Chandra Electronic Announcement #67 |
CHANDRA ELECTRONIC ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 67 CXC Web site: If you would like to unsubscribe from this alias, simply reply to this message to let us know. Please use this website to update your address or email: Contents: 1. AAS Boston Meeting-in-a-Meeting: "12-Years of Science with Chandra" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 1. AAS Boston Meeting-in-a-Meeting: "12-Years of Science with Chandra" ========================================== Dear Chandra Colleague, This email is to inform you about a Chandra "Meeting in a Meeting" (MiM) which will take place in Boston in May of 2011 as part of the American Astronomical Society's 218th Meeting ( The Chandra MiM: "12-Years of Science with Chandra" will comprise poster sessions to which we encourage all of you to contribute and six 90min sessions of invited talks which we urge all of you to attend. ABSTRACT DEADLINE is Mar 1 - less than a week! See the meeting website at where there is a poster suitable for display. KEY DATES: Abstract Submission Deadline 9:00 pm EST, Tuesday, 1 March 2011 Late Abstract Submission Deadline 9:00 pm EDT, Friday, 22 April 2011 Early Registration 18 January - 10 February 2011 Regular Registration 11 February - 14 April 2011 Late Registration 15 April - 12 May 2011 Hotel Reservation Deadline 22 April 2011 Child Care Grants 21 April 2011 To submit a poster please go to and click on "Abstract Information". When you run into a question along the lines of "are you submitting to a preplanned session" the answer is "yes" and you need to scroll through the list and select this MiM. The oral sessions are: ** SESSION 1 (05/23/2011, 10am-11:30am) Title: What Chandra tells us about Solar System Objects 15-minute talk 1: Martin. C. Weisskopf "The Chandra X-Ray Observatory: Current Status and Future Prospects" 30-minute talk 1: Graziella Branduardi-Raymont "High Resolution Observations of Solar System Objects" 30-minute talk 2: Brad Wargelin "Covering Solar-Wind Charge Exchange from Every Angle with Chandra" 15-minute talk 2: Konrad Dennerl "X-rays from Planetary Exospheres" ** SESSION 2 (05/23/2011, 2pm-3:30pm) Title: What Chandra tells us about Stars 30-minute talk 1: Manuel Guedel "The X-ray Life of Stars" 15-minute talk 1: Joel Kastner "Shaping Outflows from Evolved Stars: Secrets Revealed by Chandra" 15-minute talk 2: Jeremy Drake "Swanning Around with Chandra: Star and Planet Formation in Cygnus OB2" 30-minute talk 2: Mike Corcoran "X-ray Line Diagnostics of Shocked Outflows in Eta Carinae and Other Massive Stars" ** SESSION 3: (05/24/2011, 10am-11:30am) Title: What Chandra tells about SNR and Compact Objects 30-minute talk 1: Una Hwang "A Million Second Chandra View of Cassiopeia A" 30-minute talk 2: Edward Cackett "Search for relativistic Fe lines in Chandra spectra of NS and BH LMXBs" 15-minute talk 1: Patrick Slane "Using Chandra to constrain particle spectra in pulsar wind nebulae." 15-minute talk 2: Joseph Neilsen "GRS 1915+105: X-ray spectroscopic study of outflows" ** SESSION 4 (05/24/2011, 2pm-3:30pm) Title: What Chandra tells us about Galaxies 30-minute talk 1: Tom Maccarone "Compact Object Formation in Globular Clusters, the Milky Way, and External Galaxies" 15-minute talk 1: Bret Lehmer "X-ray emission from high-redshift star forming galaxies, results from the Chandra Deep Field South 4 Ms survey" 15-minute talk 2: K.D. Kuntz "New ultra-deep Chandra observations of M82: properties of the very hot ISM" 30-minute talk 2: Andrea Prestwich "Formation of compact objects in low metallicity dwarf galaxies" ** SESSION 5 (05/25/2011, 10am-11:30am) Title: What Chandra tells us about AGN and SMBHs 30-minute talk 1: Francesca Civano "It takes 2 to Tango - Merging AGN caught in the Act" 30-minute talk 2: Elena Gallo "AMUSE-Virgo: Down-sizing in Black Hole Accretion" 15 minute talk 1: Shuang-Nan Zhang "The Chandra view of the formation of dusty torus in AGN" 15 minute talk 2: Meg Urry "Results from the extended Chandra Deep Field South" ** SESSION 6 (05/25/2011, 2pm-3:30pm) Title: What Chandra tells us about Clusters and Groups of Galaxies 30-minute talk 1: William Forman "Cooling Cores, AGN, and the Mechanisms of Feedback" 15-minute talk 1: Ming Sun "The Baryon Content of Galaxy Groups". 15-minute talk 2: Karl Andersson "X-ray Observations and Properties of Clusters Observed by the South Pole Telescope" 30-minute talk 2: Andrey Kravtsov "Cosmological Consequences of Chandra Observations of Evolving Clusters" The SOC members are: Anil Bhardwaj (VSSC), Massimiliano Bonamente (University of Alabama in Huntsville), Laura Brenneman (SAO), Ken Ebisawa (JAXA/ISAS), Andrew Fabian (IOA), Michael Garcia (SAO), Ann Hornschemeier (NASA/GSFC), Chryssa Kouveliotou (NASA/MSFC), Andrew Ptak (NASA/GSFC) Douglas Swartz (USRA/MSFC), Leisa Townsley (PSU), Jan Vrtilek (SAO), and Martin C. Weisskopf (NASA/MSFC). |
Last modified: 03/14/11