Triggering pages CXC staff: Please read and time your triggering appropriately.
The local time in Cambridge,MA is Sat Mar 22 2025 05:25 AM
Submission of TOO triggers and DDT requests with response windows
<= 5 days will trigger pagers/phones for selected CXC
personnel - some 24 hrs per day 7 days per week and some between 8-22H
(EDT/EST) 7 days per week. Please be sure that your program requires
rapid turn-around before submitting requests with response windows
starting at 5 days or less, and to the extent possible please submit
such requests during normal EDT/EST weekday working hours.
TOOs/DDT requests with Medium turn-around times having response
windows from 5 to 30 days trigger pagers/phones on weekend days as well
as on work days from 8-22H EDT/EST. To the extent possible please
submit such triggers/requests during normal EDT/EST weekday working hours.
Peer-reviewed TOOs are TOO proposals that were submitted and accepted
as a result of the Chandra Call for Proposals (CfP). Since their
scientific objectives have already been approved, we require only
confirmation of a few details and a brief description of how the trigger
criteria has been met. Please use the form below to identify the TOO
you wish to trigger.
Unanticipated TOOs are charged to Director's Discretionary Time.
These will not have not been previously accepted through the Chandra Call
for Proposals. For the unanticipated TOOs, a compelling scientific case
must be made for inserting them into the mission timeline.
To submit an RfO (Request for Observation) of this type, please
see the instructions for Director's Discretionary Time.