Chandra Electronic Announcement #69 |
CHANDRA ELECTRONIC ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 69 CXC Web site: If you would like to unsubscribe from this alias, simply reply to this message to let us know. Please use this website to update your address or email: Contents: 1. Upcoming July Chandra Science Workshop: Structure in Clusters and Groups of Galaxies in the Chandra Era 2. CIAO bug: Incorrect GTIs when time-filtering grating data with dmcopy opt=all ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 1: Upcoming July Chandra Science Workshop: STRUCTURE IN CLUSTERS AND GROUPS OF GALAXIES IN THE CHANDRA ERA ====================================================================== Abstract submission is open for the Chandra-sponsored Science Workshop entitled STRUCTURE IN CLUSTERS AND GROUPS OF GALAXIES IN THE CHANDRA ERA July 12-14, 2011 at the DoubleTree Guest Suites in Boston, MA. Please check the website at for full information, including invited speakers, accommodation information, and a workshop poster suitable for advertising the meeting at your institution! +++++++++++ DEADLINES +++++++++++++ Wednesday, April 27, 2011 Final deadline for contributed talk abstract submission Wednesday, June 1, 2011 Final deadline for general registration and poster abstract submission MEETING ABSTRACT: Structure in Clusters and Groups of Galaxies in the Chandra Era The 2011 Chandra Science Workshop focuses on structure within the hot intracluster media (ICM) of resolved clusters and groups of galaxies. This conference will celebrate the interface of observable phenomena such as shocks, cold fronts, abundance variations, bubbles, and jets with theory and interpretations related to cluster mergers, sloshing, and AGN feedback, with an emphasis on joining Chandra results with those from other missions and wavelengths. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 2: CIAO bug: Incorrect GTIs when time-filtering grating data with dmcopy opt=all ====================================================================== The CIAO team has identified a bug which affects all ACIS and HRC grating data analysis. This bug is new in CIAO 4.3. When a time filter is applied to a level=1.5 (evt1a.fits) or level=2 (evt2.fits) grating file *and* the dmcopy opt=all option is used, the GTI block in the output file is not updated to reflect the correct time range. Time-related header keyword values - such as ontime, livetime, and exposure - will be incorrect because they are calculated from the time ranges in the GTI block. This time-filtering is one of the standard reprocessing steps for grating data, so anyone that has reprocessed a grating dataset in CIAO 4.3 is affected. Workaround: Run dmcopy without "opt=all" when apply any time filters. Then run dmappend to copy the grating REGION block onto the filtered output file. In this example, the time filter is an flt1.fits file from the Archive. The filter might also be supplied as a GTI file created with the dmgti tool, an ASCII table, or a range specified on the command line. Standard syntax: unix% dmcopy "evt1a.fits[EVENTS][@flt1.fits]" evt2.fits opt=all Workaround syntax: unix% dmcopy "evt1a.fits[EVENTS][@flt1.fits]" evt2.fits unix% dmappend "evt1a.fits[region][subspace -time]" evt2.fits The subspace filter is necessary so that the GTIs aren't reapplied to the output file, as explained in the dmappend caveat: Note that grating data reprocessed with the chandra_repro script is also affected by this bug. We are working on a patch to the script which will incorporate this workaround. If you have any questions on the bug or this workaround, contact the CXC HelpDesk for assistance: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- |
Last modified: 03/25/11