Chandra Electronic Announcement #70 |
CHANDRA ELECTRONIC ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 70 CXC Web site: If you would like to unsubscribe from this alias, simply reply to this message to let us know. Please use this website to update your address or email: Contents: 1. Revised LETG grating efficiencies (GREFFs) for orders 2-10 2. 2011 X-Ray Astronomy School, 1-5 August 3. CIAO Workshop, 6 August 4. Abstract deadline April 27 for July Chandra Science Workshop 5. Announcement of 2011 Meeting of the HEAD of the AAS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 1: Revised LETG grating efficiencies (GREFFs) for orders 2-10 ====================================================================== New LETG higher-order efficiencies for m=2-10 are being released in CALDB 4.4.3. The largest changes occur near 12 Ang, where the new efficiencies are typically 15-20% lower than before. 1st order efficiencies are unchanged. More information may be found at ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 2: 2011 X-Ray Astronomy School, 1-5 August ====================================================================== The 2011 X-ray Astronomy School, organized jointly by HEASARC at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and the Chandra X-ray Center, is designed to introduce graduate students and recent postdocs to the intricacies of X-ray astronomy. The lectures emphasize the foundations of X-ray astronomy rather than any particular software tools. However, the school does include a hands-on component in which participants will analyze an X-ray dataset of their choice using the standard software. To register online: Please email with any questions. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 3: CIAO Workshop, 6 August ====================================================================== The 8th Chandra/CIAO Workshop will be held 06 August 2011, immediately following the X-ray Astronomy School, at the Chandra X-ray Center in Cambridge, MA (USA). This free, one-day workshop will be an intensive introduction to data analysis in CIAO 4.3. There is no registration fee, and you do not have to register for the X-ray Astronomy School to attend the CIAO workshop. More information is available from the CIAO website: Questions on the CIAO workshop should be sent to the CXC Helpdesk: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 4: Abstract deadline April 27 for July Chandra Science Workshop STRUCTURE IN CLUSTERS AND GROUPS OF GALAXIES IN THE CHANDRA ERA ====================================================================== The abstract submission deadline is Wednesday, April 27, 2011 for contributed talks at the Chandra-sponsored Science Workshop entitled STRUCTURE IN CLUSTERS AND GROUPS OF GALAXIES IN THE CHANDRA ERA July 12-14, 2011 at the DoubleTree Guest Suites in Boston, MA. Wednesday, June 1, 2011 is the final deadline for general registration and poster abstract submission. Please check the website at for full information, including invited speakers, accommodation information, and a workshop poster suitable for advertising the meeting at your institution! MEETING ABSTRACT: Structure in Clusters and Groups of Galaxies in the Chandra Era The 2011 Chandra Science Workshop focuses on structure within the hot intracluster media (ICM) of resolved clusters and groups of galaxies. This conference will celebrate the interface of observable phenomena such as shocks, cold fronts, abundance variations, bubbles, and jets with theory and interpretations related to cluster mergers, sloshing, and AGN feedback, with an emphasis on joining Chandra results with those from other missions and wavelengths. INVITED SPEAKERS: David Buote Eugene Churazov Klaus Dolag Megan Donahue Alastair Edge Anthony Gonzalez Maxim Markevitch Craig Sarazin Debora Sijacki ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Item 5: First Announcement of 2011 Meeting of the High Energy Astrophysics Division (HEAD) of the American Astronomical Society ====================================================================== September 7-10 (Wed.-Sat), 2011 Newport Marriott Hotel Newport, Rhode Island Mark your calendars, bookmark the conference website and get on the conference mailing list: Abstracts are due Friday, May 13, 2011 We are delighted to announce the 2011 edition of the High Energy Astrophysics Divisional meeting and we anticipate another excellent conference with several new and exciting features. Learn about the new results from ongoing missions and programs, as well as the latest results from the Large Hadron Collider. Special sessions will inform, discuss, and debate a range of issues from whether dark matter has been detected to the future of high energy astrophysics. Newport is a very special place with the best-preserved Colonial district in the United States, along with the greatest mansions of the Gilded Age, one of which will host our conference dinner. The weather should be ideal for taking advantage of the wonderful beaches and outdoor activities. Special Sessions Include Upcoming X-Ray Missions: NuSTAR, eROSITA, Astro-H, and GEMS Astrophysics with the Cherenkov Telescope Array High-Energy Processes in Nearby Galactic Nuclei X-Ray Polarimetry as a Probe of Extreme Physics Transient Astronomy in the Advanced LIGO Era: Electromagnetic Counterparts to Gravitational-Wave Signals Time Series in High Energy Astrophysics: Techniques Applicable to Multi- Dimensional Analysis In addition to the usual topics, we hope to assemble sessions around the themes: Are There Viable Models for SN Ia? Particle Physics and Astrophysics Have We Detected Dark Matter? And the following topics might help to inform you about the near-future: The Future of High Energy Astrophysics The Hiring Process: Things Young Scientists Should Know Conference Website (meeting logistics, registration, and abstract submission): We strongly encourage HEAD members, and the wider community, to join us for this special meeting in September. Head Executive Committee: Chryssa Kouveliotou (chair) Joel Bregman (vice chair) Mitch Begelman (past chair) Ann Hornschemeier (secretary-treasurer) Jack Hughes Frits Paerels Belinda Wilkes Rosanne DiStefano Stephen Reynolds Jan Vrtilek Local Organizing Committee Chair: Meg Urry, Yale University Please contact Trish Dobson ( for any help with your logistical needs and/or any questions regarding this meeting. Note: This message has been sent to various email exploders and we apologize for any duplication. If you are interested in attending this meeting, please visit the conference website and sign up to be put on the email list. All future announcements/updates will only go to this new list, which will not be shared or used for any other purpose. |
Last modified: 05/02/11