Chandra X-Ray Observatory

CDA - News Item 007

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    Reprocessing IV has been completed in December 2014.
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  • Electrical Outage 11/05/21 - 11/06/21
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  • Past Notices
News Item 007

Chandra Deep Field South (Superseded)

The data from the Chandra Deep Field South are public as of 13 March 2001. Click for PostScript image.

For convenient download, we have pre-packaged the data products in the following three tar files and a Verification & Validation directory.

Note: The 11 ObsIds have been merged into single event and image files, after careful alignment and reprojection to a common coordinate system. Hence, these products differ from what one would get by downloading the individual ObsIds' products.

Note that these files are free from any alignment errors and that the absolute coordinates are believed to be correct.

[In order not to exceed a 2GB file size, the Level 1 event files are packaged into three files: two for the "Faint" observations and one for the "Very Faint" observations.]

File Size (MB) Contents
cdfs_p_l2.tar 127 Primary products: Level 2
cdfs_p_l1.tar 1796 Primary products: Level 1
cdfs_s.tar 270 Secondary products
V&V directory 0.1 V&V reports

The CDFS comprises the following observations (click on the ObsId to go to the retrieval interface, on the SeqNum to see the image):

ObsId SeqNum Source Exposure (ks)
581 900002 AXAF Southern Deep Field 44.294
441 900003 AXAF Southern Deep Field 56.685
582 900003 AXAF Southern Deep Field 132.163
1431 970381 AXAF Southern Deep Field 124.586
2405 900031 AXAF SOUTHERN DEEP F 60.425
1672 900031 AXAF SOUTHERN DEEP F 96.398
2313 900066 CDFS 132.116
2239 900066 CDFS 132.469
2409 900066 CDFS 69.896
2406 900066 CDFS 30.079
2312 900066 CDFS 125.324

This page maintained by the Chandra Data Archive (

Last modified: 2019-08-26

Smithsonian Institute Smithsonian Institute

The Chandra X-Ray Center (CXC) is operated for NASA by the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. 60 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 USA.   Email: Smithsonian Institution, Copyright © 1998-2025. All rights reserved.