atomic fields within state objects. For example, you can create an alias for sherpa or sherpa.multiplot but not for sherpa.modeloverride.


14 Jan 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.2: no changes
21 Dec 2005 reviewed for CIAO 3.3: no changes
01 Dec 2006 reviewed for CIAO 3.4: no changes

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Last modified: 1 Dec 2006

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