Chandra X-Ray Observatory

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Chandra Electronic Announcement #66

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1. X-ray Visionary Projects (XVPs): Notice of Intent Reminder

2. Chandra Data Archive Footprint Service

3. The CXC is accepting suggestions for Chandra reviewers

Item 1: X-ray Visionary Projects (XVPs): Notice of Intent Reminder

All PIs planning to submit an XVP proposal are asked to submit a
Notice of Intent to the CXC Helpdesk ( by
21 Jan 2011. The Notice of Intent should include: PI name, Title,
Estimated exposure time, preliminary list of co-Is, brief
abstract. For more information please refer to the Cycle 13 Call for
Proposal Section 4.3.

Item 2: Chandra Data Archive Footprint Service

There is a new interface to the Chandra Data Archive (CDA): the
Chandra Data Archive Footprint Service (CDAFS), modeled after the
footprint service of the Hubble Legacy Archive (HLA). 

The CDAFS provides a visual web interface to all public Chandra
observations and to the observational data used for the current
version of the Chandra Source Catalog (CSC). 

The web page contains tabs for three main views of the CDA:
 - Footprints
 - Image Inventory
 - Preview Images/Download Data

On the (main) Footprint tab the instrumental sky coverage (color-coded
by instrument) is superimposed on an image from the Digital Sky
Survey. This graphical representation is complemented by a
configurable table with metadata on the observations that are
represented in the footprint view. The other tabs provide access to
Chandra images (through the SIAP interface) and a seamless interface
to WebChaSeR for downloading data. User selections are maintained
between the tabs. The contents of the page are also available in
VOTable format, using an IVOA-compliant footprint description. 

The CDAFS is available from:

The tool is especially useful for visual browsing of the CDA in
particular areas on the sky and for checking the CSC's sky
coverage. We emphasize that only *public* observations are presented
by the service. The CSC footprints are, of course, a subset of the
full public CDA footprints. 

Aaron Watry and Arnold Rots
3. The CXC is accepting suggestions for Chandra reviewers

The CXC is accepting suggestions for Chandra reviewers in order to
enhance and ensure broad community participation in our Peer Reviews. 

Reviewers should have at least 2 years postdoctoral experience and
expertise in observations, analysis and/or theory related to X-ray

If you wish to nominate a qualified potential Chandra reviewer (and
this may include yourself) please email 

Specify the nominee's name, email, and areas of expertise from the
following list. 

      Solar System and Misc
      Stars and WD
      WD Binaries and CV
      BH and NS Binaries
      SN, SNR, and Isolated NS
      Normal Galaxies: Diffuse Emission
      Normal Galaxies: X-ray Populations
      Active Galaxies and Quasars
      Clusters of Galaxies
      Extragalactic Diffuse Emission and Surveys
      Galactic Diffuse Emission and Surveys


Last modified: 01/07/11

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.