Chandra Deep Field South
Data | Announcements | Public Info | Results
The Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) represents the longest exposure on any field obtained with the Chandra X-ray Observatory to date. Chandra pointed at the same area of the sky for approximately 44 days. The final image is the result of the co-addition of 52 individual Chandra ACIS-I exposures.
Principal Investigator Riccardo Giacconi originally led the CDF-S project in 1999, followed by Niel Brandt in 2007. In 2010, the CXC director Harvey Tananbaum awarded an additional 2 Msec Director's Discretionary Time to the project.
This series of observations has become the center of one of the most comprehensive multi-wavelength campaigns ever carried out with ground and space-based observatories.
Year(s) | #Obs | Time |
2010 | 31 | 2.0Ms |
2007 | 12 | 967ks |
2000 | 9 | 820ks |
Merged | 52 | 3.8Ms |
Download CDF-S Data from the Archive
CDF-S observations are centered on:
RA(ICRS) | = | 03 | 32 | 28.2 |
Dec(ICRS) | = | -27 | 48 | 36.0 |
The following types of products are available:
- Merged tar file containing the merged event file, exposure map, and image
- Tar file by individual observation (ObsID) containing the event list and aspect solution for each of the individual ObsIds
- Full resolution linear three-color image of merged datasets
- Full resolution enhanced three-color image of merged datasets
- Smoothed enhanced three-color image of merged datasets
Due to a problem with bad pixel processing in one of the 2010 CDF-S observations (ObsId 12218), a small percentage of its events were improperly omitted in the CDF-S merged dataset released on 20 August 2010, with Chandra Announcement 61. This involved almost 6000 events (out of 200,000) with Time > 392706012, CCD_ID = 0, and CHIPY > 512. A corrected event file for ObsId 12218 was released on 1 September 2010, identified by "N002". The 2010 and 2000-2007-2010 merged products were also regenerated, identified as "N002", and released on the same date.
We caution that the problem may occur for this ObsId (12218) if a user re-runs acis_build_badpix or acis_run_hotpix (which calls acis_build_badpix), for example following the CIAO bad pixel science thread.

Deepest X-Rays Ever Reveal Universe Teeming With Black Holes
Astronomy Picture of the Day (2001)
- CDF-S Page at ESO
- CDF-S Wikipedia Entry
- The Extended CDF-S page at Penn State University
- The Extended CDF-S page at Yale University
- The 2 Ms CDF-S page at Penn State University
Published Papers on CDF-S
Including CDF-S Dataset Identifier(s)
If you used CDF-S data in a paper you are writing, and if you are writing that paper using AASTeX, we request that you include the appropriate CDF-S Dataset Identifier in your manuscript.
The identifiers are: